Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco · 2016-05-21 · Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (2024)

Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (1)

Paul G. HewittCity College of San Francisco

Suzanne LyonsCalifornia State University, Sacramento

John SuchockiSaint Michael’s College

Jennifer YehUniversity of California, San Francisco

Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto

Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (2)

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ISBN 10: 0-321-81850-4; ISBN 13: 978-0-321-81850-8 (Student Edition)ISBN 10: 0-321-82745-7; ISBN 13: 978-0-321-82745-6 (Exam Copy)ISBN 10: 0-133-10526-1; ISBN 13: 978-0-133-10526-1 (School binding)ISBN 10: 0-321-82287-0; ISBN 13: 978-0-321-82287-1 (Books a la Carte Edition)

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (3)

This book is dedicated to the inquiring minds devoted to protecting the beautiful planet we call home.

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (4)

Brief Contents1 About Science 1

Part one

Physics 172 Describing Motion 183 Newton’s Laws of Motion 444 Momentum and Energy 695 Gravity 956 Heat 1217 Electricity and Magnetism 1478 Waves—Sound and Light 178

Part two

Chemistry 2139 Atoms and the Periodic Table 214

10 The Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity 24311 Investigating Matter 27212 Chemical Bonds and Mixtures 29713 Chemical Reactions 33614 Organic Compounds 376

Part tHree

Biology 40915 The Basic Unit of Life—The Cell 41016 Genetics 44517 The Evolution of Life 48218 Diversity of Life on Earth 51619 Human Biology I—Control

and Development 54820 Human Biology II—Care and

Maintenance 58021 Ecology 608

Part four

Earth Science 64322 Plate Tectonics 64423 Rocks and Minerals 67224 Earth’s Surface—Land and Water 70225 Surface Processes 72926 Weather 75527 Environmental Geology 787

Part five

Astronomy 81928 The Solar System 820

29 The Universe 854

aPPendix a:

On Measurement and Unit Conversion A-1

aPPendix B:

Linear and Rotational Motion A-5

aPPendix C:

More on Vectors A-11

aPPendix d:

Exponential Growth and Doubling Time A-12

aPPendix e:

Physics of Fluids A-17

aPPendix f:

Chemical Equilibrium A-23

odd-numBered SoLutionS S-1GLoSSarY G-1 CreditS C-1index I-1

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (5)

1 About Science 11.1 A Brief History of Advances in Science 21.2 Mathematics and Conceptual

Integrated Science 31.3 The Scientific Method—A Classic Tool 31.4 The Scientific Hypothesis 51.5 The Scientific Experiment 61.6 Facts, Theories, and Laws 71.7 Science Has Limitations 81.8 Science, Art, and Religion 91.9 Technology—The Practical Use of Science 101.10 The Natural Sciences: Physics, Chemistry,

Biology, Earth Science, and Astronomy 111.11 Integrated Science 11

inteGrated SCienCe 1a CHemiStrY and BioLoGY

An Investigation of Sea Butterflies 12

Part one

Physics 172 Describing Motion 182.1 Aristotle on Motion 192.2 Galileo’s Concept of Inertia 192.3 Mass—A Measure of Inertia 222.4 Net Force 242.5 The Equilibrium Rule 252.6 The Support Force 262.7 Equilibrium of Moving Things 292.8 The Force of Friction 30

inteGrated SCienCe 2a BioLoGY, aStronomY, CHemiStrY, and eartH SCienCe

Friction Is Universal 312.9 Speed and Velocity 32

2.10 Acceleration 35inteGrated SCienCe 2B BioLoGY

Hang Time 37

3 Newton’s Laws of Motion 443.1 Newton’s First Law of Motion 453.2 Newton’s Second Law of Motion 45

inteGrated SCienCe 3a BioLoGY

Gliding 513.3 Forces and Interactions 533.4 Newton’s Third Law of Motion 54

inteGrated SCienCe 3B BioLoGY

Animal Locomotion 583.5 Vectors 603.6 Summary of Newton’s Three Laws 61

4 Momentum and Energy 694.1 Momentum 704.2 Impulse 704.3 Impulse–Momentum Relationship 71

inteGrated SCienCe 4a BioLoGY

The Impulse–Momentum Relationship in Sports 724.4 Conservation of Momentum 744.5 Energy 764.6 Power 784.7 Potential Energy 784.8 Kinetic Energy 804.9 The Work–Energy Theorem 814.10 Conservation of Energy 84

inteGrated SCienCe 4B BioLoGY and CHemiStrY

Glucose: Energy for Life 854.11 Machines 86

5 Gravity 955.1 The Legend of the Falling Apple 965.2 The Fact of the Falling Moon 96

Detailed Contents

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (6)


5.3 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation 965.4 Gravity and Distance:

The Inverse-Square Law 975.5 The Universal Gravitational

Constant, G 99inteGrated SCienCe 5a BioLoGY

Your Biological Gravity Detector 995.6 Weight and Weightlessness 102

inteGrated SCienCe 5B BioLoGY

Center of Gravity of People 1035.7 Centripetal Force Can Simulate

Gravity 1045.8 Projectile Motion 1055.9 Projectile Altitude and Range 1085.10 The Effect of Air Drag on Projectiles 1095.11 Fast-Moving Projectiles—Satellites 1105.12 Elliptical Orbits 111

inteGrated SCienCe 5C aStronomY

Escape Speed 113

6 Heat 1216.1 The Kinetic Theory of Matter 1226.2 Temperature 1226.3 Absolute Zero 1236.4 What Is Heat? 1246.5 The Laws of Thermodynamics 126

inteGrated SCienCe 6a CHemiStrY and BioLoGY

Entropy 1276.6 Specific Heat Capacity 129

inteGrated SCienCe 6B eartH SCienCe

Specific Heat Capacity and Earth’s Climate 1316.7 Thermal Expansion 1336.8 Heat Transfer: Conduction 1366.9 Heat Transfer: Convection 1376.10 Heat Transfer: Radiation 139

