St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

JUL smote mm LiFK IH 8T. lOUI3. A DEEP CUT. CARPETSISi jRPEim 00 hJ bUc that ar friends and the reneral pul 35c; white eats cash 860 bid; rejected cash offered a 32r. i BY E-'o 2 rye for cash 66Kc Wd, rejected ry.

ar east side sold at 62Xc Wbbat. No wheat for cast-SI 43V bid April. 1 ear sold at $140, 1 do closed with sale of 1 car at 11 bulk do ottered 12X; May 1 car sold at SI 5 OtOde sold at $140; Jane offered at $1 (6. 135 bid No. 2, cash, 1 ear a sold at SI 30; 1 car regulars 1 2 SOO bushel Central sold at $1 29; So.

4, cash, 5.000 sold at 95c. HIGHWINES yuiet and steady. Snail aaleaatSlOS. ILOl'R Nothing of inaportanee doing. There was little inquiry for Hoars of asry grade this Sales 100 bblsat ss SO.

100 at fs-20 PROVISIONS Por tn better damaad. Sales standard moss at SB aoftts 75; p. S. meats shoulders short ribs rib, lixe; clear, Sc. HOG HOLLOW BROWS.

I I He Goea to the Pea for 09 Tears and Leaves a Letter to the People. Brown, the negro charged with murdering his wife in Hog Hollow and afterwards throwing her body in the Missouri river, plead guilty to murder in the second degree and was sentenced to the penitentiary for 99 years by Judge Jones. Brown handed the following letter to the Dispatch reporter last night ST. Tosll of Whom It May Concern, I Peter Brown Now-in i the Connty Jail ibr the Charge of murdering -my wife Cyn-tia Brown, do state the 'following ftcts ra RMrardatomv Case- I nave been in iail We take pleasure in announcing to out fn an the different craoIttiaat'aiMi is, Mm, raetnren Rr hex wevrrerttae no prices, dui invite au to can ana no convinced that the GI3AT FHTB BTBrICALTXT E0US3 -the hoot cheapeet BOXINQ BRUISERS. 1 Hew Some of Owr Nice Yoang Men Amuse Themselves.

1 Some of the rising youth have taken the manly-art-o-8etf-defence fever, and: trader the kindly intuition of the good-natured hammerer, Tom Kelly, are making rpid strides toward becoming future bruisers. On certain evenings in the week Tent takes the boys through a course, ot training in a room on Sixth street, and though the members ot the class are particularly sensitive in the matter of being viewedr ja -their ffrtic performances by a critical public, a Dispatch reporter haa. been allowed, through a crack in the partition, to witness the of -the bors in their agile manemvres in the ring. Lt evening was practice night for the first class" in stuffed mittens. SU J.

was the first one called out on the floor, and after dancing around for ten minutes, daring which he gave the empty air several severe raps, he got himself into a position preparatory to giving Kelly a "Dutch winder," which tersely means a heavy downward stroke, when Kelly, who wanted to live to fight another day, gently gave St. J. a thumper on- the north--eye. which is now "closed for repairs." A blonde bookkeeper of the Republican was next called out. His flannel shirt was of a gray color, quite in keeping with his firm determination tn annihilate his tutor at the first onslaught.

He didn't do it to any great extent, for as be reached out his left duke, which looked like a stuffed bladder, Tom gave him a lively tap on the smeller, which sent him to grass. Before another round was completed it was difficult to tell which was the nose and which the boxing-glove, and the blonde sent out for a half dozen leeches. In explanation of this rough treatment, Tom, the teacher, said "he wanted to show the boys how it was done." Several others toed the mark with the muscular Kelly, and retired entirely satisfied. If Ton See a Parcel of Spicy, Nicely Dressed Little Boys, Full of Glee, Rollins; Over the Green Carpet of Lafayette Park Thta Afternoon, It may, perchance, remind you of your own little home bodies. What is to hinder you from having your own little boys nicely dressed and enjoying the balmy spring air? Wbat if you would buy them new spring suits at Famous, and take them out for a spring airing? Boys' suits, ranging in price from $1 50 to $10, on the second floor of Famous, 714 Franklin avenue.

We art selling the best make of Linen Collars, at 20c each, or $2 25 per dozen. They consist of the following styles GENERAL WARREN, HENRY CLAY, BOSCIUS, CAPTAIN, PHIDIAS, PATRICK HENRY. F. A. STEERf Filth street, Opp.

Court House. A Piirchaseof 800 Dozen Deibert's Philadelphia Blade Ladles' and Children's Shoes. To be clessd out at 60c on the dollar. CO doz. Infants' pearl goat, 1 to 5, at 85 doz.

Children's 4 to TJgoat, pearl and black, 75 and 85c. 150 doz. Children's 7 to 10 1-2 goat, $1 to $1 15. 35 dozen Misses, grain and goat polish, 11 to 2, $1 25 to $1 50. 57 dez.

Misses' real goat side-lace, 11 to 2, 81 75. 100 doz. Ladies' pebble goat side-lace, 2 1-2 to 6, 2 00. 180 doz. Ladies' serge polish and Congress, 2 1-2 toG, $125 to $175.

This week at Famocs, 714 Franklin avenue. wUe ware 'tmusht direct from the i North Fifth st. MBDICAX. Has been longer oagaged ia treaong all ot veneris! and private diseases, aad st fuMy eared more eases than any physiciaa 1st St. Louis.

In Ws natalillshnii nl Is ritiaitmosl by the State ef Missouri: was founded to as ease to the afflicted speedy, seteattaoaad aoa- -arable treatment; being a graduate ef several medical colleges, and havias; a life -long snose fiance, he can be relied upon tn earing Bmi -rus, GOHORHOCA, Glkst, STaiCTuaa, liana) teacy and Semiasl Weakaess, Emissioas, De -bilitv, Nervouaaess, Despondency, loess aexaal power, which unfits the suffcror tee Buuriage or business. It costs nothing to eosv-sult the Doctor in his office or by mail. All strictly confidential. Office hours I a. sa.

at p.m. Snndav 19 to 1 n. m. Pamphlet on above diseases aeeoralT ay Butu. free.

mrrna. i of IW pages, intended only tor the Rait vonwmpiaiuig aaarriage, aeu ay ost-paid aecnralv sealed from ehservataaar tor 50 cents. 1 nrptcAX. XmTTVTU or a Vmm'JSmmrifl WtSAa, B)W 0neraxstorrhaM8MM Bottom Bsell. ttr, (eaastd by sacnttaaita at yotS as tnas, mtt ttttUutnu fott VsilMliiai.lMcMaMsTwiMiSnMa) SiirlaSaiey.

lrrilMUtT, aacMMtty tor wetotr Md t.SaS Snml amy Ik. body, mlA ui awrixa irilta, mmi mi tait Impammar, aanal Msaaaatlaa to aterhlwriCTlBs unkii uaprafMr aa IK. ailnraain OAJt OUKa. Mlrulpmnnllr. Ab.

turs aad Bypbili. (.11 (.11 hail immruIt. Majaaa atk. thraat SHOT ud bourn Ihmwklr nnS mmt MmlkMHihaUairMa. a MedioMXmaasiSt- Mm, SMnia MaodBoliaa let.

