PivotTableWizard: PivotTableWizard: Conjuring Efficiency in VBA Pivot Table Creation - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. Your Magical Assistant

2. Installing PivotTableWizard

3. Creating Your First Pivot Table with VBA

4. Customizing Pivot Tables with PivotTableWizard

5. Automating Data Analysis

6. Integrating PivotTableWizard with Other VBA Functions

7. Error Handling in PivotTableWizard

8. Forecasting and Predictive Analysis with Pivot Tables

9. Tips and Tricks for Power Users

1. Your Magical Assistant

In the realm of data analysis, the ability to swiftly manipulate and analyze large datasets can be likened to having a magical assistant at your disposal. This is where PivotTableWizard steps in, offering a seamless and efficient way to create pivot tables in VBA, thus transforming the daunting task of data management into a more manageable and even enjoyable process. The wizardry of PivotTableWizard lies in its capacity to automate repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and provide a user-friendly interface that caters to both novice and seasoned data analysts alike.

From the perspective of a beginner, PivotTableWizard is a godsend. It simplifies the complex process of pivot table creation, making it accessible to those who may not be well-versed in VBA scripting. For the intermediate user, it's a time-saver that accelerates productivity, allowing more time to be spent on analysis rather than setup. Advanced users will appreciate the customization and advanced features that cater to more sophisticated data manipulation needs.

Here's an in-depth look at what makes PivotTableWizard stand out:

1. Ease of Use: With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, users can select fields for rows, columns, values, and filters without writing a single line of code.

2. Automation: Routine tasks, such as updating data ranges and refreshing pivot tables, can be automated, ensuring that reports are always up-to-date with the latest data.

3. Customization: Users can define custom calculations and apply various data formats, making the pivot tables not just functional but also presentation-ready.

4. Integration: PivotTableWizard integrates seamlessly with other VBA projects, allowing for a smooth workflow within the larger context of data analysis tasks.

5. Error Handling: The tool provides robust error checking, which minimizes the chances of encountering issues during the pivot table creation process.

For example, consider a scenario where a marketing analyst needs to report on quarterly sales data. With PivotTableWizard, they can quickly create a pivot table that summarizes sales by product category and region, then drill down into specific details like sales trends over time or performance against targets. This not only saves time but also provides valuable insights that can drive strategic business decisions.

PivotTableWizard stands as a testament to the power of automation and user-friendly design in the world of data analysis. It's not just a tool; it's a companion that empowers users to harness the full potential of their data, making the once-tedious task of pivot table creation a breeze. Whether you're a beginner looking to get your feet wet or an expert aiming to streamline your workflow, PivotTableWizard is your go-to magical assistant in the enchanting world of data.

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2. Installing PivotTableWizard

Embarking on the journey of mastering Excel's VBA for creating Pivot Tables can be likened to a modern-day wizard honing their craft. The PivotTableWizard tool is akin to a potent spell in your arsenal, enabling you to conjure Pivot Tables with efficiency and precision. This powerful add-in streamlines the process, making it accessible even to those who are just beginning to dabble in the arcane arts of data manipulation and analysis.

The installation of PivotTableWizard is the first crucial step in setting up your spellbook. It's a process that, while straightforward, requires attention to detail to ensure that the magic flows without hindrance. Here's an in-depth guide to installing this invaluable tool:

1. Download the Installer: The first step is to obtain the PivotTableWizard installer. This is typically a `.exe` or `.msi` file that you can download from the developer's website. Ensure that you're getting the latest version to take advantage of all the newest features and fixes.

2. Close Excel: Before proceeding with the installation, make sure that all instances of Excel are closed. This ensures that the add-in installs properly without any conflicts.

3. Run the Installer: Double-click the downloaded installer file and follow the on-screen instructions. You'll likely need administrative privileges to complete this step.

4. Accept the License Agreement: Read through the license agreement carefully. By accepting it, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the developer.

5. Choose Installation Directory: The installer will suggest a default directory, but you can change this if you have a preferred location for your add-ins.

6. Complete the Installation: Once you've set your preferences, proceed with the installation. A progress bar will indicate how close you are to finishing.

