Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

THE SUNDAY STAR, WMhinfton, D. C. BWWMkY. OCTOBER 18. IBM B-22 With Regard to a Card of Thanks Very often cord of ta The Slot omH which coo bo tohrod io other Not only It It oreewu ot gratitude to who toot floral tributes but oho courteously acknowledges the services and kindnesses ot the many to whom perzonol note at thanks cannot wall bo moiled or whoso nemos sod addresses are not knows Insertion at i card at thanks may bo arranged by telephone to The Star.

ST 3 5000. The Evening and Sunday Star Unveiling MATHIW The unveiling of monument to the mem- IKtVw" held on eundny. October IS. ot 5 et the Oeoroe Wsshlneton Cemetery. 96(H) Rlpss Hyettivllle Md sod friends ere Invited to attend.

IIANNT AND STUNET. There wUI be on unvelllns ot memorial to the memory of SYDNEY HURWITZ on Sunday. October IP. 1968. at 0.m..

at the Kins David Memorial Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. Relatives and friends Invited. INOPY.

JOSEPH. AO unvelllns to the memory of the late JOSEPH INOFF will be held on Sunday. October 12, at 2 at the Kins David Memorial Garden. Falls Church. Va Relatives and WOT HELEN INOFF, AND 1 prmwwu ssss SAW 111 be held on Sunday.

October 12, IMS. at 12 noon, at the Ohev Sholom cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. THE KRUPSAW FAMILY LAIFSKY. BENJAMIN.

An unvelllns to the memory of the late BENJAMIN LAIPSKY will be bold on Sunday. October IP. 1948. at II as, at the Pholom Cemetery, Md and sts. n.e., off Central ave.


There will be an unveillno of a monument to the memory of our beloved husband and father, the late THOMAS LEVINE, on Sunday. October 18. 1948. at 11 at Oeorse Washineton Cemetery. Mount Lebanon section.

Friends and relatives are Invited to attend. KATIE LEVINE. JUUUB LEVINE AND MINERVA KRABNOR. MIBIN, ANNIE. An unvellini of a memorial to the memory of the late ANNIE MIRIN will be bold on Bunday.

October 12. 1858, at 2 p.m., at Ooordo Cemetery. Friendship Lodge. Relatives and friends Invited. (Please note change of time.) FILZER, YETTA B.

There will be an unveiling of a monument to the memory of tbe late YETTA B. PILZER at 12 noon Sunday, October 127 1958. at the Adas Israel Cemetery 1400 Alabama ave. s.e. Relatives and friends Invited.

SCHWARTZ. SUSAN LEE. There will be an unveiling of a monument to the memory of BUSAN LEE SCHWARTZ at n.m Sunday October 12. 1858. at the District of Columbia Lodge Cemetery.

Alabama ave. s.e, Friends and relatives invited. SKLAR. MINNIE. Unveiling services in the memorv of the late MINNIB SKLAR will be held on Sunday.

October 18. 1868. at 12:30 p.m.. at the Adas Israel Congregation Cemetery. Relatives and IrTsnds lntitarb titarb of (Etfanks ADAMS.

HARRY R. We wish to thank all who were a source of aid and comfort during the lone months of Illness of our late husband and brother, HARRY ADAMS, and those whose sympathy was expressed In so many different ways through the trying hours of bereavement. MRS. MAMIE TWINE ADAMS. MRS ESTELL RODRIGUEZ.

BpCCARELLA. BARRY DENNIB. The of BARRY DENNIS BOCCABELLA wish to thank the employes of Food Fair. and the numerous friends, neighbors and relatives for their wonderful expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. the Family.

CLARKE. ALFRED DELANEY. The family of the late ALFRED DELANEY CLARKE wishes to express their sincere thanks to their many friends for their cards, phone calls, visits, flowers, telegrams and use of their cars during the loos of their loved one. We also wish to thank the Rev. J.

D. Foy. the Blue Ribbon Club of the Asbury Methodist Church. Queen Esther Chapter, No. o.

E. 8.: the offleers, the Irene Broadntck Sunshine Club, the Rovsl W. "Bailey Chorus of Queen Esther Chapter. No. 1.

O. E. nurses unit. Datcher Court. Heroines of Jericho: Belle Lewis Quild.

No. '6. H. T. the nurses unit and Oriental Olrls.

Daughters of Isis. Oolden Circle. Pearl Oetts Charity Club, Court of Calanthe. Csmeiia Household of Ruth, nelgh- Srs of Marion st. n.w..

Bides Nelghrhood House, Ladies' Ciilt Rock soclatton. Home Benefits Assoclstion. Super fin and the Happy Hour Club for their many kindnesses MAMIE F. CLARKE. GRANT.

MARY F. The fsmily ol the late MARY F. GRANT wish to exfress deepest thanks and appreciaion to our pastor, the Rev. Rollins: members and 'riends for their kindness extended during the passing of our loved one. J.

ADAM GRANT AND FAMILY. CARL W. The tgmlly of the late CARL W. OROSSKURTH wishes to exnress deepest thanks and sincere sppreclstlon for kindness extended during the pissing of their lovsd one. THE FAMILY.

MONTGOMERY. ELLEN (NELLIE). The sister o( ELLEN NELLIE I MONTGOMERY wishes to express her mspy tbsnks snd sincere appreciation to the many friends ot the fsmily. good neighbors snd to the Rev. B.

J. Ridgley lor their kind expressions of sympathy during her recent bereavement. HER SISTER. JULIA STANCE. Sraihfl AHMANSON, ABRAHAM.

On Saturday. October 11. 1958. ABRAHAM AHMANSON of 1240 st. n.e..

beloved husband of Bessie Ahmgnson ind. devoted father of Mrs. Shirley rsvlts snd David Ahmanson. Hs Is survived also by five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services st the Bernard Dansansky A Sons Funeral Home, 3501 14th st.

on Sunday. October 12. at n.m Interment Earns Israel Cemetery, i omit flowers I BATTAILLE. LEO YATES. On Thursday.

October 9. 1958. Circlo Hospital, LSO YATES BATTAILLE. wife of the late Walter R. Battallle.

sister of Mrs. R. N. Smith and Mrs. William McSweeney.

both of Washington, D. Mrs. H. D. McClegry of Culpeper.

Mrs. Longerbrsm. Jgmes I Yates and Owen L. Yates, all of Alexandria. Va.

Funeral service! on Mondsv. October 13. at 11 am. at the Grace Episcopal Church, .3601 Russell Alexandria. Interment Raptdan.

Remains mating st the Whsstley Funeral Home 809 King st. Alexandria. until time of services. BEALL HOWARD LEE. On Saturday.

October 11. 1958. at hit residence. St Barnabas rd. s.e HOWARD T.ww BEALL, beloved husband of Medora Beall, father Mrs.

Cm Helghsm and Mrs. Cheater Pyles Funeral his late residence on Tuesday. October 14. at 1 30 pm. Service! at St.

Barnabas Episcopal Church. Oxon Hill, 2 pm. Interment church cemetery In lieu of flowers, friends pay make donations te the Cancer fUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium J. William Sons Co. Rinaldi Funeral Home rUNKRAL DIRICTORB Burial Allowance $250 816 it.

MB CEMETERY LOTS LOTS it Fort Lincoln Con 6e shown on front by owner to I BTONEMAN. 741 bft Washlntton If C. 1 1 CRYPT, Port Lincoln Mausoleum Ist floor: companion type reduced. tssh. Kl.