JwlMM tkMe Hum tnr. tnr lull imMi S. pMtMw aiadiolnss (kraaSMd ni mi wrwbw. iiiianly shu-fM iwwMt. CauDiutto.

trm emU ar wrlw. Ow Mnsenm of Anatomy. JMnrlm dUtw tm. uas eaaa all. Omoe boon.

Hu.d.T, lOto I. llflRRIAGE pr.2X Both Mia. ortid, AND HEALTH BntMi.lctut.ellaMa".. OTT WSJ hlmrtiriitt UA Uw. KM mM tSm aiuiut-ludaiiMuSslB? i ttMaVm ThymHofy rraeteMkm, mi Cmi tip.i." Me.

BjsImb. u4 Mc Mmllh. BeftuCj MS Lous I'l MMlml ulrio. mai Beolpu AIM much liMailkc on Hi. IMmum mnA VmIimm wbiekMutlnt.

impMtaM.ta tc riif-4UM. MniequnftM. AddraH X)r. JaSUueO, Ohsstaat Scrsst. St loabv Ma.

anniAGE An lUutrated work (nt pim, a print. eoMDMlar to th tnurlMl mari riwMblemith. UTCtariaS 1 of the riW mteui, torn uUMt aiMorcru. an mrtrni of rmmdurtliM) bOWSS berrulThippr in the married relation. and anaaltw ymuic and middl mgeA ihuuM read and ammmttiM coonan.

intormatioa, which uona to b. vtta-out i on how prrKTve the ketlth, and complexion, ana aimto fitdrd chet-ka the trahnow ot NMthj th. be only true Marrim Guide In th world. Price sveeaM Tlie author in tie conmlted pMiialrnMoS) mail on wineHuiiRn.

wronuui. pc. A. O. OLXU.

laWeihiniilun Chicago, ill. PILES. DR. W. 8.

WOBTMAN A corner- Hlntaa and Pine streets. St. Louis, positively enrea Piles without pain, the knife, caustio or ligaturedo not charge one cent until cured, and promise to pay all expenses to and from Bt, Louis if they fail to perform a Pkrfbot Cumn, References James Lnpe, Col. John S. Oavsa, der Marcus A.

Wolff, Charles Osborn. W. H. Waters, President Second National Bank, Frank Shapleigh. Hatdware merchant, Male Btreet, Wm.

Clark, 218 Mullanphy street, aad many others. Send for circular and names Ot citizens cured. DR. BUTTS' No. Eighth St.

MT. I.ria, At thla old and reliable Diapenaarw SJyo.rt.the Doctur.who ii a TtgulirrT- "TiT "i otiparalleled nMHI. Cure. Ouaira- mm. MMicmetfuiiuued ssTinf patiratt more tnaaeat entire cnarffca.

Dr. Bune' Varrlai OtHa torthe married -and thow cam. temnlatini m.rrian.SSUMJrMV price SO cu. i and. Private dtedioal TreaUas en eaaea or the Orinary and Generative Orsana, ISO pa.

sm, price 2.1 HU jehould be read bj .11, before coturaltinc here. Patient. feMed by Matt or EiprcM. Clllnia rf eddress. .1 above.

Coniultetiona tree. OAoS KouaA I A it. S. AL sundara a Ta'WI tMfi." For the speedy cure 01 Weakhset, Lost Manhood, and all brought! oa by indiscretions or excess. Any drnTiat -has the ingredients.

Address DAVIDSON A CO. Box 2296. New York. Dn.c.n.Donnrmn Offloe No. eie North Fifth street, between Waaa lngton Aveuue and Orcon, St.

Lome, Mo. Cure, all Private UirraM. without tlie um of Mil BSO Charge reuonabie. Guarantee! to cure. a-OB.

BOHANSAN mauentljr cures ail forma of'Spernietorrheej." or jSerMnai Weakneas' in ehort time. It reMorea the yourhfiil wigat or thoae wh. have destroyed tt by excesses or evil Has been used by the Dr in his private practice for over years, and has never fatled is curing even th. worst ea Price Five Dollars. Sent to addrest free trom observe oa, A I A fi.

DH. BOnANNAN-8 iltf. In In I liaa Ouida teaches al 1. qu.wT, snuiuu on voiara. ship, M.rriue the Physiologies1 afysteriesand Revelatiuns ol the mtrmtm 1 1 1.......

I. AXD Book OlSeerefa production, who should mow, impediment, to muriZSi their nature and cure. Treat, on ail PrivM. Diseases explaining their canses, symptoms and to it lathe only really scientlSc work of (he kind ever pwa-llshed, and is compleM in every respect. Sent eecaireta sealed on receipt ot SO eta.

Address, Ur. A. hoHANNasj 1 North Fifth gt, Louia. Mo. EsUUiaoed laUSf.

NERVOUS EXHAUSTION. A medical essay, comprising a series of lectures delivered at Kshn's Museum of Anatomy, New 1 ork, tlie cause and cure of Premature Decline, showing indisputably how lost health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage, and the treatment of nervous and physical debility, being the result of 20 years' experience. Price, 25c Address the author, lr. L. J.

KAIIN, office and residence, 51 East Tenth street. New York. A. TROT, N. T.

FIRM, MANUFACTCB-ers of Linen Collars and Cuffs, desire to make arrangements with responsible par-tics in Wholesale Shirts or Gent's Furnishing line, for the sale of their goods to country trade West and Southwest of St. Louis, or would arrange with a Commercial Traveler ia Gent's Furnishings. Call at ot address for two days. Room 14, Barnum's Hotel. tar A CARD.

To all who are sufforinr from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decav, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure yon, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in Souta America. Send a Belf-addrested enveloue to the Rev. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station Bible House.

New York Pity. Steam Yault Cleaning. BY MY INVESTED MACHINE, ALL Vaults can be cleaned during day time, free from any slop or nuis.nce whatever, at n.oderate charges. Orders for night work taken also. Orders for hand or machine work will meet with prompt attention, if left at my JOHN nOLMES a sTo.

2203 Caroadelet Ave. St. Le xuls MRS. E. CLIFFORD'S NEW MILLINERY ROOMS.

1025 WASHINGTON ATE. The finest assortment of Millinery, Etc-, always on hand. Call and examine. MBS. E.

CLIFFORD. PROPOSAL TO DO ALL KINDS OF WIRE WORK FOR Builders or anybody else at the cheapest pnre in the city. All work guaranteed. Flower-Stands, Biru-Cages and Wire Baskets at mm, i' pun uiv uinmii udis, bi ibc WEaTERN BIRD CAGE MANUFACTORY, lTswvj uirvc street, ot. tuls, nu.

FINANCIAL. Here aad There few Diapatek Reverter. Everyone reads the Dispatch. For Centennial orator Alderman Madden. Bock beer is the tonsorial Lair curler of the day.

a. The bath house man takes a benefit this evening. v- County Treasurer Bechtien hi3 the reins at this writing. The Dispatch to just twelve hoars ahead of the morning papers on news. -Spring lamb Is being and it goes coldly to school in Mary's littte dinner asket -f Judge Knight wears corn cobs on his rooster's spurs to keep him from a encounter, -vtv.