7. Open Excel and Enable the Add-In: After installation, open Excel and go to the `Options` menu. Under `Add-ins`, find PivotTableWizard and enable it by checking the box next to its name.

8. Set Up the Ribbon: Customize your Excel ribbon to include the PivotTableWizard commands for easy access. This can be done through the `Excel Options` under `Customize Ribbon`.

9. Restart Excel: It's often a good idea to restart Excel after installing a new add-in to ensure that everything is running smoothly.

10. Verify the Installation: Create a simple Pivot Table to verify that PivotTableWizard is functioning correctly. You should notice enhanced options and a more streamlined process.

For example, let's say you have a dataset of sales figures and you want to analyze the data by region and product category. With PivotTableWizard, you can quickly set up a Pivot Table that summarizes this information, without having to manually define each field and calculation.

Remember, like any spell, the true power of PivotTableWizard lies in practice and experimentation. The more you use it, the more adept you'll become at manipulating data to reveal the insights hidden within. Happy conjuring!

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3. Creating Your First Pivot Table with VBA

Embarking on the journey of mastering Excel vba can be likened to learning the arcane arts of magic. One of the most powerful spells in your grimoire is the creation of a Pivot Table through VBA, a feat that can transform vast datasets into meaningful insights with just a few lines of code. This process, often referred to as the 'First Incantation', is not just about writing code; it's about understanding the alchemy of data manipulation and the wizardry of automation.

Creating a Pivot Table manually is a straightforward task for many, but automating this process with VBA requires a deeper dive into the object model of Excel. Here's how you can conjure up your first Pivot Table using VBA:

1. Initialize the Pivot Cache: The first step is to create a Pivot Cache, which is essentially a copy of the data that will be used to create the Pivot table. This is done using the `PivotCaches.Create` method.


Dim pivotCache As PivotCache

Set pivotCache = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create( _

SourceType:=xlDatabase, _



2. Create the Pivot Table: With the cache ready, you can now create the pivot Table using the `CreatePivotTable` method of the Pivot cache object.


Dim pivotTable As PivotTable

Set pivotTable = pivotCache.CreatePivotTable( _

TableDestination:="DestinationRangeHere", _



3. Define Pivot Fields: After creating the Pivot Table, you'll need to specify which fields to use as row labels, column labels, values, and filters.


With pivotTable

.PivotFields("FieldName").Orientation = xlRowField

.PivotFields("FieldName").Position = 1

End With


4. Manipulate Pivot Fields: You can further customize your Pivot Table by manipulating the Pivot Fields to show values as sums, counts, averages, etc.


With pivotTable.PivotFields("ValueField")

.Orientation = xlDataField

.Function = xlSum

.NumberFormat = "#,##0"

End With


5. refresh the Pivot table: Finally, to apply all changes and update the Pivot table, use the `RefreshTable` method.




Example: Imagine you have a dataset of sales figures and you want to see the total sales per region. By creating a Pivot Table through VBA, you can automate the process of summarizing this data. The code would generate a Pivot Table that lists regions as row labels and shows the sum of sales as the value field.

The beauty of using vba for Pivot tables lies in the ability to repeat this process across multiple datasets with consistency and efficiency. It's a powerful tool that, once mastered, can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities. As you practice and refine your VBA spells, you'll find that the once-daunting datasets will begin to reveal their secrets to you, much like a crystal ball offering glimpses into the future of data-driven decisions.

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4. Customizing Pivot Tables with PivotTableWizard

Diving into the depths of Excel's capabilities, Advanced Alchemy: Customizing Pivot Tables with PivotTableWizard is akin to unlocking a secret chamber of tools that transform raw data into insightful reports. This powerful feature in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) allows users to go beyond the standard pivot table options, offering a level of customization that caters to the most intricate reporting needs. Whether you're a financial analyst dissecting quarterly earnings or a marketer analyzing campaign performance, PivotTableWizard can be your wand to weave through data with precision and creativity.