8-78C8 after 6:30 o.m I'GRAVESITES BALR. National Memorial Park. Va CathoUc saclion. LU. NATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK- 4 araeesltes.

currently selhna WtflV all aacrtflce for food Investment Sa. fttMO SITES, Masonic section. Pori Unrein; reasonable for quick 1 sites owner Jqavina town. Call HA 2-P136 Bun. Ull 1 sa.

Man. all Sralha BULL THOMAS Suddenly, Saturday October 11, 1858. at his EL! I JSS John Flerpont and 81 star Mary (member of the Holy Cross Bisters. New York). Mr.

800 11 rosta ot the Warner E. Pumehrer Fu. Homr 8434 Georgia Silver Bonne. Md (parking facllltlesi Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul on Tuesday, October 14. at 10 a st St Catharine Catholic Church.

Viera Mill snd Clarldee rde, Wheaton. Md Interment Fort Lincoln Cogaotory. BENNETT. MART ADELE. On Thurfdgy.

October 1988. at her reel-! in bar 88th rear, beloved danSiter es tbs lata Osorge Harvey Bennett sr ttrWi li tunrlYcd by ttstsr. Miss Lillian Allen Bennett; niece, srvtt. D. Funeral services will be held I en Sunday.

October 12, at the Lib-' 1 ertv Grove Methodist Church. Md st 2:30 p.m. Inter-! ment In Union Cemetery. Burtons- I vllle. Md 13 1 BLAUSTEIN.

On October 9. 1958.1 IBIDCR beloved hueiind of Jennie Blaueteln (nee Belaer). ter-1 Berly of Baltimore. Md.i father of I Bernard Blausteln of Washi lngton. Mr J.

Solman Blau-1 stain of Baltimore. and devoted grandfather of Robert Monn Blaui stein Services st the Jack Lewis Funeral Home. 2100-02 Eutsw pi Boltlmors. on Sunday. October 12.

precisely ot 11:30 a Tn-1 termeot Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Cemetery. Brlelr rd. Kindly omit flowers. Family ot home ot 3231 Fowhatoa Baltimore. BOWIE.

HENBY ADDISON. On Fri- I day, October in. 1958. ot hie residence. 3302 Rlttenhouse st.

n.w.. HENRY ADDISON BOWIE, beloved i i husband of Frances 8. Bowie, father of Mrs. Joseph R. Oreenwood and Dr.

David Irving Bowie, brother of Mr. Benjamin Bowie of Upper Merli boro. Md-. snd Dr Andrew Kens Bowie of Washington. D.

and Upper Marlboro. Mrs. Frank Hall of Unner Marlboro, Md Mrt. Frederick Melehoir of New York City. N.

and Mrt. Allen Weber of Benton Harbor. Mich. Hr alee Is survived by six grandchildren. Friends ere invited to call at the Brthesda-Chevv Chase Funeral Home 1 of Robert A.

Pumphrey, Bethesda, Md. Bervleet will be held on Monday. October 13. at tpis- copal Chureb, Chevy Chase Circle, at 11 am. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery.

12 BROOKS. ARLINGTON D. On Friday. October 10. 1958, at Richmond Memorial Hospital.

ARLINGTON D. BROOKS of 4408 Remington Richmond. belovod husband of Sylvia V. Brooks, father of T. and Donald D.

Brooks end brother of Mrt. Brnsst B. Houghton. Graveside services will bo held on Monday, October IS. at 1:30 p.m.

1 (BBT). Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 12 BROWN. CURTIS. Suddenly, an Thure- Quincy 01, n.w., oan of Mn.

Llllo Brown and devoted husband of Mrs. Quests Brown. Ho also is survived by all daughters, three tons, two sisters. Mrt Ullt Scott and Mrs. Alberts Bmtth.

and other relatives snd many friends After 12 noon Bundsy October 12. friends ora Invited to coll at the Morrow Woodford Funeral Home. 1622 ltth at n.w., where funeral services will be I held on Monday. October 13, ot 1:30 p.m Interment Carver Memorial Coirr'vry. 12 CARET, HILDA.

On Wedneeday, October 8. 1968. In Long Island. N. MIBB HILDA CAREY.

She it survived by a stepmother, Mrs. Josic Carey: four brothers. Lewis, Nathan. Charles snd Julius Carey: one sister. Mn.

Gertrude Sttnnard, snd other relatives and friends. Re- msins may be viewed on Sunday. October 12. after 2 p.m.. st the Hall Bros.

Funeral Home. 621 Florida n.w., where services will be held on Monday. October 13, at 1 p.m.. the Rev. Edward Thomas officiating.

Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 12 CHRISTIAN. JAMES BEBN AB (NUTS). On Wednesday, October 8. 1958.

at his residence. 1330 11th st. JAMBS BERNARD CHRISTIAN. beloved son ot Mery Christian. brother of Leons C.

Oreenr snd William J. Christian Re also Is survived by a devoted brother- In-lsw, Nathaniel Oreene: a very devoted Amelia Harris: one uncle, three nephews, one niece and a host of other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Christian may be viewed at the Stewart Funeral Homr. 30 it.

after 11 am Sunday. October 12. Mesa will be offered on Monday. October 13. st the Holy Redeemer Church.

210 New York Sve. n.w., ot 9 am. Interment Olivet Cemetery. 12 ISABELLA OOSSMANN. On Thurodoy, October 8.

1958, at tbe usssssr nd 3819 Kincaid ter- Kensington. wife ol Nelson A. Colt and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loo J.

Oossmann. Mrt. Cols rests at tbe Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home, 8434 Georgia Silver Spring. Md.

(parking facilities) Mesa will be ottered for the retrooe of her soul on Monday. October 13. at 10 0.m., ot St Bernadette's Catholic Church. 72 University east. Sliver Sprint, Md Interment Ogte of Heaven Cemetery.

12 COOK. MABEL. On Thursday. October 9, 1968. at Suburban Hospital, MABEL COOK, beloved wife of William Cook, mother of Lula and William Cook, daughter of Lula Williams.

She also leaves three sisters, six brothers snd host of other relatives snd friends. After 5 pm. Bunday. October 12. friends may call st the Snowden Funeral Home.

Rockville, Md Funersl services on Monday. October 13, st 2 st the Mount Pleasant Church. orbcck. Md ths Rev. W.

I Williams officiating. Interment church cemetery. 13 COUGHLIN. PATRICK. On Saturday.

October 11. 1958. PATRICK COUGHLIN beloved husband of the late Margaret Coughlin, father of John 1 snd James Coughlin. Friends may call ot the Robert A. Mattingly Funeral Home.

131 llth et. e.e. Notice of funeral later. DALTON. HABBY STROUD.

Jr. On Thursday, October 9. 1958. at the Arlington Hospital. HARRY STROUD DALTON, Jr.

of 30(12 South Abingdon Arlington, husband of Mra. Patricia Dalton, father of Craig Dalton, son of Mrs. Martha Dalton snd brother of Robert and William Dalton. Funeral servlcee on Monday. October 13.

at 1 at the Cunningham Funeral ome. Cameron and Alfred Alexandria. Va. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 12 DAVIDGE.


On Thursday. October 9, 1958, at 2029 Connecticut ave nw- COL. JOHN WASHINGTON DAVIDGE, U. 8. Army (retired), beloved bueband of Katherine Davldge.

father of Mrs. Mark Sullivan. and John W. Dovldtt, ir Memorial services will be held st Bt. John's Eolsconal Church, Lafayette square, on Monday.