-Marshal Sleven raked in $23 from the victims to-day. There were 35 cases in the Terrific Court this morning. Joseph Stocker plead guiltv to petit larceny and was fined $5 by Judge MeGin-nis this morning. Bishop Bowman will preach to-morrow evening at the Union M. E.

Church, on Eleventh and Locust. The evening attachment to the St. Louis Republican very successfully played the cow's-tail yesterday. This being Saturday and the motion docket being disposed of there was no session of the Criminal Court. The city marshal collected 219 in fines last week and paid the money into the city treasury this morning like a little man.

In the Court of Criminal Correction today Mrs. McDoncu jh was fined ft for committing an assault on one of her neighbors. Collecting twenty-five cent pieces is a fresh way ot raising the wind in a new quarter, if we are allowed to coin an expression. Peter Brown contemplates his sentenee of ninety-nine years with stoical indifference. Peter remarks that it is better than being worked off.

The body which was sent to the Morgue last Mondsy was to-day identified as that of I). B. Robinson, a printer who formerly i tsided in Cincinnati. People who are dissatisfied with the magnitude of the last month's gas bills will be pleased to learn that a new star has been discoveied by an old astronomer. The annual election for officers in the Young Men's' Sodality will take place tomorrow morning, Sunday, April 23, in their ball, at the usual time of meeting.

Alderman Francis has adopted the reform policy. His bill in the Council last evening cutting down salaries was not only creditable, but stamps him as the Ben Bris-tow of the Missouri. Mayor Overstolz has kept the city officers on the ragged edge of uncertainty for some time, and is now harvesting the heads. The scalps of the Board of Health have been requested for the executive wigwam. Pat O'Brian wanted to go to the cloud world yesterday.

He was confined in the Chestnut street station, and got hold of a strap with which be was about to suspend when interrupted. The officer who interfered will be discharged from the force. The comptroller sold three hundred thousand dollars ot city bonds bearing seven per cent, interest yesterday to the National Bank of Missouri on a bid of 10 premium iu the thousand. The bonds run eight months, and the manner in which they were gobbled up at a premium shows the city has first class credit. Best assortment of gents' hosiery in the city at J.

E. Crawford's, 515 Olive st. Boy Drowned. Last night about ten o'clock, while John Larrien and his son were securing a coal barge which they found floating in the river at South St. Louis, both fell into the wate Larrien succeeded in saving himself, bjt his son went down.

The body has not yet been recovered. Shirts Made to Order At the lollowing Low Trices Six Wamsutta Shirts, oo Six Wamsutta 15 00 Six Wamsutta, 13 00 F. A. STEEK, Fifth street. Opp.

Court House. Tin: nobbiest of gents' neck wear at J. E. Crawford's, 515 Olive st. Have Yon Lost Your Epaulets? A gentleman found a pair of brass epaulets on the street about three weeks ago, and last evening turned them over to the police authorities through Officer Flotron.

Jn looking over your military relics, should you happen to miss the shoulder trimmings of your bullet-riddled coat, step right dowu to the chiefs office, and there you will find them ready for the Centennial. The most complete stocu of chamber and parlor suits, of new and beautiful patterns, uneqnaled for the money, at Scarritt's, C09 to 613 North Fourth street. One of the Frnlts of High Water. John Larrien, who resides on Water, between Olive and Nebraska streets, South St. Louis, caught a large coal barge in the harbor at the foot of Olive street, about 1) o'clock last night, and moored it fast to the bank.

The barge is ninety feet in length, filtecn in width and seven deep, and has tb initials St. L. R. on the inside and the word "Hewitt" painted on the outside. The property may be recovered as above.

"Gaus'mann Ahead." His hats combine latest style, cheapness and durability. See him at once, at Franklin avenue. Thont'S, at 325 North Third street, is receiving daily by express the most choice brands Of ovstere. Families and the trade supplied at the lowest rates, also served np in every varie ty of style. Give Thony a call.

If your thread is rotten or knotty, or if you need buttons or machine needles, call at White's Thread Store, 009 X. Fourth st. Great varieties of silk and cambric handkerchiefs at J. E. Crawford's, 515 Olive street.

True Economy. This is what the ladies practice who buy their millinery, flowers, straw goods and ribbons at the recherche establishment of Mrs. J. Barron, GIG Franklin avenue. Mrs.

Barron offers to her patrons and the public in general this week some of the bona fide bargans so much looked after by ladies, who desire stylish and reasonable articles. At Cl(i Franklin avenue beautiful shadj straw hats are sold at 10 cents; Leghorn, $1.25 to $1.50. Other things in proportion. If We Possess the Fine Preceptive Faculties of ioey Which Knahles Us to Interpret the Urand Sont Tonea of Creation In All Their Mysterioua Majesty, We Can Alao Folly Appreciate the Kalmy Refulgence of the 8weet-Watted Sprlnj Breezes, But in order to enjoy all of this, a man must have one of those Famous suits sold for $10 00, worth $15 00, from Geo. W.

Keed bankrupt stock, now sold at Famous, 7U Franklin avenue. Religions Notice. Bishop Bowman will preach at the Union M. E. Church, corner of Eleventh and Locust streets, on Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock.

A Harmless Runaway. About 7 o'clock last evening the horse attached to Thos. Tuffey's light spring wagon took fright, en Grand and Easton avenues, and overturned the vehicle. The shafts were slightly demoralized, but aside from this no damage was done. Tuffey lives at 528 Chestnut street.

The latest and best lounge is Ott's Patent Improved Sofa Bed. It can be changed from a lounge into a bed within a moment, and stands unsurpassed for comfort and cheapness. For sale at factory, 1923 Franklin avenue. Lebanon and O'Fallon, Illinois, Coal. The very best in the market, office 205 N.

Second st. Frank W. Roberts, Agt Balbrigcan and silk underwear just received at J. E. Crawford's, 515 Olive street.

Gone to the "Pen." Deputy Connty Marshal Sutter went ap to Jefferson City this morning, acting as escort to two gentlemen who go to join Joyce, McDonald, Avery, et. al. Their names are Charles Clark and Frank Smith, and having been convicted of the crime of grand larceny, they will spend two yews aui within the walls ot the reformatory. AleafBt for the Ear of the 1 ax-Payer Alderman Franrl the Prunlnit Knlfe, wit I Last evening the City council met in solemn conclave, when Alderman Francis of the Fourth Ward introduced a resolution which prevailed, cutting down the salaries of all the city officers as follows Mayor eon Maj or'a IjiOS Mayor 500 Comp ttol 1 er- CcmpCrellet'a clerk. jjjoo 2,50 Regit tor's deputy.