7 Electricity and Magnetism 1477.1 Electrical Force and Charge 1487.2 Coulomb’s Law 1497.3 Electric Field 151

7.4 Electric Potential 1527.5 Conductors and Insulators 1537.6 Voltage Sources 1547.7 Electric Current 1557.8 Electrical Resistance 1567.9 Ohm’s Law 157

inteGrated SCienCe 7a BioLoGY

Electric Shock 1587.10 Electric Circuits 1607.11 Electric Power 1617.12 The Magnetic Force 1627.13 Magnetic Fields 163

inteGrated SCienCe 7B BioLoGY and eartH SCienCeEarth’s Magnetic Field and the Ability of Organisms to Sense It 166

7.14 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charges 167

7.15 Electromagnetic Induction 169

8 Waves—Sound and Light 1788.1 Vibrations and Waves 1798.2 Wave Motion 1808.3 Transverse and Longitudinal Waves 1828.4 The Nature of Sound 182

inteGrated SCienCe 8a BioLoGY

Sensing Pitch 1838.5 Resonance 1858.6 The Nature of Light 1868.7 Reflection 1888.8 Transparent and Opaque Materials 1908.9 Color 192

inteGrated SCienCe 8B BioLoGY

Mixing Colored Lights 1948.10 Refraction 1968.11 Diffraction 2008.12 Interference 2018.13 The Doppler Effect 203

inteGrated SCienCe 8C aStronomYThe Doppler Effect and the Expanding Universe 204

8.14 The Wave–Particle Duality 205

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (7)

viiDetaileD Contents

Part two

Chemistry 2139 Atoms and the

Periodic Table 214inteGrated SCienCe 9a PHYSiCS

Atoms Are Ancient and Empty 2159.1 The Elements 2169.2 Protons and Neutrons 2189.3 The Periodic Table 221

inteGrated SCienCe 9B BioLoGY and eartH SCienCe

Physical and Conceptual Models 2269.4 Identifying Atoms Using the Spectroscope 2299.5 The Quantum Hypothesis 2319.6 Electron Waves 2349.7 The Noble Gas Shell Model 236

10 The Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity 243

10.1 Radioactivity 244inteGrated SCienCe 10a BioLoGY

Radiation Dosage 24610.2 The Strong Nuclear Force 24910.3 Half-Life and Transmutation 251

inteGrated SCienCe 10B BioLoGY and eartH SCienCe

Radiometric Dating 25510.4 Nuclear Fission 25710.5 Mass–Energy Equivalence 262

inteGrated SCienCe 10C aStronomY

Nuclear Fusion 264

11 Investigating Matter 27211.1 Chemistry: The Central Science 27311.2 The Submicroscopic View of Matter 27411.3 Phase Changes 27711.4 Physical and Chemical Properties 27911.5 Determining Physical and

Chemical Changes 282

11.6 Elements to Compounds 28411.7 Naming Compounds 287

inteGrated SCienCe 11a PHYSiCSand BioLoGY

The Advent of Nanotechnology 288

12 Chemical Bonds and Mixtures 297

12.1 Electron-Dot Structures 29812.2 The Ionic Bond 299

inteGrated SCienCe 12a eartH SCienCe

Metals from Earth 30412.3 The Covalent Bond 30712.4 Polar Covalent Bonds 31012.5 Molecular Polarity 31212.6 Molecular Attractions 315

inteGrated SCienCe 12B BioLoGYand eartH SCienCe

Most Materials Are Mixtures 32012.7 Describing Solutions 32312.8 Solubility 327

13 Chemical Reactions 33613.1 Chemical Equations 33713.2 Energy and Chemical Reactions 33913.3 Reaction Rates 343

inteGrated SCienCe 13a eartH SCienCe and BioLoGY

Catalysts 34813.4 Acids Donate Protons; Bases Accept Them 35013.5 Acidic, Basic, and Neutral Solutions 355

inteGrated SCienCe 13B eartH SCienCe

Acid Rain and Ocean Acidification 35813.6 Losing and Gaining Electrons 361

inteGrated SCienCe 13C PHYSiCS

Batteries and Fuel Cells 36313.7 Corrosion and Combustion 366

14 Organic Compounds 37614.1 Hydrocarbons 37714.2 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 38114.3 Functional Groups 383

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (8)

14.4 Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers 38414.5 Amines and Alkaloids 38814.6 Carbonyl Compounds 390

inteGrated SCienCe 14a BioLoGY

Drug Action 39414.7 Polymers 396

Part tHree

Biology 40915 The Basic Unit of

Life—The Cell 41015.1 Characteristics of Life 411

inteGrated SCienCe 15a CHemiStrY

Macromolecules Needed for Life 41215.2 Cell Types: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic 415

inteGrated SCienCe 15B PHYSiCS

The Microscope 41715.3 Tour of a Eukaryotic Cell 41915.4 The Cell Membrane 42115.5 Transport Into and Out of Cells 42215.6 Cell Communication 42615.7 How Cells Reproduce 42715.8 How Cells Use Energy 430

inteGrated SCienCe 15C CHemiStrY

ATP and Chemical Reactions in Cells 43115.9 Photosynthesis 43415.10 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation 437

16 Genetics 44516.1 What Is a Gene? 44616.2 Chromosomes: Packages of Genetic

Information 446inteGrated SCienCe 16a CHemiStrY

The Structure of DNA 44816.3 DNA Replication 45016.4 How Proteins Are Built 45016.5 Genetic Mutations 455

inteGrated SCienCe 16B PHYSiCS

How Radioactivity Causes Genetic Mutations 45716.6 Meiosis and Genetic Diversity 45916.7 Mendelian Genetics 461

16.8 More Wrinkles: Beyond Mendelian Genetics 466

16.9 The Human Genome 46916.10 Cancer: Genes Gone Awry 471

inteGrated SCienCe 16C eartH SCienCe

Environmental Causes of Cancer 47216.11 Transgenic Organisms and Cloning 47216.12 DNA Technology—What Could

Possibly Go Wrong? 475

17 The Evolution of Life 48217.1 The Origin of Life 483

inteGrated SCienCe 17a aStronomY

Did Life on Earth Originate on Mars? 48517.2 Early Life on Earth 48517.3 Charles Darwin and The Origin of Species 48717.4 How Natural Selection Works 48917.5 Adaptation 492

inteGrated SCienCe 17B PHYSiCS

Staying Warm and Keeping Cool 49517.6 Evolution and Genetics 49617.7 How Species Form 49917.8 Evidence of Evolution 503

inteGrated SCienCe 17C eartH SCienCe

Fossils: Earth’s Tangible Evidence of Evolution 50617.9 The Evolution of Humans 508