October 13, at 10:45 am. Interment private. 12 1 OAVIB. MRS. MARTHA D.

On Friday. October 10, 1963. at Alexandria Hospital, MRS. MARTHA D. DAVIS of 1228 South Oakcrest Arlington.

belovod wife of Richard 1 T. Davie She alio ie survived by 1 two tone. Richard C. and David Wiley Davis: one daughter. Mra.

Alma D. Ford, all of Arlington, 1 and one lister, Mrs. J. C. Cannon of Lawrenceburg, Tenn.

She also Is survived by elx grandchildren. 1 three great-grandchildren and many niecee and nephews. Friends may! csll at the Cunningham Funeral Home. Cameron and Alfred Alei( andrla. Vs.

Funeral services will' be held on Tuesday October 14.1 st 1:15 pm. st the Mount Vernoni Baptist Church. South 23d Ar- i lington. Va. Interment Arlington: National Cemetery.

13 DAVIS. JOHN. On VrldoT. October 10. 1868.

at Upton gt. n.w., JOHN DAVIS, formerly of Slat at. beloved father of Mra Mltb 8 Hayden of Wachington. D. lather Wood of Colloge Bark.

Mn. Ithel V. Zubarbuhler of, Portland. brother of Olbaon of Wachington, D. C.

I may call at Loo Funeral 4th at. end Moat. avt. n.e.. where will bo bald an Mae-1 day.

October 13, at 5:30 p.m. Interment cedar Bill Cemetery, it JOHN. Funeral aerricoa for am ear late brother. JOHJI DAVIS (A of Control No. 1.

I. o. will be held at dm Lee Funeral Home, 4th et. and Maze. (LI an.

n.e, at 5:80 p.m. ms October .13. 1958. Interment 0 1. FORIHAND.

Secretory. DC BBUtEB. GIOROK RIILY. On Friday. October IP.

1958. at Mount Alto OROROE RIILY DI BRULER of 3041 Bodgcwtck et. lit belovod bueband of Roae M. De Bruler father of Carran De Bruler He to eurvlved by three grandchildren. call at Oawlera Chapel 1756 Pa.

(courteay oppoaite). will be offered at Fort Mver Chapel on Tueedar. October Ik. at 8 am Interment Arlington National Camatory DIXGES. MARTIN.

Os 4307 40th Pi Brentwood. Md on October 10. 1058, huaband of Maude talker of Lynn Mr. David and John rother of William SAnnleLeeklitev Brstyfl ESmVfr ttW I'pm dark), son of the lota William snd Berths Dooley, broiler of Mrs Mary Hurioy and Mrs Catherine White and nephew of Mrs Helens Mudd Friends mor call It lbs Nanay Funeral Home. 3200 Rhode Island st Eastern ave.

n.e. Funeral on Moqdey. October 13. 8:30 am thence to 8t Francis Bales Catholic Church, whor* mass wIU be offered at 9 a for tbe repose of his soul Relatives and friends Invited, Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 12 BDMONBTON.

HELENA G. On Bet- Srday, October 11, 1958. at her real-1 ence. 1224 Decatur st. n.w..

HELENA EDMONBTON. beloved wife of the late Thomas E. Edmonton, beloved mother of Mrs Oeorg- West and Thomas Edmonston, lr. Funeral from Collins Funeral hom*o 3821 14th st. n.w, on Tueedop.

October 14, at 9:30: am. Requiem mass at the Church i of the Nativity at in o.m. Interment Mount Ollvot Cemetery. 13 EDMONSTON, MRS. HELENA O.

Mem-1 here ol the Nativity I i of the Blessed Virgin Mary will meet Monday. Octo- ber 13, 1958. at 8 pm. at Collins Funersl Homs. 3821 14th st.

n.w. to recite prayers for the repose ot the soul of MRS. HELENA EDMONSTON I HOPE JONES. Prefect. REV.

PATRICK KEMP. Spiritual Director. FORD. HUGH J. Os 918 23d it.

n.w.. i on October 9. 1868. Prayers st I Chambers' Funeral Homr. 3073 I st n.w., on Tuesday.

October 14. I it am. Interment Washington National Cemetery. FOX. GEORGE B.

On Wednegday. October 8. 1958 at Mount Alto OEOROE FOX of 8049 astern ave. Silver Spring. father of Mrs John A.

Nuhn, son of the late George and Agnes M. Fox. brother of Mery L. Lonsdale and As Dei Wilkinson. Funersl from the Collins Funersl Homr.

3831 14th it. n.w., on Monday. October 13. at 8:45 o.m Requiem mass st 8t Michaels Church, 805 Wayne sve- Sliver Spring. at 9 30 am.

Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 12 FOX. GEORGE H. Members of Grand HBk Volture 174. 4U snd 8, nan are hereby notified of the death ot OEOROE FOX Services to be held on Sun- TPT dpy, October 12, 1958.

st 8 ffl at the Collins Funersl LBJ Home. 3821 14th at n.w. THOMAS R. BYWATERS. Grand Chef de Oare.

NED OLINN Grand Corresponding FOX. GEOKGF. B. Officers and bers of the Oeorge S. Patton.

Tank Corps Post. No. 9 American Lesion, are hereby notified of the death of OEOROE H. POX Memorial services will be conducted by tbe National' Ouard of Honor ot 7:30 om Sunday. October 12, 1958.

at tbe Collins Funeral Home. 3821 14th it. n.w. Funeral services on Monday, October 13. at 8 with Interment In Arlington National Cemetery.


PAYNE, Adjutant. 12 FEANKEL. FLORA. On Saturday. October 11.

1958, FLORA FRANKEL, beloved mother of Mrs. Bessie Herman. Mrs. Marian Krakow, Mn. Estelle Drusktn.

Mrs. Sarah Jewell. Mrs. Frances Abramson. Mrs.

Dorothy Flldermon and Louis Frsnkel. Funersl services at the Bernard Dansansky ti Bons Funersl Home. 3501 14th st. on October 12, at 1 p.m. Interment p.

C. Lodge Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the fsmily suggests that contributions be made to tne Ttfereth Israel Congregation Memorial week. 8001 Nebraska an. n.w.

12 FREY. CATHERINE ALICE. On Thursday. October 9. 1958.

CATHERINE! ALICE FREY of 6706 20th I Hyatts vllle. beloved daughter, of Otto O. and Catherine T. Relatives snd friends msy csll stj the Oasch Funersl Home. 4739 Bel-, tlmore Hysttsvllle.

Md where will be held on Monday.) October 13, at 12:30 p.m Interment Arlington National GOLDEN. THOMAS V. On Friday, I October 1(1. 1958. THOMAS V.

GOLDEN of 2515 17th st. n.e.) husband of the late Lillian Golden snd father of Mrs Corlnne O. Brown. Mrs. Viols O.

Smoot. He also Is survived by sta grandchildren, two nephews. Oliver V. snd Henry Oreen: other relatives vsnd friends. Friends msy csll st the: Mslvsn A Schey.

Funeral Home.) New Jersey ave and st. n.p on) Monday October 13. after 1 where funeral services will be on Tuesday. October 14. at 8 Father A.

A. Birch, officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. GRAY. CLARA ALICE.

On October 10. 1958. MRS CLARA! ALICE GRAY, beloved mother of Denise Orgy and daughter ot Mrs Ooldle Bradsher of 3204 South 6th, Arlington, Va. sister of Lawrence and Frank Bradsher Remains resting at Funeral Home, 1300 st. n.w., where services will held on Monday, October 13.

at 2 pm. Interment in Columbia Oardens Cemetery, Arlington, Va. GREEN. ETHEL. On Thursday.