1 'nm Beg iaterv 900' jLiununv. Aodito i deputy Auditor's Treat urer TwiaanvAV. 1 iirY 9,890 1,800 S.600 1.30U -GierK Guy uonnsii. ijso Ai-sistant Clerk of Oity "l500 City S.BO0 Haibormaster 3 .000 Deputy Harbormaster ljOOO Harbormaster's two deputies, each "Sro City Attorney 2 009 Police Justice 2500 Clerk of Police Court 1 joe Deputy Clerk of Police Courts. 6S0 Chy Mar.hal Mi Deputy City Marshal i000 Four ieputy City Marshals 900 Chief Engineer of Fire Department 3,000 Five Assistant Engineers, each 1,800 Secretary of the Board of Fire Engineers.

1,200 Inspector of Steam Boilers 1,500 Assistant Inspector of Steam Boilers. 900 Sergeant at-Arms. 900 Four messenger boys 30 Hi al'h Officer s.000 Cle of Board of Health 2,000 Reside nt Physiciaa of the City Hospital. 2.000 Resident Physician of the Female Hospital 2,000 Resiui nt Physician of the Quarantine Hospital 1.800 Resident Physician Small-pox Hospital. 1,2 JO Dispensary Physician Tt compensation of all other employes of the Board of Ileal to be fixed bv the Board.

Superintendent of Work I.200 City Junselor. 2.30S Lt no Commissioner. 2,250 Land Commissioner's 1,500 Land Commissioner's Hv. 1,000 Sight Watcnn an. City Hall 720 P.

lice Court Janitor 600 Two Inspectors of Vehicles, each Two additional Inspectors of Vehicles, each 800 lire Justice. Thirteenth Ward 60S Attorney Court, Thirteenth Ward. 600 C'leik Police Court. Thirteenth 500 Weigher, North Levee Scales 1,200 Weigher, South Levee Scales 1,000 Weigher, Bridge Scales 1,200 Att-istant Weigher, bridge scales 60ft Marketmasters, each 909 arketmaster. Thirteenth ward 6C0 VV oc dmasters, each, and the legal fees.

601 Suf eiintendent Fire Alarm Telegraph. 1,801 Kour operators, each 1,200 Four assistants, each 900 Members of the Board of Health, 450 F. reman of the Work house 800 Four overseers at Work-house, each 600 Guards, each 600 Gate keeper 900 City translater, three-qnarters of one cent per line of nonpareil, newspaper esfure. Messenger the City Council 509 THE GENTLEMEN IN BLUE. A bill was presented letting the salaries of the gentlemen in blue down slightly, the force to be paid according to the following figures Chief of Police, captains, 125 per month; patrolmen, $75: special officers, $60 for first vear, and $75 on promotion to the rank oi patrolman turnkeys, tGO per month; deteecives, f90; janitors, superintendent of mounted police stables, drivers and hostlers, $55; Sanitary Clerk, $90; carpenter, $75; salary of tbe Secretary of the Board of Police Cotn-misMoners.

Attorney for the Police Board, $75 per month; one REMONSTRANCES. A strong opposition prevailed, and the bill for salary reductions was laid over for special consideration on Tuesday evening. Mr. Keating presented a remonstrance against tutllug down the pay of the policemen. Mr.

Franeis favored publishing the petitions with signers. Mr. Patterson's bill relating to salaries ot firemeti was also laid over. MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS. A communication was received from Mavor Overstolz, submitting the following nominations for confirmation Inspector of Weights and Measures, John C.

Hartnett. Superintendent of Public Parka, Theodore C. Link, Vehicle Inspector of the Southern District, George C. Decker. Assj stent Vehicle Inspector for the Southern District, E.

O. English. Market Master of Union Market, Thomas McCaMll, Market Master of Center Mai'l-et, Henry Howard. Weigher of the Southern Levee Scales, John J. Kirby.

Wood Master of the Southern District, F. F. Dike. On motion of Mr. Francis the confirmation of the appointments were postponed until Tuesday night.

SALE OF THE LACLEDE HOTEL. Col. E. Pratt Buell Co- becomes tbe Purchasers, who Propose to Re-juvinate tbe House and Title it the Laclede-Blrcher. The negotiations which have been pending several days for the sale of the Laclede Hotel were accomplished last evsning, Col.

E. Pratt Buell Co. becoming the purchasers, and thereby the successors of J. W. Malin Son.

The new proprietors are Col. Buell, oi Warsaw. 111., and J. W. Kettle, formerly of the Tepfer, now Hardin House, of Keokuk.

The former gentleman will exercise the sole management, while the latter took the position this morning of chief clerk, assisted by Wesley Austin, book-keeper and cashier and Wesley Owicgs as reoin clerk; no night clerk being yet appointed. The new proprietors will at once begin a refitting and refurnishing of the bouse, and will make numerous necessary changes for the accommodation of an increasing patronage. All the room three hundred in number will be newly painted and papered, the halls newly kalso-mined; new furniture will be added and such other changes as will make the house as fine as anv in the city. The price of board will be reduced to $: 50, $3. and $2 50 per day according to the floor desired; the table will be kept in the very highest style of the cuisine art and no effort spared to make of the -Laclede-Bircher the frsliionable first-class hotel of the cify.

Col. Buell is one of the leading representative railroad men of this western country. He was the builder, superintendent and general manager of the Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw railroad, the same of the Mississippi Valley and Western, now St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern railroad was president of the Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska railroad vice president of the St. Louis and Cincinnati narrow gauge, an 1 now general manager and builder of the Greenville, Columbus and Birmingham railroad, which is rapidly approaching completion.

This will be the finest road in the whole South, penetrating the heart of the richest lands in Mississippi. He has had only a limited experience in hotel keeping, but his financial shrewdness fits him to conduct any business successfully. His family will be in the city in a tew days. The new management took possession this morning, having secured a lease of seven years of the house, with the privelegeof extending it seven more years, at a large reduction of the price paid for the house by his predecessors ($40,000 pe' year). All the furniture and appurtenances of the house are included in the lease, also all the storerooms under the new or BircU-er part of the building.

Geo. W. Keed a of the Centennial City, Under the Hammer of Wheilon, Tyler Last Wednesday, S180 OOO Worth of (GenU' Ready Made Clothing for a Mere Song. Having purchased some very large and choice lots of the above stock, we will offer the following lines at about one-third less than similar goods have ever been sold for Lot 32287 Men's Fancv Cassimere Suits, at $10; worth $15. Lot 887 117 Union Cassimere Suits, at $5 worth $8 50.

Lot 399- 48 All-wool Plaid Suits, $10; worth $15. Lots 349 and 35043 Fine Cassimere Knickerbocker Suits, at $14; worth $20. Lots 369 and 370-S3 Extra Fine Cassimere Suits, at $15 worth $22 50. Lots 228 and 234316 pairs of black Doeskin rants (all wool) at $5. Lots 229 and 230165 Fine Cassimere Vests at $1 50 each.

Lots 838, $40 and W2 3S7 pairs of Men's Lightweight Cassimere Pants ai $230 a pair. Lots .237 and 2396 Valencia and Worsted Vests at $2 each. Lots 960 and 96172 Gents Fine Worsted Coats and Vests at $12 50; worth $20. With many other lots for sale this week at Famous, 714 Franklin avenue. Best known Tonic.

The true Elixerof Calasaya Bark and Iron, prepared by H. C. Robinson druggist, corner Fourth and Olive. For sale by all druggists. Hats.