18 Diversity of Life on Earth 51618.1 Classifying Life 51718.2 The Three Domains of Life 52018.3 Bacteria 52118.4 Archaea 52318.5 Protists 52318.6 Plants 525

inteGrated SCienCe 18a PHYSiCS and CHemiStrY

Moving Water up a Tree 53118.7 Fungi 53218.8 Animals 533

inteGrated SCienCe 18B eartH SCienCe and CHemiStrY

Coral Bleaching and Ocean Acidification 534inteGrated SCienCe 18C PHYSiCS

How Birds Fly 54118.9 Viruses and Prions 542


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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (9)

19 Human Biology I—Control and Development 548

19.1 Organization of the Human Body 54919.2 Homeostasis 55019.3 The Brain 55119.4 The Nervous System 55319.5 How Neurons Work 556

inteGrated SCienCe 19a PHYSiCS

How Fast Can Action Potentials Travel? 558inteGrated SCienCe 19B CHemiStrY

Endorphins 56019.6 The Senses 56219.7 Hormones 56619.8 Reproduction and Development 57019.9 The Skeleton and Muscles 573

20 Human Biology II—Care and Maintenance 580

20.1 Integration of Body Systems 58120.2 The Circulatory System 581

inteGrated SCienCe 20a CHemiStrY

Hemoglobin 58420.3 Respiration 58520.4 Digestion 58720.5 Nutrition, Exercise, and Health 590

inteGrated SCienCe 20B PHYSiCS and CHemiStrY

Low-Carb Versus Low-Cal Diets 59120.6 Excretion and Water Balance 59320.7 Keeping the Body Safe: Defense Systems 595

21 Ecology 60821.1 Organisms and Their Environments 60921.2 Population Ecology 61021.3 Human Population Growth 61421.4 Species Interactions 61621.5 Kinds of Ecosystems 622

inteGrated SCienCe 21a eartH SCienCe

Materials Cycling in Ecosystems 62721.6 Energy Flow in Ecosystems 630

inteGrated SCienCe 21BPHYSiCS and CHemiStrY

Energy Leaks When Organisms Eat 63221.7 Change in an Ecosystem 633

Part four

Earth Science 64322 Plate Tectonics 64422.1 Earth Science Is an Integrated Science 64522.2 Earth’s Compositional Layers 646

inteGrated SCienCe 22a PHYSiCSand CHemiStrY

Earth Developed Layers When It Was Young, Hot, and Molten 648

22.3 Earth’s Structural Layers 649inteGrated SCienCe 22B PHYSiCS

Using Seismology to Explore Earth’s Interior 65122.4 Continental Drift—An Idea Before

Its Time 65322.5 Seafloor Spreading—A Mechanism

for Continental Drift 655inteGrated SCienCe 22C PHYSiCS, CHemiStrY, and aStronomY

Magnetic Stripes Are Evidence of Seafloor Spreading 65722.6 The Theory of Plate Tectonics 659

inteGrated SCienCe 22d PHYSiCS

What Forces Drive the Plates? 66022.7 Plate Boundaries 662

inteGrated SCienCe 22e BioLoGY

Life in the Trenches 666

23 Rocks and Minerals 67223.1 What Is a Mineral? 67323.2 Mineral Properties 67423.3 Types of Minerals 677

inteGrated SCienCe 23a CHemiStrY

The Silicate Tetrahedron 68023.4 How Do Minerals Form? 68123.5 What Is Rock? 68423.6 Igneous Rock 68623.7 Sedimentary Rock 689

inteGrated SCienCe 23B BioLoGY,CHemiStrY, and PHYSiCS

Coal 69123.8 Metamorphic Rock 69223.9 The Rock Cycle 694

inteGrated SCienCe 23C BioLoGY and aStronomY

Earth’s History Is Written in Its Rocks 696

ixDetaileD Contents

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (10)

24 Earth’s Surface—Land and Water 702

24.1 A Survey of Earth 70324.2 Crustal Deformation—Folds

and Faults 70524.3 Mountains 70824.4 Plains and Plateaus 71224.5 Earth’s Waters 71324.6 The Ocean 714

inteGrated SCienCe 24a CHemiStrYand BioLoGY

The Composition of Ocean Water 71624.7 Fresh Water 71824.8 Glaciers 723

inteGrated SCienCe 24B PHYSiCS, CHemiStrY, and BioLoGY

Water Pollution 723

25 Surface Processes 72925.1 Processes That Sculpt Earth: Weathering,

Erosion, and Deposition 730inteGrated SCienCe 25a PHYSiCS, CHemiStrY, and BioLoGY

Weathering 732inteGrated SCienCe 25B BioLoGY

Soil 73525.2 The Impact of Running Water 73725.3 Glaciers—Earth’s Bulldozers 74225.4 Effects of Gravity Alone—

Mass Movement 74425.5 Groundwater Erodes Rock to Make

Caves and Caverns 74625.6 Wave Effects 74825.7 Wind—Agent of Change 750

26 Weather 75526.1 The Atmosphere 756

inteGrated SCienCe 26a PHYSiCS

Atmospheric Pressure 75726.2 The Structure of the Atmosphere 759

inteGrated SCienCe 26B PHYSiCS

Solar Radiation and the Greenhouse Effect Drive Global Temperature 761

26.3 Temperature Depends on Latitude 765

26.4 Earth’s Tilted Axis—The Seasons 76626.5 Flow of the Atmosphere—Wind 768

inteGrated SCienCe 26C BioLoGY

Wind Chill 76826.6 Local and Global Wind Patterns 769

inteGrated SCienCe 26d PHYSiCS

The Coriolis Effect 77126.7 Ocean Currents Distribute Heat 77226.8 Water in the Atmosphere 77426.9 Changing Weather—Air Masses,