From the perspective of a data analyst, the ability to tailor pivot tables is invaluable. It means that one can manipulate data in ways that pre-built functions simply can't match. For a project manager, it's about swiftly adapting to the ever-changing landscape of project data, ensuring that reports reflect the most current status. And from an IT professional's standpoint, it's the efficiency of automating repetitive tasks, saving hours of manual labor.

Here's an in-depth look at how you can customize pivot tables using PivotTableWizard:

1. dynamic Range selection: Instead of static ranges, use PivotTableWizard to create pivot tables that automatically adjust as your data grows. For example, if you're tracking sales data that's updated daily, your pivot table can include new data without manual adjustments.

2. Calculated Fields and Items: Go beyond the sum and count. With PivotTableWizard, you can add formulas within your pivot table to analyze data like never before. Imagine calculating the percentage change in sales week-over-week directly within your pivot table.

3. Custom Grouping: Group data in ways that make sense for your analysis. Whether it's by date ranges, numeric intervals, or custom categories, PivotTableWizard gives you the flexibility to view your data your way.

4. data Source integration: PivotTableWizard can pull data from multiple sources, not just Excel sheets. Connect to external databases, CSV files, or even other workbooks to create a comprehensive view of your data landscape.

5. Advanced Filtering: Filter your data based on complex criteria to get to the heart of your analysis. Use PivotTableWizard to set up filters that can handle multiple conditions across different data fields.

6. Visual Customization: Tailor the look of your pivot table to match your presentation style. With PivotTableWizard, you can set conditional formatting rules, choose from various layout options, and even integrate charts for a visual punch.

7. Macro Integration: Automate the creation and customization of pivot tables with macros. Write a VBA script that leverages PivotTableWizard to generate reports with the click of a button.

For instance, consider a scenario where you need to report on sales performance by region and product category. Using PivotTableWizard, you could set up a pivot table that not only categorizes sales by these dimensions but also includes a calculated field for the average sale value per transaction. Moreover, you could apply conditional formatting to highlight regions that exceed sales targets, making the data more actionable.

PivotTableWizard in VBA is a potent tool for anyone looking to elevate their data analysis game. It's not just about what data you have, but how you present and interpret it that makes the difference. With the right customization, your pivot tables can become a canvas for storytelling with data, providing insights that drive decisions and spark innovation.

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5. Automating Data Analysis

In the realm of data analysis, automation stands as a formidable ally, wielding the power to transform tedious manual processes into a seamless and efficient workflow. "The Sorcerer's Secret" delves into the arcane art of automating data analysis, particularly through the use of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) in crafting PivotTables. This mystical section of our blog will not only reveal the hidden incantations needed to summon these powerful tables but also provide a grimoire of insights from various perspectives, including data analysts, business intelligence professionals, and VBA wizards.

1. The Enchantment of vba in Data analysis:

VBA serves as the spellbook for data sorcerers, enabling them to automate repetitive tasks and conjure complex data summaries with ease. For instance, consider a dataset detailing sales figures across multiple regions. With VBA, one can automate the creation of a PivotTable that dynamically updates to reflect new data, providing real-time insights into sales trends.

2. The Alchemy of Data Transformation:

Through the lens of a business intelligence professional, PivotTables are not just a feature of Excel; they are the philosopher's stone that transmutes raw data into golden insights. A well-designed PivotTable can highlight key performance indicators, allowing businesses to make informed decisions swiftly.

3. The crystal Ball of forecasting:

Data analysts often gaze into the future, predicting trends and outcomes. By automating the generation of PivotTables, they can quickly adjust variables to see potential future scenarios, akin to a crystal ball revealing the path ahead.

4. The Ritual of Report Generation:

In the hands of a VBA adept, the mundane task of report generation becomes a ritual of efficiency. Automating this process means that with a simple macro, a comprehensive report complete with PivotTables and charts can be generated at the press of a button.

5. The Potion of Productivity:

The ultimate goal of automation in data analysis is to brew a potion of productivity. By reducing the time spent on manual data manipulation, analysts can focus on more strategic tasks, such as interpreting the data and advising on action steps.