Men's Stylish Hate from 73c Boys Stylish Hate from 35e to $1.23. At Famous, 714 FraukUa Avenue. WILL BCT A SILVER-PLATED ICE-PITCI1EB. $5 00 WILL BUT A SWELL' VCX -A' $9 00 WILL BUT A FIR9T-RATE jj ICE-CHEST. ij 75 Cents 0 WILL BUT A SIT OF CROQUET, (0 Cheever, Barchard Go's 508 North Fourth St.

CONN THE HATTER, 418 Olive Street. Canufactnrer and Dealer in FINE SHOES. 615 North Fourth the Former Stand of A. Prle3meyer Bixth and Olive. The way the People "go for" oar Candies.


SUPLEE, 211 N. Fifth st. Repairing a Specialty. BEST 35 CEXT DINNER AT PINE STREET RESTAURANT, 606 Pine Street. J.

C. GOLDING, PROPRIETOR. DINNEBFROM UX TO 3 V. M. BEOPE ISTIEID For tlie Ottawa Beer, Ice Gream, SODA, MINERAL WATERS Of all kinds, at our Two Stores, S.

W. Cor. Klshth and Olive N. W.Cor. Sixth and Washington J.

B. SIMMONS CO. MILLINERY ANB Dressmaking. Mine. Lewandovska's FASHIONABLE Millineiy Dressmaking Emporiam, 323 NORTH FIFTH ST.

Cor. Fifth and Locust, under Mercantile Library Hall, where the Ladies will find the latent importations in Elegant Millinery Goods, including all the Novelties. Alao beautiful Mouse. Street and Party Dresses, made in the latest "Parisian styles and moderate in price. ST Elegant assortment of Human Hair.

Also Demorest Patterns. F. JACCIUEMIN, Importer and Manufacturer of FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Of ail kinds, of Superior Finish. BRIDAL WREATHS A SPECIALTY. Also OSTRICH AXD NATURAL FEATHERS Of every Species of Birds, Guaranteed Superior to any in the Market.

Factory Salesroom, 30G X. Fifth a ADVERTISING; Dent do any I in aitrpaperor I papers, until I vr. tires it will post you nothing and will surely save you money. AdclrfiM, St. Loui.

Publ'j St 1-ouis. Mo. NOTARY PUBLIC, 613 N. Sixth Cor. Washington Are.

QITY ITEMS. Cahpkts and Oil Cloths on weekly pay meats at J. Craws haw Sons, 811 Franklin venue. Use Griffon's Egg Powder. PHILADELPHIA Mush Bread, fresh every day.

Sixth and Pine. Southern Hotel. We take pleasure in stating that we have been using Taylor's Excelsior Yeast Powder eiuce it was first established, and can thereby testify to its great strength and purity. It has given us greater satisfaction than any we have ever used. Laveille, Warner a Proprietors.

Latest styles ol linen collars at J. E. Crawford's, 515 Olive st. On Weekly Payments. Pictures and Looking Glasses, at A.

Leffler's, 16 South Fourth street. Beds for children in great variety and new patterns. See them at Searritt's 609 to 613 North Fourth street. CnEVlOT, Percale, Penang, Madras and Tavistock shirting at J. E.

Crawford's, 515 Olive st. New Fcrnttcrk Housk. Cheapest furniture and bedding house in the city. Furniture and bedding retailed at wholesale prices. All work guaranteed.

Jackson B. Smith, 817 and 819 North Fifth street, between Franklin avenue and Morgan. Usk Fell's Spices. Travelers will find first-class accommodations at the Park Hotel, corner of Twelfth and Olive streets. Convenient to Union Depot, and the business centre of the city.

Terms $2 50 per day. Washington Marble Works. Monuments, headstones, mantels, also cemetery lots beautifully inclosed with copings, at prices to suit the times. Mathew Park, S13 and 820 North Xiuth street. Cheap Parlor and Bed-Room Furniture.

A splendid assortment or the very finest and best Parlor and Bed-room Furniture at prices telow cost, at J. H. Niedringhaus 1003 and 1005 Franklin ave. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Wam.

Pa run, Winikiw Shade, at in great verity, W. H. Oriep-o-ftjifrg 919 Worth Fill Si. HAGtMir-wnevano. nrtatsr, uaaiuuwn as X9'ie; abort ribs, 13c short clear, nm lSXc: s.

V. hams. M4W7c, sweordlas to LABD-Ootet we quote prima sterna. uc; pressed kttue at UX in teerce; aeg at mc; 20 tea pressed sold at ISXe. POTATOES Besstpts light; Braver and higher.

Chaiee peachblows tn fair demand. We quote: Kaasas peachblows at 25a 33c for bulk or sacks In cars, ttoaee ia sacks and bulk at 2025c, very cbotoe at 29SSe bu. Iowa peachblows 2g2 ist ear lets. Kose is 25c. ONIONS Scarce ana wanted; yellow (tound) at II 651 96-, red, 209tv per brL ONION SETS Dull at SI TOO I tor tops and bottoms.

SWKET POTATOES Yams at SI SO; rod at $232 80. CABBAGE Good deaaaad. Soasil eratea at $4 00. large at $8 5089. HAY Best qualities ia deaaaad.

Wet and partly spoiled dulL Ckoio timothy $UM17 UO praitle (SfiOeO; red top at SMTaO. Grain inspections To-Day. Wheat 2 cars No 2 red winter, 4 car No 3, 13 cars No 4 winter, 7 ears rejected do, 1 no icrade. Total, 28 cars. Corn 3 cars rejected St.

Chat tea, 9 cars No 2 yellow-mixed. barge and 3 cars No. 2 white-mixed, barge and 114 cars No 2 mixed. 1 cars rejected, 1 no grade. Total, 142 cars and 1 barge.

Oats 7 cars No. 2, 8 cars rejected. Total, 15 cars. Barley 1 car No rpring. Total, 1 ear.

Ktb1 ear rejected. Total, 1 car. Total inspections, 187 cars. Beerbohm Reports. The following foreign market reports were handed ua by Messrs.

J. W. Adams A Co. Liverpool, April 22. Cargoes wheat and and corn off coast, and on passage quiet.

Cargoes of America a mixed corn off coast, 6d lower. Cargoes American mixed -corn for prompt shipment by sail 6d lower. St. Louis Clearing House. Tbe following is a statement of the business ef the clearing house for the week ending April 22: Date.

Clearings. -Balance. Monday $3,699,587 20 $295,440 76 Tuesday 3 261.217 67 290,730 79 Wednesday 3.4S6,758 20 28,311 66 Thnrsdav 2.876,807 61 190,733 10 Fridav 3,167,429 04 228,517 37 Saturday 3,024,561 64 2419,785 93 Total. 35 $1,525,590 66 Cor. week last 20.681.15t 64 23 Cotton.

MeFcrs. Marmaduke A Brown, commission merchants, furnish us the following: Liverpool, April 21 Quiet and unchanged; middling upland sales: 6,000 bales, of which there were 3,900 bales American; speculators took 1,000 bales. Arrivals easier. June and July delivery from Savannah or Charleston low middling contract at 6 13-32C New York, April 22. Unchanged quotations, but market easier for spot.

