How to Make a Strong Clash of Clans Base - U7BUY Blog (2024)

With a list of different gaming accounts at great prices, there is bound to be a perfect one for you on U7BUY. Check some of the Clash of Clans account for sale now! Having a good and strong base to protect yourself and your goods from raids is absolutely crucial in Clash of Clans. Just having a single mistake in your design could be enough to always lose a raid by smart players, so how do you avoid this?

Looking at Layouts

You can find lots of video game currencies like COC Gems here on U7BUY too! The Clash of Clans layouts of your base and understanding which one you plan to use or create is what will make the difference between a strong and weak COC base. There are a lot of ways to go about this whether it is by finding a COC base template to use or by creating your very own unique design.

Finding a Layout for You

There are lots of ways to figure out which layout you want to choose or create. One of these ways is by simply researching online through the different Clash of Clans base layouts that other players have created to share. If you’re lucky, you may find some bases that even top players on Clash of Clans utilize.

When you find the COC layout, you want to actually use, all you have to do is save the image and follow it as you unlock new buildings and place down your walls. You can of course use the Clash of Clans layouts as less of a reference and more as inspiration for potential ideas for your own layout that you wish to create.

Layout Shapes

When it comes to building a COC layout, you will notice that a lot of players tend to build them with the outline of a shape. Some of these more popular ones include diamond-shaped or star-shaped outlines. These shapes tend to guarantee much more protection especially when you add defensive towers along their Clash of Clans points.

How to Make a Strong Clash of Clans Base - U7BUY Blog (1)

There are also popular strategies that surround these shaped Clash of Clans layouts. For example, when creating a base that follows a diamond’s shape, you can place all of your army camps along the outside of the Clash of Clans base’s walls. When placing these camps all around, this guarantees that all enemy COC troops will run into battle before even entering the base itself.

Building Your Own Layout

Of course, if choosing a layout to follow isn’t your thing or you have a special Clash of Clans layout design of your own that you want to create, then do so! However, be sure to at least keep a few building tips in mind. This includes always having walls around each important building and even trying the double wall method for extra measure. Other than that main point, the rest of your designing journey is all yours! Just be sure to keep your walls upgraded and your COC troops trained.

Making Your Base Stronger

Building a strong layout of your Clash of Clans base is one thing, but keeping it leveled up is another. One cannot survive without the other having an overall strong Clash of Clans base, so you must pay attention to what your base needs as you continue on your path in Clash of Clans. Never underestimate what enemy players are capable of.


In order to get the resources, you need to upgrade your buildings in the base, you are going to have to raid other Clash of Clans bases to get them and a lot. Whenever you are able to raid with the right number of troops ready, then do it. Even if you lose a raid, you will still be earning much-needed extra Coins and Elixir.


Of course, the main way to make your COC base stronger is by upgrading everything as much as you can, but which buildings should you prioritize more? The first is your mines and collectors. When you’re not raiding other players, these functions are your main source of resource income, so always upgrade this first to ensure its flow.

After upgrading your income, then you can move on to your defensive and offensive buildings and functions. Upgrade your towers and add plenty of traps around any parts of your Clash of Clans base that you fear could lead to an opening by enemy COC troops. Speaking of Clash of Clans troops, make sure that you always have some readily available just in case.

Finally, your walls are possibly one of the most important lines of defense other than your defense Clash of Clans towers themselves. The longer it takes for enemy COC troops to break your walls then the more vulnerable they become to your defenses. Having your walls constantly upgraded when you can is crucial to keeping your base strong and safe.

How to Make a Strong Clash of Clans Base - U7BUY Blog (2024)
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