Octobar 9, 1988, at her residence. 135 North Carolina ave. ETHEL OREEN. beloved wile of Oliver Oreen and devoted mother of Harry Dyson. She also leaves to mourn their loss two brothers, John and William Lewis: one aunt.

Mra. Lillian Oravitt. and other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at her above late residence where friends may call after A nm. Monday.

October 13. Funeral services Tuesday, October 14. at 12 noon, at the John T. Rhinos A Co Funeral Home 3015 12th st. n.e (narklna facilities The Rev.

William H. Brown officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 13 GRIFFIN, AUGUSTUS. On Friday, October 3.

1958. AUGUSTUS GRIFFIN of 4351 Gault pi brother of Mrs Blanche Pratt and Mrs I cons Scott of Washington. D. Mrs, Mamie Boarmsn snd Daniel Griffin of Atlantic City, N. Other relatives snd friends also survive.

Friends may call st the Frasier Funeral Home. 389 Rhode Island sve. n.w.. alter 12 noon Sunday, October 12. Rosary will be said at 7p Sunday.

October 12. Mass will be said at the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church at 9:45 a m. Monday. October 13 Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 12 HANco*ck.

CATHERINE ELAINE. On Friday, October 10. 1958, at Waldorf. CATHERINE ELAINE HANco*ck, beloved wife of Oeorge L. Hanco*ck and daughter of Lorraine Goldsmith snd the late James B.

Goldsmith. She also is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Joe Ti otter, Mrs William Brammel, Helen snd Diane Goldsmith. Funeral from the Huntt Funeral Home. Waldorf.

Md on Monday. October 13. at 19:45 am Mass will be offered at St Peter's Catholic Church. Waldorf, Md at 11 am. Interment 81 Peter's Cemetery.

Rosary on Sunday. October 12, at 7:30 p.m., at the above funeral home. RABBIS. LULA E. On Tuesday, October 7.

1958, at Arlington Hosrital, LULA HARRIS of Route Box 75, Fairfax. She leaves to mourn her passing five daughters, five sons, two brothers, other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhlnes A Co. Funeral Home.

3016 12th st. n.e, where friends mey call after 3 Saturday. October 11. snd where funeral services will be held on Sunday. October 12.

at 2 pm. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 12 HULL, On Wednesday. October 8, 1958. at Central Stale Hospital.

Petersburg, Va, FRANCES: HULL, sister of Ssllie Terry and Branch and Thomas Bullock. Msny other relatives snd friends also survive. Mrs. Hull may be seen at the Chinn Funersl Home. 2605 Bhirllngton rd Arlington, after 6 om Sunday, October 12.

Funeral services and interment et the Lomax A A. E. Zion Church. South 24th Arlington. at 1 pm.

Monday. October 13, with the Rev H. Sink In charge of the services JACKSON. EDWARD. On Thursday.

October 9. 1958. EDWARD JACKSON of 2831 llth St. n.w.. husband of the late.

Lillian Jackson. 1 beloved father of Mrs Frances Wil: Items. Mrs. Evelyn Franklin, Mrs. Mildred Washington.

Horace. Andrew. Hannibal, Leroy and Lawrence Jackeon- brother of Mrs. Natalie Morton, Hartreil and Albert Jackeon. Also surviving are other relatives and friends Remains resting with L.

E. Murray A Bon, 1337 10th st. nw. where friends msy call after 3 p.m. Sunday.

October i 12 and where funeral services will ha held on Mondsr. October 13. et Lp.m, the Rev. Courts officiating terment Cemetery. (Richmond panere pleaee copy.) JARBOB.

JOHN MEKVIN, On day, October 9, 1968. at Akron, Ohio. JOHN MELVIN JARBOE. son of the late Erneet and Mary I Jarboe, brother of Mn. Helen Stewart.

Hubert. William Dawson and i Bernard Jerboa Frtende may eon st the Mstttnglev Funeral Home. Leonardtown Md on Sunday. Octo: I ber 12. from 10 pjn.

Services ri. JOLLY, nbwbsbn B. On Friday. October 10. 1968.

at his residence. 7(15 4tb it. 8.W.. NEWBERN JOLLY, beloved husband of Mary i Jolly, stepfather of Mrs. Jane 1 Stafford of Oalesvllle.

Md and James R. Feathers son of Mrs Alice Jolly and brother of Mrs Ethel Bhettle-1 worth and Mrs Hassle Mahoney. all of Jacksonville. Fls Friends msy call st the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st.

and Mass art n.r, until 4p Sundsv. October 12 Services end Interment Jacksonville, Fls. 12 JONAS, SYDNEY A. On Friday, October 10. 1958.

at Mount Alto Hoekj Pital. SYDNEY A JONAS ol 424 i. Nicholson et. n.w. beloved hus: band of Mrs Myrtle R.

Jones end a father of Sydney A Jones, )r Friends may call at the L4e Funeral Home. 4th it and Maes, ave ne. 1 where eervlces will be held on Tuess day. October 14. pj i.

Interment Arlington National Cemetery. It rinses? rrrsi. 1206 I Oth it n.w. Notice of fut neral later Arrangement, by 12 1 Mclntosh, l. l.

on Friday. October 10. 1958. st Doctors HaspltaL Mclntosh of Vs. husband ot Marr Mclntosh, father of Mrs.

Richard Custer of Ontario. Calif brother of Mark MdPtogS of Front Royal. and Mrs. Alice Christine McKinley of McLean. Va.

He also is survived by two grandchildren Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home, 2847 Wilson blvd Arlington. where funeral eervlces will be held on Tuesday. October 14. at 2 pm Interment' Oakwood Cemetery, Falls Church. Va.

1 13 Mclntosh, l. l. A special comas munlcation of Osiris Lodge No 20. A. A.

hereby called for Tuesday. October 14. 1858. at 1 p.m at the Masonic Temple, i at and New Yorit set. for the purpose of conducting Masonic burial servtem for our latg brother, L.


GABLE. Secretary. 13 McLAIN, BESSIE. On Friday. OctO- I ber 10.

1058. BESSIE McLAIN of 239 57 tb at. nc. mother of Earl larat Crewa of Trenton. N.

and Ira. Lavrnia Wallace of Hurt, ersndmother of David Dcaboodaa Other relatives and friends also survive After 3p Monday, October 13, friends may call at the Frasier Funeral Homr. 389 Rhode Island ave. Funeral services on Tues! dev, October 14. at 11 at the Sargent Memorial Presbyterian i Church.

Slit and Grant sta. n.e., the Rev Everett Hewlett oflclat- Interment Arlington National Cemetery IS McLAIN. BESSIE. Officer! end of Jamea Reese Europe Unit. No.

5' American Legion Auxiliary, are reouested to be present for our services of our deported member, MRS. BES-BIE McLAIN. on Monday. October 13, 1958. at 7:30 p.m., at the Frasier Funeral Home.

389 Rhode Island n.w, ELIZABETH 8 GORDON. President. JEAN H. BENNETT, Secretary. I McPherson, EDGAR.

On Saturday. October 11. McPHIICSON. hutbend of Annie McPhersan of Caroline st. n.w.

Notice funeral later. Arrangements by MILLER, NELLIE P. On Saturday, October 11 1958. at her residence, 5139 Mac Arthur blvd. n.w.