Futures quiet and steady at a decliue of l-13c all round. Sales, bales. St. Lol ls, April 22. Quiet and easy.

Buyers limits below factors views. Only sales reported me 45 bales rejected at c. $2 000.000 STOLEN In live years from B. T. BABBITT, of New York, Who Still makes Babbitt's Best Soap.


WHOLESALE Hare removed Washington aye. JTW. ABAMS eft Commission Merchant Boom 10, Chamber of Commerce. Correspondents: McConnick, Adam Chicago; C. J.

Kershaw Blllwankee. Special attention paid to option trading In ht. Louis, Chicago and Milwaukee markets. Accounts rendered and differences Eald the day of settlement in above mar-eta. Correspondence solicited.


ZWABT. JNO.S. Real Estate, Exchange, Collection, House-Renting and General Purchasing Agency, Under the Laclede Hotel. So. S10 Chegfarat street, St.

Louis, Mo. BEARD fc Manufacturers of the Excelsior' Fire Burglar-Prool SAFES, Bank Locks, Bank Vaults, Vault Doors, 018 and 030 9T. Second Street. Sales and Sample Boom, SONorth Fourth Star Brush Factory H. GTESECKE Proprietor.

Also Patentee of the Patent Horse Brush." Oidcrs respectiully solicited and all wsrk warranted to be manufactured of tbe best mate-rial 205 SOUTH FOUR fH STREET. A HKW MAGAZINE. RECORD OF THE YEAR. Just Published The first number ot capital new Monthly Magazine, or sort of Reference 8c rap-Book. the monthly ecord of every important event in any part of the Record." Beautifully printed, with an elegant steel portrait of the late millionaire, Wm.

B. As tor. The most attractive, interesting and readable monthly magazine ever issued. Sold by all book and news dealers, and sent free by mail, on receipt ot price, 50 eta, by O. W.

Caruton Publishers, Madison Square hew York. PATEOTSSea. tee Caa- aoa and fcurope; terms as low as those ot anv vMTC. uuun. wrraouBUGnc.

mviuM in the English and foreign lanruajres, with Inventors, Attorneys at Law, and other Sol letters, especially with those who have had their cases rejected ia the hands ot other attorneys. In rejected cases our fees are reason able, and no charge is made unless are an successful. mvEOTORS. Vani: Patent, send us a model or sketch, and a full description of your invention. We will make an examination at the Patent office, and if think it patentable, will send you papers aad advice, and prosecute your case, be in nrdiimrv spa iur fee will vo ui uiuinniY casca wsa ADVICE Patents, Patent Law an oral or written.

In a matters oniainv an lit. -a w- -vSa ventions jj AVjii lij 11 months this; April Part of they have Been against meJ JJO -IOB" It ufj nvw- wjuuu Why don't come out and tele- all they Now for some of them Uvea a mile from Where I used to live and Some two miles some lives three Miles and Some a Half mile from me and I think that these are very Good Witnesses to Swear nun's life Away A and they living at that distance from my house there is dan Mukes he swore that I told him I was Going to Kill mv wife A throw her in the River if i told him so i told Judy Jones the same there is my Bro William Brown Sister in law Rachel Brown they swore that they Went to bed first that Night and swore that they left Me in the front Room they Know that I was the first one that Went to bed and the last that Got np the Next morning i Would have staied at home that night But the house catched on fire that Morning and Burnt everything up that I had in tbe House that Night and Mary Morris, Lizzie Morris, ltachal Brown, Sow they say that they did Not Go into Both Rooms Eavenif thy did Not Go into Both Rooms the door Was open they Could See all over the bouse and Was 12 Bv 13, the other 12 By 18 ii the door had Been fastened that is the middle door, then they might have suspicioned something Was Bong they Could see all that Was in the house they say that they only Went in one Room Even if they did Not Go into But one Room they could see all that Was in the bouse it is all through malice that they swear agaicit Me that Way. cap fox Stiles Got me to Sign a Paper Before; it was Read to me and Said it Was Not any thing that Would do me any harm after i Signed the paper they taken it to chief o'connor chief o'connor looked at it and told him to read it then he Read it took me down in the Calaboos and locked me up and said that i Would get clear this was all done in tbe Secret Office if i had of went out to the River fritz Coleman Hammond Coleman trane Coleman cold have seen me for they Were at the River Watching freight for der Boats i dont think tbey would hide any such Crime as that i never seen it or Heard of it one man Carrying a dead person Nor seen any such which at the time i was lame at the time had the Rheumatism in my Right leg i Can Prove By the witnesses for the State that my leg would give away, When i was Walking i would fall on the ground most any Place When i would have the Attack in mv leg A if she is dead She did Not come By it from my hands tor i think Just as much of her know as When we ware married al the liirst. God knows if She is dead She did not come By it it through my hands. Peter Brown, Jail.

THE McKEE CASE. Juds Dillon will Pass on the Motion Wednesday. It was announced in the U. S. Circuit Court this morning, by Judge Treat, that Judge Dillon will be iu the city on next Wednesday and will open court at two o'clock on that day, at which time he will pass on the motion made by Judge Krum to dismiss all proceedings against Wm.

McKee. Judge Dillon will also take up all i the cases demanding his immediate attention on Wednesday, and will leave for Iowa on Thursday, the day following. Nothing will be" done in Maguire's case before Monday. PERSONAL MENTION, Col. James Allen, U.

S. is at the Liu- dell. D. Reese, Ettah, at Bar-'nuni's. J.

C. Rye, Eureka, Kansas, is at the Laclede. pm J. Sweeny, New York, is registered at Hurst's. 1 Alfred D.

Simon, Kansas City, stops at Hurst's. Col. A. Morris and family, Memphis, is at Lindt 11. C.

L. McEvillv, Evansville, is at the St. Clair. John C. Tarsney, of Kansas City, is at the.

Gen. D. Rathburn, De Soto, is at the Southern. John D. Mastin, the Kansas City banker, is at Laclede.

E. Mountford, capitalist, Trenton, N. is at Brrnum's. J. Brown.

Little Rock, is quartered at Hurst's European. E. A. Peatois, government land inspector is at the Lindell. J.

W. Smith, a merchant of Decatur, 111., is at the St. Nicholas. Hon. Jas.

H. Carson and family, Burlington, are at the Liudell. E. S. Earl and sons, of Syracuse, N.

are guests at the Everett. Geo. D. Eastin. editor Glasgow, Mo Journal, is at the Laclede.

Wm. Burgess, a prominent lawyer of Cincinnati, is at the Lindell. C. Stewart, a large stock ooerntor of Har-rishurg, Pa. is at the St.

Nicholas. Geo. W. Lower, land commissioner of the K. P.

railroad, is at the Laclede. Col. E. W. Durant, a large lumber dealer of Wisconsin, is at the Laclede.

Neil McCoU', a prominent merchant of Richmond, is a guest at the Everett. Capt. Sam'l Vansant of the Le Claire Drv Pocks, Le Claire, Iowa, is a guest at Hurst's European. Hon. A.