To illustrate these points, let's conjure an example where a VBA script is used to automatically update a PivotTable each time new sales data is entered. The script could be set to filter by the most recent month, providing a snapshot of the latest trends without manual intervention. This not only saves time but also ensures that decision-makers always have access to the most current data.

"The Sorcerer's Secret" is not merely about the technicalities of VBA and PivotTables. It's about harnessing the power of automation to bring forth a new era of efficiency and insight in data analysis. As we continue to explore this enchanted domain, we unlock the potential to not only understand our data but to predict and shape the future it foretells.

6. Integrating PivotTableWizard with Other VBA Functions

Potion Mixing in the realm of VBA is akin to the artful blend of ingredients to create magical elixirs; it requires precision, understanding, and a touch of creativity. In this context, the PivotTableWizard function is a powerful ingredient that, when combined with other VBA functions, can create potent solutions to data analysis challenges. Integrating PivotTableWizard with other VBA functions is not just about writing code; it's about weaving a tapestry of functionality that transforms raw data into insightful, actionable information. This integration allows for a seamless flow of data manipulation and presentation, much like a well-orchestrated symphony where each note complements the others, resulting in a harmonious outcome.

Here are some in-depth insights into the integration process:

1. Data Preparation: Before invoking the PivotTableWizard, it's crucial to ensure that the data is clean and structured. Functions like `Range.Sort` and `WorksheetFunction.CountA` can be used to organize and validate data sets.

2. Dynamic Range Selection: Combining `PivotTableWizard` with `Range` objects allows for dynamic selection of data ranges. For example, using `Range("A1").CurrentRegion` ensures that the pivot table includes all contiguous data.

3. Pivot Cache Creation: The `CreatePivotTable` method works hand-in-hand with `PivotTableWizard` to create a pivot cache, which is essential for optimizing pivot table performance.

4. Custom Calculations: By integrating with functions like `WorksheetFunction.VLookup`, custom calculations can be added to the pivot table, enhancing its analytical capabilities.

5. Event Handling: event-driven functions such as `Worksheet_Change` can trigger the PivotTableWizard, allowing for real-time updates to pivot tables based on specific conditions.

6. Error Handling: Incorporating error handling mechanisms, such as `On Error Resume Next`, ensures that the integration of `PivotTableWizard` with other functions is robust and fault-tolerant.

7. user-Defined functions (UDFs): Creating UDFs that wrap around `PivotTableWizard` can simplify complex tasks and make the code more readable and maintainable.

For instance, consider a scenario where you need to summarize sales data by region and product category. You could write a VBA script that uses `PivotTableWizard` in conjunction with `WorksheetFunction.SumIf` to create a pivot table that not only categorizes sales data but also calculates totals and subtotals for each category.


Sub SummarizeSalesData()

Dim pt As PivotTable

Dim pc As PivotCache

Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SalesData")

' Create a Pivot Cache from the sales data

Set pc = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create( _

SourceType:=xlDatabase, _


' Use PivotTableWizard to create a new Pivot Table

Set pt = pc.CreatePivotTable( _

TableDestination:=ws.Range("J1"), _


' Define pivot fields and calculations

With pt

.PivotFields("Region").Orientation = xlRowField

.PivotFields("Product Category").Orientation = xlColumnField

.PivotFields("Sales").Orientation = xlDataField

.PivotFields("Sales").Function = xlSum

End With

' Refresh the Pivot Table to apply changes


End Sub

In this example, the `PivotTableWizard` is seamlessly integrated with other VBA functions to create a dynamic and responsive pivot table that provides valuable insights into the sales data. The beauty of integrating `PivotTableWizard` with other VBA functions lies in the ability to customize and extend the functionality of pivot tables, making them not just a tool for data presentation, but a comprehensive solution for data analysis. It's a process that, when mastered, can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of any data-driven VBA project.

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7. Error Handling in PivotTableWizard

Error Handling

In the realm of data analysis, the term "dark data" refers to the information organizations collect, process, and store during regular business activities, but generally fail to use for other purposes. For VBA developers, dark data can manifest as errors or inconsistencies that are not immediately apparent during the creation of PivotTables using the `PivotTableWizard` method. These errors can range from simple typos to complex logical mistakes that can skew the data analysis and lead to misguided business decisions.