(formerly of Pittsburgh. Pa NILLIE p. beloved wife of RAph 2 Miller, mother of Mre. Ruth Ann Di Martino of Norfolk, Robert C. and Ralph Z.

Miller. aiater of Mrg. Ira Hurt of Roanoke, Va Services at the S. Hinea Co. Funeral Home.

2901 14th on Tuesday. October 14. at 10MO am (parking facilities). Interment Parklawn Cemetery. 13 1 MONAGHAN.

JOSEPH C. On Thursday. October 9. 1958, at Hospital, JOSEPH C. MONAGHAN n.w., beloved husband of Dorothy Wakefield Monaghan, son of Mrs Ellen E.

Monaghan and the itte James J. Monaghan, brother of Miss Mary M. Monaghan oi Westchester, Pa. Prayers at the Saa2 neS a Co Home. 2901 14th st.

n.w., on Monday, October 14, at 9 am. (parking facilitiesK thence to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament Church. Western ave. and Quesada st. n.w, here the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 9:30 a.m.

for the repose of his soul. Entombment Cedar Hill Mausoleum. 12 MONAGHAN, JOSEPH C. The mem- bers of Washington Coun- dwjV cil. No.

224. Knights of Columbus, are notified of I Ut he of our brother, JOSEPH C. MONAOHAN. and are requested to as- semble at the 8. H.

Hines I Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. i 8 15 pm Bunday. October 12. 1958.

for the recitation of the! 1 rosary. NICOLAUS BRUNS, O. K. RICHARD A. MAHAR.

P. S. 12 MONAGHAN JOSEPH C. Members of Washington General Fourth Degree. Knights of Columbus.

are notified of the death of Sir Knight JOSEPH MONAGHAN, and are requested to assemble at the 8 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, I 2901 14th st. n.w., at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, October 12, 1958, for the recitation of the rosary.


C. 12 MONAGHAN. JOSEPH C. Members of Alcantara Caravan. No.

12, sfirfL Order of the Alhambra, are hereby notified of the death! I 113 of Sir Noble JOSEPH I MONAOHAN. and are re-1 I quested to meet at the S. I Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Sunday, October 12, 1958.

at 8:15 p.m., for recitation of the rosary. a OHN KAkos, o. c. ANGELO A PUGLIBI. G.

8. 12 MONAGHAN, JOSEPH C. Members of the Emerald Isle Division. No. 3.

A. O. will recite the rosary for the repose of the soul of Brother JOSEPH C. MONAGHAN on Sunday, October 12. 1958.

at 8:15 at the 8 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w. JOHN COSTEJ LO, President.


Officers members Columbia Temple No. 422. I. B. P.

O. of met In session of sorrow Saturday, October 11, 1958, for our late daughter. ELLA OUTLAW. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m Monday, October 13, from the Third Baptist Church, sth and Que sts. n.w.

EVA BTEWART, Daughter Ruler. BLONGE HAWKINS, Financial Secretary. PENBLETON, WILLIAM. Suddenly, on Wednesday. October h.

1958. at District General Hospital. WILLIAM PENDLETON of 4444 A st. s.e. He is survived by his wife.

Mrs. Elizabeth Pendleton: one son. Clarence Pendleton: three aunts. Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Mrs.

Mamie McAllister and Mrs. Mabel Lewis: two uncles, Eddie and Jerry Terry; many other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m. Monday. October 13, friends may call at Henry Washington Sons Funeral Home, 4925 Deane ave.

ne, where services will be held Tuesday. October 14. at 12:30 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. PLUTA.

MILDRED. On Thursday. October 9, 1958, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. MILDRED PLUTA. the beloved daughter of 1 WMlliam snd Dorothy Cherry, mother! of Mils Ellen Pluta and sister of Mrs.

Marie Genaro and Donald and William Cherry. Funeral 1 services on Monday. October 13. at 2 p.m., at the Saffell Funeral Home. 475 st.

n.w. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 12 RICHARDSON, PAUL. Sr.

On Thursday. October 9. 1958. at Georgetown University Hospital. PAUL RICHARDBON.

of 617 62d Fairmont Heights, Md. He is survived by his wife. Lena Richardson; two sons. Paul. and John W.

Richardson: one daughter. Mrs. Catherine Winestock: his mother, Mrs. Hattie Richardson: three sisters. Mrs.

Mamie Evans. Mrs. Bertha Kitt and Mrs. Sarah Wilson, and a host of other relatives and friends. After 4 pm.

Bunday. October 12. friends may call at the Henry 8. Washington A Sons Funeral Home, 4925 Deane ave. n.e.

Funeral services on Monday. October 13, at 1 at the New Mount Olive Baptist Church. 58th and Grant sts. n.e.. the Rev William Weaver, pastor.

Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 12 RICHARDSON. PAIL. A session of sorrow will be held on Saturday October 11. 1958.

at 9 at the Elks Home for our late, brother, PAUL RICHARDBON of W. Bruce Evans Lodge. No. 380, I. B.

O. E. of W. ROSCOE WASHINGTON. Exalted Ruler.


October 11. LILLIAN E. I RISENBACK of 4714 67th Parkway Estates, beloved wife ot the late Warren Riaenback, and mother of Mra. Mary L. Hlckaraon, Mrs.

Pauline J. Walker. Mra. Ruth E. Beall.

Mra Roes Beyer. Mra. Betty Ann Rector. Warren Jr and Archie Risen-i back She also ia survived by three i brothers, twenty-aix grandchildren I) and seven areat-grandchildren. Relr ativee and friends may call at tht! Oasch Funeral Home.

4731) Baltimore Hyatteville. after: 6 nm Sunday. October 12. where eervlces wtil be held on Tuesday, October 14, at in am. Interment 1 Port Lincoln Cemetery.

13 RITCHIE. ELIZABETH. On Thunder. October 8. 1968.

at the Washington Sanitarium. ELIZABETH RITCHIE Os 5318 Colorado ave. n.w., sister of Mrs Joseph B. Trsw 1 Memorial at the 8. H.

Hlnei Co. Puneral Home. 2901 14th st 7 n.w., on Wodneidir. October 15. at 7 4 p.m.

(parking ftcilttleti. Please 7 omit flowen 14 -SI HOr MABRY JOHNITONB. Os a 1446 st. n.w. on October 8.

1958. husband of Clara M. Schou 2 Services at Chamber. Puneral Home. 1400 Chapin it.

n.w.. on Monday October 13. at 10 a Interment Washington Notional Cemetery. SCOTT. SUSIE ELLEN A On Friday.

I. October 16. 1958. SUSIE ELLEN A SCOTT, beloved wife of the late a poles Scott, mother of Albert Scott, grandmother of Margaret Zell. Alberta Jones.

Helen Hvdtnger. (-! Catherine Alvia. Parker Scott and William Scott Bhe also is survived li by sixteen great-arandchtldren and r. seven greet-ereat-grandthildren Fuil r.er*! services at the Simmons Brea is Funeral Home. 1661 Good Hope 5: rd.

oil Monday. October IS. at 11 mnterment Bethel ten. Alexandria. 12 4 SHARPER.

BESSIE ALMA. Os 7403 i- Juneau Berkshire. Md. on Ocd tober 10. 1958.

wife of William Sharper, mother of Andrew L. Sharper and grandmother of Andrew Sharper, jr at Chami here' Funerai Home 517 llth it. ee. MI Monday. October 13, st 2:30 Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery.