Fronts, and Cyclones 779

27 Environmental Geology 78727.1 Earthquakes 78827.2 Tsunami 79327.3 Volcanoes 79427.4 Hurricanes 798

inteGrated SCienCe 27a PHYSiCS, CHemiStrY, BioLoGY, and aStronomY

Climate Change 801

Part five

Astronomy 81928 The Solar System 82028.1 The Solar System and Its Formation 82128.2 The Sun 82528.3 The Inner Planets 82728.4 The Outer Planets 831

inteGrated SCienCe 28a BioLoGY

What Makes a Planet Suitable for Life? 83528.5 Earth’s Moon 83728.6 Failed Planet Formation 844

29 The Universe 85429.1 Observing the Night Sky 85529.2 The Brightness and Color of Stars 85729.3 The Hertzsprung–Russell Diagram 85929.4 The Life Cycles of Stars 86229.5 Black Holes 867


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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (11)

29.6 Galaxies 871inteGrated SCienCe 29a BioLoGY

The Drake Equation 88229.7 Looking Back in Time 88329.8 Dark Matter and Dark Energy 887

aPPendix a:

On Measurement and Unit Conversion A-1

aPPendix B:

Linear and Rotational Motion A-5

aPPendix C:

More on Vectors A-11

aPPendix d:

Exponential Growth and Doubling Time A-12

aPPendix e:

Physics of Fluids A-17

aPPendix f:

Chemical Equilibrium A-23

odd-numBered SoLutionS S-1

GLoSSarY G-1

CreditS C-1

index I-1

xiDetaileD Contents

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (12)

matH ConneCtionEquations as Guides to Thinking 4

Applying the Equilibrium Rule 28

Equations as Guides to Thinking: a = F>m 49

When Air Resistance Slows Acceleration 52

Vector Components 61

Quantifying Collisions 77

Work Practice Problems 78

Power Practice Problems 79

Calculating Potential Energy 80

Applying the Work–Energy Theorem 83

Efficiency Calculations 89

Comparing Gravitational Attractions 100

The Heat-Transfer Equation 131

Ohm’s Law 158

Solving Power Problems 162

Frequency and Wave Speed 181

Calculating Atomic Mass 221

Calculating for Solutions 326

Logarithms and pH 357

Why Does Diffusion Limit the Size of Cells? 426

Exponential and Logistic Population Growth 612

Calculate the Age of the Atlantic Ocean 663

How Long Can a Mountain Exist? 732

The Scale of the Solar System 823

The Scale of the Galaxy 881

SCienCe and SoCietYPseudoscience 8

Paul Hewitt and the Origin of Conceptual Integrated Science 27

Stem Cells 430

Genetic Counseling 469

DNA Forensics 470

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria 494

Ethnobotany 530

Swine Flu 543

Fathers and Testosterone 569

What Are the Odds? Current Major Health Risks 592

The Placebo Effect 598

AIDS 602

Biodiversity, Nature’s Insurance Policy 619

Invasive Species 621

Wangari Maathai and Ecologically Sustainable Development 636

Mining 684

Whose Water Is It? 721

The Dust Bowl 750

Disaster Warnings—When Do You Tell the People? 797

Astrology 861

Falling into a Black Hole 870

Big Bang Helium 886

Special Features

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (13)

HiStorY of SCienCeAristotle 20

Galileo Galilei 21

The Moving Earth 47

Isaac Newton 62

110 Volts 157

Generators and Power Production 171

Cell Theory 417

Discovery of the Double Helix 449

The Peppered Moth 492

Classifying the Platypus 541

teCHnoLoGYJunk Science 88

Communications Satellites 112

Engineering for Thermal Expansion 136

Electromagnetic Induction in Everyday Technologies 171

Broadcasting Radio Waves 180

Antinoise Technology 204

Gene Therapy 458

Bacterial Clean-Up Crews 522

Mapping the Brain in Action: Functional MRIs 553

Visual Prostheses for the Blind 564

Transplanting Bone Marrow in the Fight Against Cancer 585

Direct Measurement of Continental Drift 658

Synthetic Diamonds 683

Remote Sensing 704

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (14)


This book is very personal to the authors, family undertakings shown in the many photographs throughout. Author Paul is seen with wife Lillian on page 58, and Lil again on pages 176, and 210. Lil’s dad, Wai Tsan Lee, is on page 176. Paul’s grown children begin with son Paul

with his mother Millie on page 138, and daughter Leslie in her student days on page 240. Paul’s sister (and John’s mom) Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki (pronounced Su-hock-ee, with a silent c), a leading process theologian, is shown reflectively on page 188. Paul’s brother Steve shows Newton’s third law with his daughter Gretchen on page 67. Paul’s grandchild Emily Abrams opens Part One on page 17. Paul’s friends include Tenny Lim pages 1 and 79, Will Maynez on page 77, Burl Grey on page 25, Dan Johnson on page 146 and Bay Johnson (Dan’s grandson) on page 185, John Hubisz on page 128, Mike and Jane Jukes on pages 34 and 68, Cassy Cosme on page 73. Little kids that Paul loves include Carlos Vasquez on page 195, Miriam Dijamco and Michelle Anna Wong on page 178, Francesco Ming Giovannuzzi on page 125, and Andrea Wu on pages 94 and 191.

Chemistry author John, who in his “other life” is John Andrew, singer and song-writer walks barefoot on red-hot coals on page 137. John’s wife, Tracy, is seen again with oldest son Ian on page 216 and with their second son Evan on page 283. Their third child, Maitreya Rose, is featured in the Chapter 14 opening photograph on page 376. Exploring the microscopic realm with the uncanny resolution of electron waves is cousin George Webster, who is seen on page 234. Friend Rinchen Trashi looks through the spectroscope on page 230. John’s former students and co-stars of the Kai and Maile Show from Conceptual Chemistr y Alive! appear on page 370. Coauthor Leslie Hewitt is seen as a 16 year old inspecting a molecular model on page 240. Nephews and niece Liam, Bo, and Neve Hopwood are seen together in the chemistry part opener of page 213.

Paul’s granddaughter Grace Hewitt is featured in the astronomy part opener on page 819. The left two photographs on page 842 show our lab manual author Dean Baird surrounded by crescent shaped images of the Sun during the 2012 solar eclipse. Colleague Paul Doherty, on the far right on page 842, reveals the rarely seen sun circles that formed during same eclipse at the time and place of annular totality.