Defending against dark data requires a proactive approach to error handling. This involves anticipating potential errors, understanding their implications, and implementing strategies to manage them effectively. From the perspective of a VBA developer, this means writing robust code that can handle unexpected situations without crashing or producing incorrect results.

Here are some insights and in-depth information on how to manage error handling in `PivotTableWizard`:

1. Input Validation: Before creating a PivotTable, ensure that the data range inputs are valid. This includes checking for empty cells, incorrect data types, and ensuring that the range does not exceed the worksheet boundaries.

- Example: Use the `WorksheetFunction.CountA` method to check for non-empty cells within the expected data range.

2. Error Trapping: Utilize VBA's error handling capabilities with `On Error` statements to gracefully handle errors that occur during the execution of the `PivotTableWizard`.

- Example: Implement `On Error Resume Next` before calling `PivotTableWizard`, followed by checking the `Err.Number` to handle specific errors.

3. Logging: Keep a log of errors that occur, which can be reviewed later to improve the code and handle new types of errors.

- Example: Write errors to a text file or a dedicated worksheet for error tracking.

4. User Communication: Inform users of errors in a way that is understandable and actionable, without exposing them to the underlying VBA code.

- Example: Use message boxes or user forms to communicate errors and suggested actions to the user.

5. Regular Audits: Periodically review and test the PivotTable creation process to identify and rectify any hidden errors.

- Example: Set up test cases with known outcomes to ensure the PivotTable is being created correctly.

By incorporating these strategies, VBA developers can shield their applications from the perils of dark data, ensuring that their PivotTables remain accurate and reliable tools for data analysis. Remember, the goal is not just to handle errors when they occur, but to prevent them from happening in the first place. This proactive defense can save countless hours of debugging and provide peace of mind that your data is being represented truthfully.

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Error Handling in PivotTableWizard - PivotTableWizard: PivotTableWizard: Conjuring Efficiency in VBA Pivot Table Creation

8. Forecasting and Predictive Analysis with Pivot Tables

Predictive Analysis

pivot tables in excel are a staple for anyone looking to analyze large datasets quickly and efficiently. They offer a dynamic way to summarize, explore, and present your data. However, their utility isn't just confined to retrospective analysis; pivot tables can be a powerful ally in forecasting and predictive analysis. By harnessing the historical data already within your grasp, you can use pivot tables to peer into the crystal ball of your business's future.

1. time Series forecasting:

Pivot tables can organize data in chronological order to analyze trends over time. For example, a retail company might use a pivot table to track monthly sales data over several years. By applying a linear regression or moving average within the pivot table, they can forecast future sales trends.

2. Comparative Analysis:

By comparing different subsets of data, pivot tables can help predict outcomes based on various scenarios. For instance, a pivot table could compare the performance of two marketing campaigns by analyzing metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates to predict which campaign will be more successful in the long run.

3. Identifying Correlations:

Pivot tables can reveal correlations between different data points that might not be immediately obvious. A business could use a pivot table to correlate customer satisfaction scores with repeat purchase rates, thus predicting future sales based on customer satisfaction levels.

4. What-If Analysis:

Excel's pivot tables can be combined with the 'What-If Analysis' tools to predict outcomes under different scenarios. For example, a pivot table could show how changing the price of a product might affect overall revenue, helping to forecast the impact of price changes on sales.

5. seasonal Trend analysis:

Businesses with seasonal products can use pivot tables to analyze past seasonal trends and predict future patterns. For example, a pivot table could help a fashion retailer predict the popularity of certain clothing items based on sales data from previous seasons.

In practice, a financial analyst might use a pivot table to forecast next quarter's revenue. They would start by organizing past revenue data by quarter and then use a pivot table to calculate the average growth rate over the past few years. This growth rate could then be applied to the most recent quarter's revenue to predict the next quarter's figure.