It ,1 IPMW 1 SuchST. sister of Mn. Mary baker of Waynoaboro. Elisabeth Shook of Hagerstown. Md.

and Harry OUlan of Oreencaetle, Pa Puneral from the It Deal Funeral Home 4812 Georgia ova. n.w an Sunday. October 12. at 1:30 n.m Interment Ocwencastla. Pa.

12 BHYMANSKY THOMAS L. On Prlder. October 16. 1968, beloved ion of Thomas L. and Leons LI Shrmansky, brother of Diane October 13.

at am. at Holy Ohoet Catholic Church. Isaue. Md at 10 a.m. Interment church cemetery.

Prayers Sunday evening it 8 p.m. by the Anharl Funeral Home. Ine. I EM surviving arg two alatan. two brothen other relatives and many friend.

After noon Sunday. October 12, friends are Invited to eall at the McGuire Funeral 9th': at. n.w Puneral from Calvary 1 Episcopal Church. 6th snd Eye eta. at 10 e.m.

Monday. October 13. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cematary. SINKFIELD. AGNES.

On Friday, October 10. 1968. AGNES SINKFIELD of 630 Gresham pi. n.w.. wife of the late Edward Blnkfleld and mother of Mre Pauline B.

Blnkfleld Holmee. Also eurvlvlng are her neohewe. other relatives and many friends Notice of fnneral later. by McGuire, Inc. 14', SMITH.

ADA PAULINE. Ot Cole-1 brook Hlllerest Md.J on October 10, 1958. beloved wife of Joseph A. Smith, mother of Joseph A Ir and Arthur C. Smith, sister of John D.

Perry, grandmother of Lynn Mnrle. Joyce Ann, Mary Busan, Margaret Ellen, Catheryn Marie and Daniel Arthur Smith. Prayers at Chambers' Puneral Home, i 617 llth et. e.e.. on Tuesday, October 14.

at 9:18 am. Mass in the Holy Family Church, Catckfll snd Dunlop Hlllcrcat Heights. Ud at 10 am. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 13 SMITH.

MAMIE E. (nee Besser). On Thursday. October 9. 1958.

MAMIE I. SMITH (nee Hesaer) of 3946 Connecticut sve. n.w.. beloved aunt of Mrs. Edna H.

Crammond and Mrs. Eva H. Wimer. Friends may call at the 8. Hlnea Co.

Puneral Home. 2901 14th at. n.w, after 12 noon Saturday. October 11 (parkins facilities l. Services at the above funeral home on Monday.

October 13. at 11 a.m Interment Lakeview Cemetery, Hamilton. Va 12 STOMBAUGH. ANNIE B. On Saturday.

October 11. 1958. at her son dence 4706 Edmonston Hrattsvtlle Md ANNIE R. STOMBAUGH, beloved wife of Charles E. Stombaugh.

sr. and mother of Charles E. Stombaugh, jr. Services and interment from the Miller Funeral Home. Martlnsburg.

Pa. Local arrangements by the oasch Funeral Home. Hyatts vllle. Md. i STULTZ.

J. ROY. On Saturday. October 11. 1968.

nt Mount Alto Hospital, after a lingering Illness, J. ROY STULTZ of 6361 16th at. n.w., beloved husband of Etta D. Btults. father of Staff Beret.

James Stults, of Biloxi, and brother of Miaa Bernice Btulta of Martinsville, Va at the S. H. Hines Co. Puneral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday.

October 14. at 1:30 pm. (parking facilities). Interment Arlington Ns- tional Cemetery. 13 SUTHERLAND.

DOUGLAS A. Formerly of Washington. D. on October 3. 1968, husbnnd of the late Lillian Sutherland, father of Gertrude Jonee and brother of Victoria Muller Services and interment in Arlington National Cemetery on Monday.

October 13, at 10 a.m SYPHEK, anna HUBER. On October 9, 1968. at the U. 8 Naval Hospital, Bethesda, ANNA HUBER SYPHER. wife of the late Comdr.

Jay Hale Sypher. U. S. Navy, and mother of Mias Elizabeth Cromwell Sypher. may eall at Gawler a Chapel.

1756 Pa. ave. n.w. (courtesy parking opposite). Grave- 1 aide services will be held at Arling-I ton National cemetery on October 14.

at 2:30 m. 13 TAYLOR. JOSEPH. On Wednesday. October 8.

1958. JOSEPH TAYLOR of 2203 Ontario rd. n.w.. Apt. A.

brother of Jamea Taylor. Also surviving are other relatives and! I many frtende After 4 p.m. October IS, friends are Invited to) call at the McGuire Funeral Home, i 1820 9th et. n.w.. where i will be held at 1 pm.

Tuesday.) October 14. Interment Woodlawn) Cemetery. 13 TILGHMAV MOLI.IE A. On Sltur-' day. October 11.

1958. at Provi-I dence MOLLIE A TILOHMAN, beloved wife of the late Wyche Cad Tilahman. mother of Walter Tilahman and slater of Emma Wedding George F. and James: I. Simpson Funeral services at Bros Funeral 1661 Good Hope rd.

s.e., on Monday. October 13, at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 12 TILGHMAN. MRS.

MARY (MOLLIE) I. A The and members of Electa Chapter No. 2, O. E. are hereby fled of the death of Sister MARY E.

TILGHMAN on Friday. October 10. 1958. Services at the Simmons Brothers Puneral Home, 1661 Good Hope rd. s.e..

on Monday, October 13, at 2 o.m GRACE MULLINIX. W. M. ARDAH HENNINGS, Secretary. TOWERS.

EMMA P. Formerly of 2433 Otis at. n.e., on October 10, 1958, wife of the late Mark E. Towers, mother of Frances Williams. She also is survived by three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Services at Chambers' Funeral Home, 5891 Cleveland ave Riverdsle, Md on Tuesday October 14. at 1 Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 13 WALKER. EDWIN H. On Thursday.

October 9. 1958. EDWIN WALKER, beloved husband of the late Mary Elizabeth Walker and, father of William W. and Bernard! Walker, grandfather of Edgar and Louise Walker, brother of Mrs Lena Stephenson and Mrs Clara Mclntrye. He also is survived by one great-grandchild.

are Invited to call at the Betheada- Chevv Chase Funeral Home of Robert A. Pumphrey, Bethesda. where services will be held on Monday, October 1.3. at 11 a.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery.

12 WALKER, EDWIN HARVEY. A sue- 1 cial communication of Columbia Lodge. No. 3, P. A.

A will be held at the Masonic Temple on Monday. October 13. 1958. at 9:30 a for the purpose of conducting Masonic rites at the funeral of our late brother, EDWIN HARVEY WALKER JOSEPH MARCERON. Master.

12 WALSTON. JOHN RAYMOND. On Wednesday. October 8. 1958, at his residence, 1120 22d st.

n.w., JOHN RAYMOND WALSTON, devoted husband of Dora Walston and brother of James Cole. Also surviving are a sister-in-law, Mrs. Bessie Cole; a niece- Mrs. Venecia Pox. and other relatives and many friends.

After 1 p.m. Sunday, October 12. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Puneral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w.

Requiem mass will be offered for the repose of his soul on Monday. October at 10:30 a.m., at Bt. Catholic Church. 25th st. and Pa.

ave. n.w. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 12 WILLIAMSON. WILLIAM Jr.