Biology author Jennifer’s daughter Daphne and her prized sunflower open up Biology on page 409. A special thank you to Daphne’s aunt Anita Sherman for bring-ing Daphne the sunflower all the way from her Baltimore garden! Jennifer’s kids Io and Pico show off their sunscreen and sun hats on page 472. Io also appears on page 552, where she engages in her favorite pastime. Jennifer’s husband Nils shoots a basket on page 591. And Jennifer’s sister Pam, who is also a biologist, shows a specimen she caught (and later released) during an ecological study in Nepal on page 609.

The Conceptual Integrated Science Photo Album

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (15)

aPPendixEarth-Science author Suzanne Lyons with her children Simone and Tristan are

shown on page 211. Tristan is on page 32 demonstrating friction and Simone is on page 192 pondering the color of a rose. Suzanne’s husband Pete demonstrates ther-modynamics in everyday life on page 126.

These photographs are of people very dear to the authors, which makes Conceptual Integrated Science all the more our labor of love.

xvTHe ConCeptual Integrated SCIenCe PHoTo ALBUM

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (16)

xvi THe ConCeptual Integrated SCIenCe PHoTo ALBUM

Paul G. HewittFormer silver-medal boxing champion, sign painter, uranium prospector, and soldier, Paul began college at the age of 27, with the help of the GI Bill. He pio-neered the conceptual approach to teaching physics at the City College of San Francisco. He has taught as a guest teacher at various middle schools and high schools, the University of California at both the Berkeley and Santa Cruz cam-puses, and the University of Hawaii at both the Manoa and Hilo campuses. He also taught for 20 years at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, which honored him with its Outstanding Educator Award in 2000. He is the author of Con-ceptual Physics and a co-author of Conceptual Physical Science and Conceptual Physical Science Explorations (with John Suchocki and Leslie Hewitt Abrams).

Suzanne LyonsSuzanne received her B.A. in physics from the University of California, Berke-ley. She earned her M.A. in education and her California teaching credential both from Stanford University. She earned another M.A. degree in Integrated Earth Sciences from California State University Sacramento. Suzanne was edi-tor of Conceptual Physics and other books in the Conceptual series for 16 years and has authored 7 books on physics, hands-on science activities, and other topics in science and education. She has taught science and education courses to students of diverse ages and ability levels, from elementary school through college. She is always interested in developing new ways to teach and to that end, she founded the small business

John A. SuchockiJohn is the author of Conceptual Chemistr y and coauthor of Conceptual Physical Science and Conceptual Physical Science Explorations. John obtained his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Virginia Commonwealth University. He worked as a pharmacology postdoctoral fellow at the Medical College of Virginia before becoming a tenured professor at Leeward Community College in Hawaii, where his interests turned to science education, the development of distance learning programs, and student-centered learning curricula. Currently an adjunct professor at Saint Michael’s College in Vermont, John also produces science multimedia through his company Conceptual Productions. His popular tutorial video lessons, as well as those of his coauthors, are freely available at

Jennifer YehJennifer earned a Ph.D. in integrative biology from the University of Texas, Austin, for her work on frog skeleton evolution. She obtained her B.A. in physics and astronomy from Harvard University. Following her graduate work, Jennifer was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco, where she studied the genetics of breast cancer. Jennifer has taught courses in physics, cell biology, human embryology, vertebrate anatomy, and ecology and evolution. She is the author of various scientific papers as well as the book Endangered Species: Must They Disappear? (Thomson/Gale, © 2002, 2004). Jennifer continues to work on a wide variety of introductory biology materials, including various ancillaries and online tutorials.

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (17)

To the Student

Welcome to Conceptual Integrated Science. The science you’ll learn here is INTEGRATED. That means we’ll explore the in-dividual science disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, Earth science, and astronomy PLUS the areas where these disciplines

overlap. Most of the scientific questions you’re curious about, or need to know about, involve not just one discipline, but several of them in an overlapping way. How did the universe originate? That’s astronomy + physics. How are our bodies altered by the foods we eat, the medicines we take, and the way we exercise? That’s chemistry + biology. What’s the greenhouse effect? Will it trigger irreversible global warming, threatening life on our planet? Physics, chemistry, biology, and Earth science are all needed to understand the answers.

We’re convinced that the CONCEPTUAL orientation of this book is the way in which students best learn science. That means that we emphasize concepts before computation. Although much of science is mathematical, a firm qualitative grasp of concepts is also important. Too much emphasis on mathematical problem solving early in your science studies can actually distract you from the concepts and prevent you from fully comprehending them. If you continue in science, you may follow up with classes requiring advanced mathematical methods. Whether you do or don’t, we think you’ll be glad you learned the concepts first with just enough math to make them clearer.

This course provides plenty of resources beyond the text as well. For example, the interactive figures, interactive tutorials, and demonstration videos on will help you visualize science concepts, particularly processes that vary over time, such as the velocity of an object in free fall, the phases of the Moon, or the formation of chemical bonds. The activities in the Laboratory Manual will build your gut-level feeling for concepts and your analytical skills. Ponder the puzzlers in the Conceptual Integrated Science Practice Book and work through the simple review questions—all this will increase your confidence and mastery of science.

As with all things, what you get out of this class depends on what you put into it. So study hard, ask all the questions you need to, and most of all enjoy your scientific tour of the amazing natural world!

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (18)

To the Instructor

This second edition of Conceptual Integrated Science with its impor-tant ancillaries provides your students an enjoyable and readable intro-ductory coverage of the natural sciences. As with the previous edition, the 29 chapters are divided into five main parts—Physics, Chemistry, Biology,

Earth Science, and Astronomy. We begin with physics, the basic science that provides a foundation for chemistry, which in turn underlies biology, which extends to Earth science and astronomy.

For the nonscience student, this book affords a means of viewing nature percep-tively. One can see that a surprisingly few relationships make up its rules, most of which are the laws of physics presented in Part One. Physics laws are nature’s secret codes. Here they are expressed both in words and in equation form. We view equa-tions as guides to thinking. Even students who shy away from mathematics can learn to read equations to guide their thinking—to see how concepts connect. The symbols in equations are akin to musical notes that guide musicians.