The beauty of pivot tables lies in their flexibility and the ability to combine them with other Excel features like VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to automate and enhance predictive analysis. By creating macros with VBA, you can streamline the process of updating pivot tables with new data, applying forecasting models, and even generating reports. This synergy between pivot tables and VBA can transform your data analysis into a more efficient and predictive process, offering a glimpse into the future powered by the data of the past. It's like having a crystal ball at your fingertips, one that's grounded in data and elevated by the magic of VBA.

As an entrepreneur you keep trying things, and I try everything. I try business ideas, on our website we test everything, iterate, iterate, iterate.

9. Tips and Tricks for Power Users

Venturing into the realm of Excel VBA and PivotTables can be akin to learning a form of digital wizardry. For those who have moved beyond the basics and seek to harness the full potential of these tools, mastering the arcane arts of VBA PivotTable creation is a journey of discovery and efficiency. Power users know that with great power comes great responsibility: the ability to manipulate data with a few lines of code or a well-crafted PivotTable can turn a day's work into a matter of minutes.

Here are some advanced tips and tricks that can help you conjure up the most efficient and powerful PivotTables:

1. dynamic Range creation: Instead of static ranges, use VBA to create dynamic named ranges that adjust as your data grows. This ensures that your PivotTables always encompass all relevant data.

- Example: `ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="DynamicData", RefersTo:="=OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,0,0,COUNTA(Sheet1!$A:$A),COUNTA(Sheet1!$1:$1))"`

2. Pivot Cache to Improve Performance: Utilize the Pivot Cache to enhance performance. When dealing with multiple PivotTables from the same data source, use a single Pivot Cache to reduce file size and increase refresh speed.

- Example: `Set pc = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=DynamicData)`

3. Automate PivotTable Updates: Write VBA macros to automatically refresh PivotTables upon opening the workbook or after data updates, keeping information current without manual intervention.

- Example: `Sub AutoRefreshPivotTables() ' refresh all pivot tables in the workbook For Each pt In ThisWorkbook.PivotTables pt.RefreshTable Next pt End Sub`

4. Advanced Filtering: Use VBA to apply complex filters to a PivotTable, such as date ranges or top 10 items, which might not be readily available through the standard PivotTable interface.

- Example: `pt.PivotFields("Date").PivotFilters.Add Type:=xlDateBetween, Value1:="01/01/2021", Value2:="12/31/2021"`

5. Custom Calculations: Create calculated fields or items within your PivotTables to perform custom calculations on the fly.

- Example: `pt.CalculatedFields.Add "Profit", "=Sales-Cost"`

6. slicers for Interactive reports: Implement slicers to make your PivotTables interactive. Slicers can filter data across multiple PivotTables and charts, providing a dashboard-like experience.

- Example: `Set sl = pt.Slicers.Add(pt, "Region", "Region", 5, 30, 100, 200)`

7. Preserve Formatting on Refresh: Ensure that your PivotTable formatting remains intact after refreshes by setting the `PivotTable.PreserveFormatting` property to `True`.

- Example: `pt.PreserveFormatting = True`

8. Use GETPIVOTDATA for Reliable Retrieval: When referencing PivotTable data in formulas, use the `GETPIVOTDATA` function for accurate and reliable data retrieval.

- Example: `=GETPIVOTDATA("Sales", $A$3, "Region", "North")`

9. Macro-Enabled Buttons for User Interaction: Add buttons to your worksheet that trigger VBA macros, making it easy for users to perform common tasks like refreshing data or changing views.

- Example: `ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(150, 10, 100, 20).OnAction = "AutoRefreshPivotTables"`

10. Error Handling: Incorporate error handling in your vba scripts to manage unexpected issues during PivotTable creation or manipulation.

- Example: `Sub SafePivotUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler pt.RefreshTable Exit Sub ErrorHandler: MsgBox "Error refreshing PivotTable: " & Err.Description End Sub`

By integrating these advanced techniques into your vba and PivotTable repertoire, you can elevate your data analysis to new heights, ensuring that your work is not only efficient but also robust and adaptable to the ever-changing landscape of data. Remember, the key to mastering the arcane is practice, experimentation, and a willingness to delve into the depths of Excel's capabilities.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.