On Thursday. October 9. 1958. WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, of 801 Taylor at n.w., beloved husband of Mary Willlamaon. son of William Williamson, sr, and brother of Barah Durrett.

He also is survived by other relatives and many friends. Alter 11 a.m. Bunday. October 12. friends are invited to cal) at tbe Jarvis Chapel.

1432 You at. n.w where funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Monday. October 13 Interment Arlington Na- I tional Cemetery. 12 I WILSON.

CLARENCE A. On Friday, I October 10, 1058. CLARENCE A. WILSON of 221 n.w.. Apt.) 101 beloved husband of Jennie B.

Wilson and father of Mrt. Caroline Paulcan Also surviving are grandson. William Paulcan: rother, William Wilson: a neph-; ew. Thurston Wiloon. and other relatives snd many friends.

After i p.m. Tuesday. October 14. frlsndel are invited to call at the Funeral Home, 1820 9th et. n.w.

Funeral from St Episcopal Church. South Capitol and ste. at 10 a.m. Wedneeday. October 16 Interment Arlington National Cemetery.

14 -DEATHS- Uimieeiieti eg gcrrlaae be Sehea. Berry J. W. W. Chambers I Brews.

Rebecca J. B. W. Sharper. Beaafe A.

w. OarnMn Feed. Hath J. fg. 6 Ce.

1 Smith. Ada F. W. Qlei Tewwrs. tana P.

W. w. Chamber. Ce. Martin t.

W. Ce. ij In I ALEXANDER. LULU T. In memory of our dear mother.

LULU ALEXANDER, who departed this life forty years ago today. Octo- ber 12. Loved. remembered and missed ANDREW ALEXANDER 5 i AMERICA. CARRIE ts.

In Wring remembrance ol my dear mother. CAR, RIE M. AMERICA, who Passed away ') Are year, ago today. October 12. 1963 9i Loved In Use.

remembered In death LOWING DAUGHTER. ELIZABETH BLSEB CHICK. in tfrmnrtam BLAKIY. CHARLES BR. In forint who passed gwny fourteen ago today.

October 12. 1944 We walk a separate rand today. And eorrowa darken nil our way: Although we walk our road alone. We know that you are etlU our own. We want to know road you took.

So we can take It. loo: And you can meet ue part of way. Then we'll hack with you. YOUR LOVING WIPS. LOIS AND I CHILDREN.

CHARLES, JR. AND ORACILLA BOSWELL. JOHN IT In loving re- I merobrance of my dear brother, JOHN E. BOSWELL, who palled away October 3. 1967.


In toein, memory of my mother, BLLIE MARTHA DANIELS, who departed this life eighteen yenre ago, October 12, 1946. Mey the rest In peace DAUGHTER. MARIE WABBMANN DENNEY. ANTHONY oT In loving memory of our dear dad. ANTHONY I O.

DENNEY, who frft ue right year, ago today. October 12. 1859. Eight yrars have gone, dear Dad. Since you were here on earth; Wr miss your smile, your lorlng ways No onr here can take your place.

So until our days on earth are W. JW keep on remembering tour 1 children DUSTIN. ANDREW M. "in memoir of our husband and father. ANDREW DUSTIN.

Who entered into eternal A wo ago today, October 12. 1856. Asleep In God's benutlfnl garden. Free from sorrow and pain. And when our journey 1, ended.

know we shell meet again. I THE FAMILY. GATTON. JOSEPH B. AND DELPHINB.

In memory of my fnther. JOSEPH B. GATTON, who died October 12, 1951. end my mother. DELPHINE OATTON.

who died January 26, 1928. Your memory to us keepsake With which we shall never part: Though God has you In His keeping. You will always be In our hearts. DAUORTER. GRACE, AND HER CHILDREN.

GRANDIBON. CHARLES A. InTovtng memory of our devoted husband and father. CHARLES A. GRANDISON.

who departed this life four year, ago today. October 12. 1954. Our thoughts of you will never fade When the years have flown: Your memory, as the brightest star, Will always light our home LOVING WIFE. MRS.

HELEN ORANDISON AND FAMILY. GREENE. BEULAH B. In loving memorv of our dear sister and aunt. BEULAH B.

GREENE, who left US so suddenly one year ago today. October 12. 1957. Though absent she Is always Still loved, still missed, still very dear THE FAMILY. JACKSON, EMMA p.

In loving memory of my devoted grandmother. EMMA P. JACKSON, who departed this life twenty-two years ago today, October 12. 1936. To live in we leave behind to not to die.

WILLIS JOHNSON, DR. NATHANIEL. In lovinc memory of our dear one, DR. NATHANIEL JOHNSON, who auddenly departed this lift ten ato. October TfflE FAMILY.

JONES. HATTIC T. Sacred to the! memory of my loving and devoted mother. HATTIE T. JONES, who en- i tered Into eternal real twenty-two years ato, October 9.

1936. We shall meet, but we ahali miss her. There will be one vacant chair. DAUGHTER. KATIE J.

THOMAS. NOTTIE B. In loving memory of my dear husband and our father. NOTTIE JONES, who departed this life four ago October 12, 1954. Aileep and at reat On that lovely green hill, We are glad you are resting.

But our hearts miaa you still. MARTHA JONES AND CHILDREN. KIRBY. ELLA (HOLT). In loving memory of ELLA KIRBY.

who passed away July 7, 1933, on her birthday. October 12. Gone, but not forgotten. NELLIE PERKINS. EVA KEE OF WASHINGTON.

D. ETHEL MEARS OP EAST POINT, GA. LACEY, EDWARD H. In 'memory of my husband. EDWARD Hi lACEY, who departed this life i twelve years ago today, Octo- ber 12.

1940. God gave me strength to bear It, And courage to meet the blow, But what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. LORETTA W. LACEY. NUTT.

CLING US. In loving memory of my dear husband. CLINOUS NUTT, who passed away eleven vears go. October 11, 1947. God gave me strength to face it And courage to bear the blow: But what it meant to lose dingus.

No one will ever know. DEVOTED WIPE, ROSA V. NUTT. MARY In loving! remembrace of my wife. MARY LILLIAN OUVERI, who departed this life four years ago today.

October 12. 1954. Four years have passed since that sad day When the one I loved was called away; God took her home, it was His will. But in my heart she llveth still. LOVING HUBBAND, PRANK.

ROBINSON. JOSEPH. In loving memory of mv dear brother. JOSEPH ROBINSON, who passed away three years ago, October 17. 1955.

When the evening shadows are falling, And I am sitting alone, In my heart there comes a Josle, if you could only come home. The silent night is lonely. There is no golden dawn. Because I must remember, dear That you are really gone. Night and day I miss you.

It is so lonely, dear brother, so sad along way: Life does not seem the same to me Bince God called you away. You slipped away so quietly. Perhaps for the best! 1 pray that God may give you Sweet dreams and quiet and rest. YOUR LONEBOME, DEVOTED SISTER SARAH SKIPWITH PETER- SON; ROGERS, MARTHA B. In loving memory of our dear mother, MARTHA ROGERS, who passed away fifteen years ago today.

October 12, 1943.1 In our hearts your memory fingers. Always tender, fond and true; There is not a day. dear Mother, That we do not think of you. We cannot begin to describe you, There is so much that would go 1 untold. For we were blessed with a mother! Whose heart was as pure as gold Your life was so unselfish.

For others you always lived. No. not for what you could get. But what you always give. Your kind heart was ever cheerful! To stranger or friend.