For the science student, this same foundation affords a springboard to further study. For quantitatively oriented students, ample end-of-chapter material provides problem-solving activity through the Think and Solve problems.

Physics begins with static equilibrium so that students can start with forces be-fore studying velocity and acceleration. After success with simple forces, the coverage touches lightly on kinematics, enough preparation for Newton’s laws of motion. The pace picks up with the conventional order of mechanics topics followed by heat, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, sound, and light. Physics chapters lead to the realm of the atom—a bridge to chemistry.

The chemistry chapters begin with a look at the submicroscopic world of the atom, which is described in terms of subatomic particles and the periodic table. Students are then introduced to the atomic nucleus and its relevance to radioac-tivity, nuclear power, as well as astronomy. Subsequent chemistry chapters follow a traditional approach covering chemical changes, bonding, molecular interac-tions, and the formation of mixtures. With this foundation students are then set to learn the mechanics of chemical reactions and the behavior of organic com-pounds. As with previous editions, chemistry is related to the student’s familiar world—the fluorine in their toothpaste, the Teflon on their frying pans, and the flavors produced by various organic molecules. The environmental aspects of chemistry are also highlighted—from how our drinking water is purified to how atmospheric carbon dioxide influences the pH of rainwater and our oceans.

The biology section begins by asking—what constitutes life? Each of the first three chapters focuses on a key feature of living things. We begin with a discussion of cells, move on to genes, and finally, tackle evolution and the origin of life. From here, we proceed to an overview of the different kinds of living things found on Earth. This overview is followed by two chapters on humans, our own species. In these chapters, we study the human body and how it works. Finally, we look at ecology, the study of how living organisms interact with their environments.

The Earth science chapters begin with plate tectonics, the theory that establishes the underlying framework of the geosciences. The next chapter is about rocks and

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (19)


minerals, the principal materials that make up the solid Earth. Then comes a tour of Earth’s landforms, surface features, and geography followed by a chapter on surficial processes—those processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition that originate at Earth’s surface and shape the planet’s contours. Plate tectonics is about Earth’s in-terior, and the chapters on rock, landforms, and surficial processes describe Earth’s surface. The next chapter in the sequence rises higher still—into the atmosphere—with weather. The subject of weather is broken down into elements from atmospheric pressure to wind to precipitation that can be learned separately but then applied to complex phenomena such as weather systems. The Earth science unit concludes with a chapter on environmental geology, which is new to the second edition. It provides an updated review of earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and other geologic hazards. Most importantly, it features expanded coverage of our changing climate including extensive discussion of natural and anthropogenic climate change.

The applications of physics, chemistry, biology, and the Earth sciences applied to other massive bodies in the universe culminate in Part Five—astronomy. This unit introduces the basic structure of the universe from our local solar system and the stars we see at night to galaxies and superclusters of galaxies. Focus is given to modern theo-ries describing how this structure evolved and is continuing to evolve. Many recent discoveries are featured in this edition, illustrating that science is more than a growing body of knowledge; it is an arena in which humans actively and systematically reach out to learn more about our place in the universe.

What’s New to This Edition

Conceptual I ntegrated Science now comes with a powerful media pack-age including MasteringPhysics®, the most widely used, educationally proven, and technologically advanced tutorial and homework system

available.MasteringPhysics contains:• A library of assignable and automatically graded content , including

tutorials, visual activities, end-of-chapter problems, and test bank questions so instructors can create the most effective homework assignments with just a few clicks. A color-coded gradebook instantly identifies vulnerable stu-dents or topic areas that are challenging for students in the class.

• A student study area with practice quizzes, Interactive Figures, self-guided tutorials, flashcards, videos, access to the Pearson eText version of the book, and more.

• An instructor r esources section with PowerPoint lectures, clicker ques-tions, Instructor Manual files and more.

Another significant revision for this second edition lies with the development of the end-of-chapter review. New questions were added while older ones were either discarded or reworded for improved quality. All questions were then organized follow-ing Bloom’s taxonomy of learning as follows:

Summary of Terms (Knowledge)These key terms match the definitions given within the chapter and are now listed in alphabetical order so that they appear as a mini-glossary for the chapter.

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (20)


Reading Check Questions (Comprehension)These questions frame the important ideas of each section in the chapter. They are for review and a check of reading comprehension. They are simple questions and all answers can easily be discovered in the chapter.

Think Integrated ScienceQuestions pertaining to the Integrated Science sections of each chapter are contained in this section. Questions range from straightforward, reading-check type questions to critical-thinking exercises.

Think and Do (Hands-On Application)The Think and Do items are easy-to-perform hands-on activities designed to help students experience physical science concepts for themselves.

Think and Solve (Mathematical Application)The Think and Solve questions blend simple mathematics with concepts. They allow students to apply problem-solving techniques, many of which are featured in the Math Connection boxed features.

Think and Rank (Analysis)The Think and Rank questions ask students to make comparisons of quanti-ties. For example, when asked to rank quantities such as momentum or kinetic energy, appreciably more judgment is called for than in providing numerical answers. Some Think and Rank analyze trends, as in ranking atoms in order of increasing size based upon student understanding of the periodic table. This feature elicits critical thinking that goes beyond Think and Solve.

Think and Explain (Synthesis)The Think and Explain questions, by a notch or two, are the more chal-lenging questions at the end of each chapter. Many require critical thinking while others are designed to prompt the application of science to everyday situations. All students wanting to perform well on exams should be di-rected to the Exercises because these are the questions that directly assess stu-dent understanding. Accordingly, many of the Exercises have been adapted to a multiple-choice format and integrated into the Conceptual Integrated Science, 2e test bank. This will hopefully allow the instructor to reward those students who put time and effort into the Exercises.

Think and Discuss (Evaluation)The Think and Discuss topics provide students the opportunity to apply science concepts to real-life situations, such as whether a cup of hot coffee served to you in a restaurant cools faster when cream is added promptly or a few minutes later. Other discussion questions allow students to present their educated opinions on a number of science-related hot topics, such as the appearance of pharmaceuticals in drinking water.

Readiness Assurance TestEach chapter review concludes with a set of 10 multiple choice questions that students can take for self-assessment. They are advised to study further if they score less than 7 correct answers.