MeCullagh and Major F. D. Horton, Ironton. Ohio, en route to California, are at Barnum's. Col.

Donald Macintosh, Major George Wallace, Major Benjamin Hodson and Cau taiu Owen Hale, officers of the Ninth U. S. cavalry, are at the Southern. A Peace Maker Abused. This morning Thomas Heflher, who lives on Broadway and Carr street, went across the river to Venice for the purpose of purchasing some chickens.

When he arrived there he saw two of bis friends engaged in fistic altercation and interfered to stop further trouble. One of the men brought an axe down on his left hand mashing it (the hand) in a fearful manner. Heffner was brought to the city and carried to the Dispensary where Dr. Love attended him and sent him home. COMMERCIAL.


Orders for Grain and Provisions solicitor. No. 210 North Third street. Chicago and Milwaukee Markets. Chas.

A. Bragg sent as the following 1 30 p. m. Chicago and Milwaukee quotations WheatCash. $1 031-4: April, $1031-4; May $1 04 1-8 June, $1 04 1-3.

Corn Cash, 46 7-8c; April, 45 7-8c; May, 47 3-Sc; June, 47c. Oats Cash, 32 l-2e; April, 321-2c: May, 32 5-8c; June. 321-2. Barley Cash, 62 April, 62 May, 59; June, 57c. Pork Cash, $21 72 1-2: April, $21 72 1-2-May, 21 S7 1-2 June.

$22 05. Lard Cash. 13.17 1-2; April 13.17 1-2; May, 13.27 1-2; June 13.42 1-2. inspections. Wheat, 65; corn, 47; oats, 32 1-2; rye.

barley, Receipts. Shipments. 29,373 33.913 45,295 257,677 32,563 11,034 Rye. 785 Barley 400 8,544 MILWAUKEE HAKKKT. Wheat No.

2 Spring, cash, $1 06 3-8 April, $1068; May, $106 7-8; June, $1 07 1-2. Receipts 33,500 bu Shipments 16,160 do. To-Day's Markets on 'Change. COBN No. 2 corn lor cash, active and firm 15 cars Central told at 47c 33 ears St.

L. sold at46Kc; 8 cars do do eold at 4Vc April, 23 Icars No. 1 sold at 47c, to be delivered Monday, 15,000 regular for April sold at OV; May corn active for bulk. 10 000 bus sold at 4' June 30,000 sold at 46 July offered at 45fK 45X bid; white-mixed eash 1 car sold at V4 April white do 46 bid rejected corn cash cars V. or A.

sold at44c OATS No 2 oats car St. L. sold at tS'c. April ottered al St'ic, MayoSeredM 410 and 412 JUST BECEIYEBv ABEAirnTLLKEOxV I KILT SUITS FOR Children AT; liPOLACK'S. K.

full line of Children's Waists. STEAMBOATS. UPPER MISSISSIPPI. EOKUK northern Una Packs Oo. For Keokuk, Burlington, Muscatine and Da-' buque and St.

Paul. Str MINEAPOLIS Jerry Wood, Master. weaves Saturday, April via, at n.m. For freight or nassase an- olv on wharfboat.between Vine and Locust. I.

M. Mason. Gen. Freight Agt. For Clarksville, Louisiana and Keokuk, sa -lirx Str.

ANDY JOHNSON, SSSC Asbury, master, leaves this day, April 21st, at 4 p. from Northern Line wharf boat, toot of Locust st. For freight or petsage, apply to I. M. MASON, Agent.

EAGLE PACKET OOMFAJTt. For Madison, Alton, Jersey, Portage des Sioux ar.d Grafton. Str. Spread Eagle, Lyhe, Master, J. Kicnara, vierv, weaves daily at p.

iron waanooai, foot of Vine Street. HT. LETHE. St pt H. BEN JENKINS.

Agt, LOWER MISSISSIPPI. -WyJEMFHIS A ST. LOUIS PACKET OO. or Cairo, Columbus, Hickman, Memphis and Vicksbnrg, fn Str. GRAND TOWER, LJuHbs4 Lennox, Master, leaves on Satur- i ii day, April 23d, at 5 p.

nu Tor St. Mary's, Ste. Genevieve, Chester and aiieys, Str. EMMA C. ELLIOTT, Lightner Master, leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 p.

m. For Freight or P-figJ MISSOURI RIVER. OTTZ LINK. For Fort Bentoif nd Intermediate Points, Str. C.

Mason, Master. iu leave i. aauu April Hd. Str. CHAS.

W. MEAD. P. Clark.Master. Will leave Sioux City on opening of Navigation'.

ICR a Freight or passage contracted for by W. J. Kountz, Pittsburg, 7 iPHX W. KING, Agent, whailboat foot of Myrtle street St. Louis.

aNaUNF1 BIVER JACKET CO. STAR For Augusta, Jeflerson City, Boonviue Glasgow, Cambridge and Frankfort. Str. BELLE ST. LOWS, Cartwright, Master.

J-K iVLf Ve Tuday, April 25, at 6 For Augusta, Boonville, LeMngton, Wellington, Lansas City and all Way Landings, FANNIE LEWIS Keith, Master a. Leaves Saturdav. Anril 9- nt ft jBSSmSSSE P. m. from wharfboat, foot of Olive street.

wmxLKDUK, Agent. TEAMER T. F. ECKERT. stir Any one needing the services BaaaasaaficSiBaat of the Steamer T.

F. ECKERT. ur nw pump, ur luving apparatus, sneuia address W. DUGAN, P.O. Boa 27S7.

St. Louis. ALL. SORTS. Af ami WE ARE RECEIVING DAILY 20- I I inch Minnesota Ice via Illinois I I mm Central, also St.

Louis, Kansas III City and Northern railroada.whicb I we offer at reasonable rates. P. S. Car lots, securely packed, shipped to all points. B.

HTJND 200 8. Fourth st. ANTED On Monday, April 24, 176, Twenty men and twenty teams to work half a mile north of Normandy, on the St. K. C.

and N. U. at steam shovel teaming, teaais. EATON DALAHi Con'ractors. OOK8-GOOD SECOND-HAND STAXlTT ard Books boua-ht or exchanger! Archer's, 70S Olive street.

ADIES' AND GENTS' Hats, Felt, Straw. A sa avr trim) rtt .4 va any aviiiUf UCHUCU ur COIOred SLUQ ma13 into very latest styles, at Empire Straw and Felt Works, 205 North Sixth street. AILROAD TICKETS bought and sold at liz k. rourtn st. CO.

CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CLOTHES-W ringers and and Velocipedes repaired. Also Table-Ware refinished and plated with silver or nickel. Will call, give price, send for and deliver. Call or address Bromwell Plating and Manufacturing Works, 516 St. Charles st.

ASE BALL OUTFITS, ALL STYLES, "TO order on short notice, and low figures. at JONES'. 60S Pine street. ANTED All kinds of Wringers to re pair, at John Ringen A 718 N. 4th.

OFFICE GENERAL ROAD 8LPERIV-tendent. St. Louis, April 20, 1876. To Alfred P. Pope.C.