All who knew you loved you You were faithful to the end. HER LOVING CHILDREN. i VAUGHAN, HR. JULIAN F. In loving memory of my dear husband.

DR JULIAN VAUGHAN, who passed away twenty years ago, October. 1938 Because we loved so truly. You are mine forever, Through holy bond too strong For even death to sever. May your soul rest in peace. YOUR LOVING WIFE ALVERTA.

WILSON, ALBERT. In loving memory of my husband. ALBERT WILSON. who departed this life October 11, 1950. My lips cannot tell how I miss you.

My lips cannot tell what to aay: Only God knows how I miss vou In my home today. HIS LOVING WIFE. CHRIBTINE WILSON. Rev. Lorenzo Riber PALMA DE MALLORCA.

Balearic Islands. Oct. 11 (AP). Rev. Lorenzo Riber, 76, poet and member of the Royal Spanish Academy, died at his home today after a short Illness.

The priest formerly was professor of rhetoric and poetry In the Pelma Seminary. li Every tamily Can Afford Ryan Serviet THOUGHTFULNESS With a personnel truly considerate of your sorrows. we have proven for over 35 years that the final tribute may be a beautiful memory lor the least cost in your I home or in our chapela I James T. Ryan Inc. wL Funeral Directors i II 317 Pa, Ave, S.E, LI.

6-1700 I i 1 Mrs. Flora Frankel, 69, Active in Welfare, Dies Mrs. Flora Frankel. 69. lone an active welfare worker, died yesterday at the Washington Hospital Center pf a heart attack.

Born In Poland, Mrt. Frsnkel had been a Washington resident about 50 years. She was the widow of Frank Frankel, a merchant here who died In 1939. She was past vice president of the sisterhood of Tlfereth Israel Congregation, to which she belonged for 35 yean. She was also lifetime chairman of the Sunshine Committee of the synagogue.

Mn. Frankel waa a member of Hadassah. of the Hebrew Home for the Aged and of Argo Lodge Women of B'nai She was a member also of the Hebrew Beneficial Society, the Ladies Aid Circle, and the Mizrachl Women. She, lived at 1225 Missouri avenue! N.W. She leaves a son, Louis Frankel.

vice president and general merchandise manager 1 of the Hecht of 1622 Myrtle street and six daughters. Mrs. Bessie Hayman. 406 Upland place, Alexandria; Mrs. Estelle Druskin.

7109 Forty- sixth street. Chevy Chase. Mrs. Sara Jewell, 808 Burlington avenue. Silver Spring; Mrs.

Marlon Krakow, 2416 Harmon 1 road. Silver Spring; Mrs. Admiral Harold Earl Parker, Stricken at Michigan Game Rear Admiral Harold Earl Parker, 58, who commanded naval units during landings in Italy and at Normandy, died yesterday of a heart attack at the Navy Michigan football game at Ann Arbor, Mich. His home was at 3900 Sixteenth street N.W. Admiral Parker retired In 1952 because of a heart ailment.

Born in Flint, he was graduated from the Naval Academy in 1922. Before World War 11, he Mary A. Bennett, Lifelong Resident Os Montgomery Miss Mary Adele Bennett, 85. a lifelong resident of Montgomery County, died Thursday at her home, 318 West Montgomery avenue, Rockville. She was the daughter of the late George Harvey and Emma Maus Bennett of Spencerville, Md.

Miss Bennett attended Miss Seminary in Rockville, formerly Georgetown Collegiate Institute. She was a member of the: Liberty Grove Methodist Church and its organizations! in Burtonsville, and a member of the tian Temperance Union of Montgomery County. She leaves a sister. Miss Lillian Allen Bennett, of the home address; a niece, Mrs. Wilson Miller, of Georgetown, and several nephews.

Services will be held at 2:30 p.m. today at Liberty Grove Church. Burial will be in Union Cemetery, Burtonsville. Thomas Beall, Penn Engineer, Native of Bowie Thomas L. Beall, 59, died yesterday at Kis home, 11504 Newport Mill road.

Silver Spring. He was a locomotive engineer for the Pennsylvania Railroad, working between Washington, i Harrisburg, Jersey City, 'N. and New York. Mr. Beall was born in Bowie, He went to work for the railroad in February, 1923, as a locomotive fireman and was advanced to engineer in March.

1942. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and of St. Catherine Laboure Catholic Church. Silver Spring. He leaves his wife.

Mrs. Mildred Scott Beall; four daughters. Mrs. Mildred Burke of 8930 Broadmoor drive, Bethesda; Mrs. Virginia Rich of 632 Lincoln street, Rockville; Mrs.

Margaret Leake of 13422 Justice road. Rockville, and Miss Rebecca Beall of the home address. Other survivors are three brothers. Frank E. Beall of 1140 Colonial avenue, Alexandria: John Beall of 11 West Howell avenue.

Alexandria, and: Hubert M. Beall of and a sister, Mrs Peter J. Conlon of 2707 Hemlock avenue. Alexandria. Mass will be said at 10 a.m Tuesday In St.

Church, with burial in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. W-'! HK P- a. MRS. FLORA FRANKEL Frances Abramson, 6001 Nebraska avenue N.W.; and Mrs. Dorothy Filderman.

6926 Blaisdell road, Bethesda. Twentyone grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren also survive. Services will be at 1 p.m. today at Danzansky's funeral home, 3501 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in the D.

C. Hebrew Beneficial BoCletv Cemetery. Memorial week will be observed at 6001 Nebraska avenue N.W. spent most of his career at bases and aboard ships of the Pacific Fleet. He left Pearl Harbor, where he had commanded a destroyer squadron, just two weeks before the Japanese attack.

An authority on naval ordnance. Admiral Parker was sent to South America early in the war to supervise training of Brazilian sailors. Later he was transferred to the European theater where he participated in amphibious as- I saults on Italy and in the invasion. At the end of the war he was in command of a cruiser. Before- his retirement, he served on the Joint staff in Washington and the NATO staff in Paris.

Admiral Parker leaves his i wife. Mrs. Margaret Parker of the home address; a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Jones, Robinson, a son, Thomas, 26 Old Glebe road, Arlington, and five grandchildren. Services will be conducted in Flint.

Burial will be in Annapolis. Pierre Lejay, 60, French Scientist PARIS, Oct. 11 Rev. Pierre Lejsy, 60, president of the French committee for the International Geophysical Year, died today aboard the liner Flandre. Father Lejay was returning from aperies of scientific conference's in the United States I when stricken by a heart at, He entered the Jesuit order in 1915 and was ordained a priest in 1926.

Later he became director of the Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory in Shanghai, returning to France in 1939. Father Lejay was director of the International Bureau of Graviometry, president of the Bureau of Longitudes, and vice president of the International Council of Scientific Unions. 1 He was a member of the French Academy of Sciences. Dr. Aivin C.

Goddard ROME, N. Oct. 11 (AP). Rev. Dr.

Alvin C. Godk dard. 75. lecturer, writer and retired Methodist minister, died i i today. He retired three years ago after 19 years as pastor of the Rome Methodist Church.

i Regardless Os Price The Gawler i 1 Tradition of DIGNITY 1 Characterizes Every Gawler Funeral of 1,000 consecutive Gawler over half cost then S7OO 290 cost then $450 252 $450 to S7OO 349 cott S7OO to $999 HO cott more then 4 ttrmct JOSEPH SOBS, INC FUNERAL DIRECTORS PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W. Telephone: NA. MJI3 I COueruv parking Opposw.

Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.