Also new to this edition, are the solutions to the odd-numbered end-of-chapter questions in the back of this book. As before, solutions to all end-of-chapter questions are available to instructors through the Instructor Manual for Conceptual Integrated Science, which is found in the Instructor Resource Center and in the Instructor Resource area of MasteringPhysics.

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (21)


This second edition features a new and, we think, refreshing page layout design. Integrated into this design are learning objectives that appear alongside each chapter section head. Each learning objective begins with an active verb that specifies what the student should be able to do after studying that section, such as “Calculate the energy released by a chemical reaction.” These section-specific learning objectives are further integrated into the new MasteringPhysics online tutorial/assessment tool.

Also within the design, appearing beneath each section head is another new fea-ture, which we call an “Explain This” question. An ET question would be fairly difficult for the student to answer without having read the chapter section. Some require that the student recall earlier material. Others reveal interesting applications of concepts. In all cases the ET question should serve well as a launching point for classroom discussions. The answers to these ET questions appear only within the Instructor Manual.

The text of all chapters has been edited for accuracy, better readability and also updated to reflect current events, such as the nuclear power plant disaster following the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and the discovery of Fermi clouds arising from the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

The scope and sequence of chapters is revised for this second edition. The material on the atom has been folded into the chemistry unit so that the atomic theory is explained at the point of use. The Earth science material has been reor-ganized such that the geography material is now separated from the discussion of surficial processes, allowing for more discussion of the oceans. A chapter on Historical Geology was eliminated with the most important concepts (such as the geologic time scale, Cretaceous extinction, and the nature of the rock record) being integrated into other chapters. The elimination of Historical Geology allowed the new chapter on Environmental Geology to be added with in-depth coverage of climate change. In Part Four—Astronomy, aside from updates from recent discoveries, the first section of Chapter 28 has been heavily revised in its presentation of nebular theory and the second chapter of this unit is expanded greatly to include discussions of cosmology.

Ancillary Materials

Most significantly, Conceptual Integrated Science is now available with MasteringPhysics—a homework, tutorial, and assessment system based on years of research into how students work problems and pre-

cisely where they need help. Studies show that students who use MasteringPhysics significantly increase their scores compared to hand-written homework. Master-ingPhysics achieves this improvement by providing students with instantaneous feedback specific to their wrong answers and simpler sub-problems upon request when they get stuck. Instructors can also assign End-of-Chapter (EOC) problems from every chapter including multiple-choice questions, section-specific exercis-es, and general problems. Quantitative problems can be assigned with numerical answers and randomized values or solutions.

The Pearson eText of Conceptual Integrated Science is available through Master-ingPhysics. Allowing students access to the text wherever they have access to the Internet, the Pearson eText comprises the full text, including figures that can be enlarged for better viewing, popup definitions and terms, a note-taking feature, and more.

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (22)


Tutorial video lessons and screencasts featuring the authors are now freely available to students at This is a must-visit website for any student who needs a bit of extra help and it is also a great tool for the online component of any course. Many author-created resources for the instructor are also available on this website, which is a great place to communicate directly with the authors as well as other instructors using Conceptual Integrated Science.

The Instructor Manual for Conceptual Integrated Science (ISBN 0-321-82743-0), which you’ll find to be different from most instructors’ manuals, allows for a variety of course designs to fit your taste. It contains many lecture ideas and topics not treated in the textbook as well as teaching tips and suggested step-by-step lectures and demon-strations. It has full-page answers to all the end of chapter material in the text.

The Conceptual Integrated Science Practice Book (ISBN 0-321-82298-6), our most creative work, guides your students to a sometimes computational way of developing concepts. It spans a wide use of analogies and intriguing situations, all with a user-friendly tone.

The Test Bank for C onceptual Integrated Science (ISBN 0-321-82276-5) has more than 2400 multiple choice questions as well as short answer and essay questions. The questions are categorized according to level of difficulty. The Test Bank allows you to edit questions, add questions, and create multiple test versions.

The Laboratory M anual for C onceptual I ntegrated Science (ISBN 0-321-82297-8) is written by the authors and Dean Baird. In addition to interesting lab-oratory experiments, it includes a range of activities similar to the activities in the textbook. These guide students to experience phenomena before they quantify the same phenomena in a follow-up laboratory experiment. Answers to the lab manual questions are in the Instructor Manual.

Another valuable media resource available to you is the Instructor Resource DVD for C onceptual I ntegrated Science (ISBN 0-321-82744-9). This cross-platform DVD set provides instructors with the largest library available of purpose-built, in-class presentation materials, including all the images from the book in high-resolution JPEG format; interactive figures™ and videos; PowerPoint® lecture outlines and click-er questions in PRS-enabled format for each chapter, all of which are written by the authors; and Hewitt’s acclaimed Next-Time Questions in PDF format. The Instructor Resource DVD provides you with everything you need to prepare for dynamic, engag-ing lectures in no time.

Go to it! Your conceptual integrated science course really can be the most interest-ing, informative, and worthwhile science course your students will ever take.

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The authors wish to express their sincere appreciation to the many talented and generous people who helped make Conceptual Integrated Science, now in its Second Edition, come to life. To the teachers and professors who reviewed the manuscript, giving generously of their

time, we express heartfelt appreciation.We thank all the contributors to the first and second editions of Conceptual Integrated

Science, as well as the many people who contributed to the other books in the Concep-tual series: Conceptual Physics, Conceptual Chemistry, Conceptual Physical Science, and Conceptual Integrated Science—Explorations. For helping to shape the physics content over the years, in the student editions as well as our many supplements, we thank: Dean Baird, Tsing Bardin, Howie Brand, Alexi Cogan, Paul Doherty, Marshall Ellenstein, Ken Ford, Lillian Lee Hewitt, Jim Hicks, David Housden, John Hubisz, Will Maynez, Fred Myers, Bruce Novak, Ron Perkins, Diane Reindeau, David Williamson, Larry Weinstein, Phil Wolf, and Dean Zollman.