H. deThurv, Ann It. Harvey de Thury, Louis de Thnry, Ludovica de None, Elisabeth oe None, Max Von Versen. Alice B. Von Versen, John M.

Harvey, and Henry Kayeer. trustee, and all other persons interested. "take notice" that the commissioners, Charles Wood, J. Reel and Fred. I'rice, appointed by the Connty Court of St.

Louis connty to straighten and widen Florissant avenue to a width of one hundred feet, from Bellefontaine avenue to the Chamber road, will meet on Tuesday, the 25th day of April, 1876, at the intersection of Florissant avenue and Bellefontaine avenue for the pur-rose of marking out said road, and to assess damages done and benefits resulting to re-monstrators and all other persons interested-AfG. ELBRIXG. General Road Superintendent. AUCTIONS. 9( ASKS OLD SEED LEAF TOBACCO JT." wlil eW public auction at Peper's Tobaero Warehouse, S.

E. Corner Market and Twelfth at 9 o'clock. Saturday, April 21. DYEING AND SCOOTING. COOK BROTHERS, The great and original Chemical Dyer, aad Scourers, having located at No.

166 North Sixth street, near Chestnut. Gents' coats, paaU and vests are dyed, cleaaned and neatly repaired, and made to look as well as new. If they fail to please you. no charge will be made. Ladies' silk and woolen shawls aad dresses of every description ara dyed, cleansed and restored to their original pristine perfection.

Persons residing out of St. Louis will send to by express. Address, COOK BROTHERS, 105 N. Sixth street. UX2KRY WESTIIDS, DEALER IS Carpets, Oil-Cloths.

ndU-Pper, WlndowShntles, Etc. Painting. Paper-Haaging and Whitening in all its branches. Ordtra promptly attended to. sm.

Fourth su-eet aad SuiU Cuoaielet avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Ladies I just received a new lot of French goods which will be displayed on Tuesday, April 25th, All goods exhibited on former occasions, not sold yet, will be offered at a reduction. Great bargains can be expected at L. Taris', French importer and manufacturer of ladies hats and bonnets, No.

Locust street. The Peerless Radiator Shaking Grate stands unequalled for economy, cleanliness and heating properties. Call and examine. Wm. Pickel 1535 Franklin sole agents.

1 j. u. urane, cor. ourth and Washington avenue, has handsome new styles Dressing Case and full Marble Bureau suits also Parlor suits at fabulously low prices. Looking glasses, pictures and frames of every description; also latest chromos at lowest prices at the new store, 911 North Fourth street, between Franklin avenue and Wash street.

RUBBER HYDRANT GOODS A SPECIALTY. Fifty feet Rubber Hydrant Hose, only 6 for two-ply $7 for three-ply. We keep all kinds ol Rubber Hose manufactured, including our First Premium, Carbol-ized, and Carbolic Hose. All styles of Brass Pipes, Couplings, etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY.

Geo. B. Thompson, Agent, 400 X. Fourth street, cor. Locust street.

Ton are Slmoly Pay Ins; for tbe Material, and Get Making and Trimming for Nothing, If you buy one of those fine All-wool Cassi-mere. Suits for $10, from Geo. W. Reed stock, now sold at Famous, 714 Franklin Avenue. FALL OF A BUILDING.

An Illy Constructed and Fragile Brick Structure Topples Over, Burying Whiskey, Beer and Other Refreshments In the Debris. Some days ago the building on the northwest corner of Fourth and Elm street, was torn down and the foundation a new four-story brick business house is now being laid. The house next to the new foundation is an eight-inch wall brick structure of antiquated construction occupied by Martin Henry as a beer saloon and casino. For several days the saloon building has exhibited premonotorv symptoms of tumbling down, and to guard against this a number of props were pat up to sustain the shaky walls. This morning, at 9 :30 o'clock, while Bernard Fisher and Jno.

W. Cook, bar-tenders, were dispensing refreshments, they felt the old structure shaking with evident signs of distress. The south wall trembled only long enough to allow them to escape at the bacK door, and the workmen on the foundation of the new building to get out of the way, when it fell with a loud crash, tbe red bricks tumbling over on the foundation and the piaster and joists tumbling down on the bar fixtures, mashing bottles and glasses in a wicked manner. Fortunately no one was hurt. In the debris is a $125 clock, several barrels cf whiskey, $25 or $30 in money, cigars, etc.

The whole damage will amount to about tbe property is owned by the estate of Alexander Raiser, roe the lioeek, agents. The adjoining buildings are in a verv unsafe and rickety condition, liable to fall at any moment if not attended to and proper! braced at once. Style, Beauty, Comfort and Cheapness Combined. In those elegant New York made Men's Shoes, now offered from $1 75 to $4 50. Theee goods are from 75c to $2 50 less than they can be found elsewhere.

Famous, 714 Franklin avenue. Governor Fletcher and W. O. Avery. Ex-Govornor Fletcher returned from Jefferson City yesterday, having paid a visit to W.

O. Avery in the penetentiary. The governor seems fully convinced of Avery's innocence and that the true connection of the ceuvict should be made known. Tho public generally sympathizes with Avery and believes him to be the victim of Babco*ck's cunning and knavery. Wanted Young salesman with a notion trade, at White's Thread Store, C03 North Fourth street.

Oriffen's Egg Powder makes elegant rolls and biscuits for breakfast. Redaction in the Price of First -Class Linen Collars and Cuffs. We have put down the price of BEST LINEN COLLARS to 20c Each, or $2 25 Per Dozen. BEST LINEN CUFFS, 40c per Pair, Or $4 50 Per Dozen. Warranted the Best in the F.

A. 8TKKR, Fifth street. Opp, Court House i. SA. GAYLORD.

WITH i BRITTON, LOMAT A Bankers aad Brokers, 30J Olive street. Gold, Government. State, County, Muaiei. 5 el and Defaulted Bons. Laad WarraaU aad cxas Land Scrip bought and eold.

BCDD WADS, Successors to Budd. Son A Co- 621 Olive street. Financial agents tor Eastern and cspitahsta. Moneys to loan oa St. Louis eal estate in any sums at 8 per cent, and lowest rates.

Fumls advanced tor building purposes. General agency for the transaction of real estate and nnaaoial business of all kind MONET TO LOAN. WE HAVE OH KANH A Urge amot-at ot money to loan oa city aad OOuatj prowrty, or Commercial psnar. kaATTUEWS Wlim AKKB. til Ohre strooU BJfX)rET TO LOAM.

al. I HAVE EASTKHM FOHDO TO LOAM Od real estate security la this oily, in ae-Sal Ot aad over at lowest ratra. BEJt. FAKSAR, (U Tlf BX Keterences: H.a. M.

D. Leoobtt, Bx Commissioner of Paents, Cleveland. Ohio: O. H- Eellkt, Sec'y National Grange. Louisville, and the Ministers of Foreura Legations at Washington, I.

C. r-Send stamp for our "Guid ron OS-Tanme Patx-sto," a book of so pages. Address, LOIII3 BAGGER CO Soi.itiieM or patexts. Washington, 1. C..

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.