For development of chemistry chapters, thanks go to Adedoyin Adeyiga, John Bonte, Emily Borda, Charles Carraher, Natashe Cleveland, Sara Devo, Andy Frazer, Kenneth French, Marcia Gillette, Chu-Ngi Ho, Frank Lambert, Jeremy Mason, Daniel Predecki, Britt Price, Jeremy Ramsey, Kathryn Rust, William Scott, Anne Marie Sokol, Jason Vohs, Bob Widing, and David Yates.

For advice and wide-ranging contributions to the biology section, we thank Pamela Yeh, Sarah Ying, Nina Shapley, Nils Gilman, Todd Schlenke, Howard Ying, Brain West, Robert Dudley, Vivianne Ding, Mike Fried, W. Bryan Jennigs, Rachel Zierow, Ernie Brown, and Lil Hewitt.

For Earth science inspiration, input and advice, we are grateful to Leslie Hewitt Abrams and Bob Abrams. They gave generously of their time to share insights gained from their work authoring and teaching Earth science. We are also grateful to Tsing Bardin, Judy Kusnick, Bruce Gervais, Lil Hewitt, Diane Carlson, and Lynne Cherry.

For space science we are grateful to Jeffrey Bennett, Megan Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, and Mark Volt for permission to use many of the graphics that appear in their textbook The Cosmic Perspective, 6th edition. Also, for reviews of the astronomy chapters we remain grateful to Richard Crowe, Bjorn Davidson, Stacy McGaugh, Michelle Mizuno-Wiedner, John O’Meara, Neil de Grass Tyson, Joe Wesney, Lynda Williams, and Erick Zackrisson.

Our colleagues at Pearson have been our partners in this project and given us much support and guidance. For the second edition, we thank Jim Smith, seasoned Pub-lisher, for wise and sensible overall direction. We thank our project editor Chandrika Madhavan for being great to work with, patient, and wonderfully competent in her role at the crossroads of communication. We thank Cindy Johnson for graceful and intelligent handling of the production process.

The Conceptual Integrated Science authors are fortunate to have helpful and loving spouses who have supported us through the long hours and contributed to our efforts. Thanks go to Lillian Lee Hewitt, Pete Lang (Suzanne’s husband), Tracy Suchocki, and Nils Gilman (Jennifer’s husband). And to our kids, ranging now from preschool to high school, we send our love and gratitude: Tristan and Simone Lyons Lang; Ian, Evan, and Maitreya Suchocki; and Io, Pico, and Daphne Yeh Gilman.

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco· 2016-05-21· Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (24)

ReviewersLeila Amiri, University of South FloridaLeanne Avery, Indiana University of PennsylvaniaBambi Bailey, Midwestern State UniversityDirk Baron, California State University, BakersfieldDaniel Berger, Bluffton UniversityReginald Blake, City Tech University of New YorkDerrick Boucher, King’s CollegeMartin Brock, Eastern Kentucky UniversityLinda Brown, Gainsville CollegeMary Brown, Lansing Community CollegeSteven Burns, St. Thomas Aquinas CollegeErik Burtis, Northern Valley Community College,

WoodbridgeGerry Clarkson, Howard Payne UniversityAnne Coleman, Cabrini CollegeGary Courts, University of DaytonRed Chasteen, Sam Houston State UniversityRandy Criss, St. Leo UniversityJason Dahl, Bemidji State UniversityTerry Derting, Murray State UniversityDavid DiMattio, St. Bonaventure UniversityGary Neil Douglas, Berea CollegeS. Keith Dunn, Centre CollegeGeorge Econ, Jackson Community CollegeMichael S. Epstein, Mount St. Mary’s UniversityCharles Figura, Wartburg CollegeLori K. Garrett, Danville Area Community

CollegeDavid Goldsmith, Westminster CollegeBrian Goodman, Lakeland CollegeNydia R. Hannah, Georgia State UniversityCarole Hillman, Elmhurst UniversityJames Houpis, California State University, ChicoThomas Hunt, Jackson Community CollegeDavid T. King, Jr., Auburn UniversityJeremiah K. Jarrett, Central Connecticut State UniversityPeter Jeffers, State University of New York, CortlandCharles Johnson, South Georgia CollegeRichard Jones, Texas Women’s UniversityCarl Klook, California State University, BakersfieldKenneth Laser, Edison Community CollegeJeffrey Laub, Rogers State University

Holly Lawson, State University of New York, Fredonia

David Lee, Biola UniversitySteven Losh, State University of New York, CortlandNtungwa Maasha, Coastal Georgia Community CollegeKingshuk Majumdar, Berea CollegeLynette McGregor, Wartburg CollegePreston Miles, Centre CollegeFrank L. Misiti, Bloomburg UniversityMatthew Nehring, Adams State CollegeMarlene Morales, Miami Dade CollegeDouglas Nelson, Coastal Carolina UniversityJan Oliver, Troy State UniversityTreva Pamer, New Jersey City UniversityTodd Pedlar, Luther CollegeDenice Robertson, Northern Kentucky UniversityJudy Rosovsky, Johnson State CollegeSteven Salaris, All Saints Christian SchoolTerry Shank, Marshall UniversitySedonia Sipes,Southern Illinois University, CarbondaleRan Sivron, Baker UniversityPriscilla Skalac, Olivet Nazarene UniversityStanley Sobolewski, Indiana University of PennsylvaniaJohn Snyder, Lansing Community CollegeStuart Snyder, Montana State UniversityAnne Marie Sokol, Buffalo State CollegePamela Stephens, Midwestern State UniversityLaura Stumpe, Holy Cross College, Notre DameKaren Swanson, William Patterson UniversityTimothy Swindle, University of ArizonaRachel Teasdale, California State University, ChicoDiana Treahy, Anderson UniversityChristos Valiotis, Antelope Valley CollegeRobin van Tine, St. Leo UniversityDaniel Vaughn, Southern Illinois UniversityStephen Webb, Brescia CollegeKaren Wehn, Buffalo State UniversityAdam Wenz, Montana State University, Great FallsWilliam Wickun, Montana State University, BillingsBonnie S. Wood, University of Maine, Presque IsleRobert Zdor, Andrews University

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Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco · 2016-05-21 · Paul G. Hewitt City College of San Francisco Suzanne Lyons California State University, Sacramento ... inteGrated SCienCe - [PDF Document] (2024)
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