Transcript-Telegram from Holyoke, Massachusetts (2024)

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Holyoke, Massachusetts

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jj-Hotrofc (Mm) Traaacrlpt-Tctetram Friday Dee 38 1888 Many Pupils At Granby Elementary School Participate In Annual Christmas Program David Dwiteta Rickie Forget Ricky Harvey Allen La Good Samaritans All Around In Keeping With Christmas Spirit A Granby Boy Scout who never nier at 83 Batchelor St Granby who notified the owner Med vet- found more than "a quarter or a The annual Christmas pro at the Granby Elementary Wednesday morning at 9:30 and at 1:10 pm Those who participated are as follows: Grad 1 Mrs McCorklndsle aeher Christmas lockings" "Long Long Doreen Bednan Alice Black-man Elizabeth Butt Catherine Clerk Joan Dobek Janet Har- Marie Hetu Suzanne Lam-Cynthia McCarty Laurene Betsy Read Priscilla Two Mishaps On Slippery Roads Mrs Blanche DoskoU of 3 Franklin St Easthampton reported to police that she struck a parked car on Davis St at 1:40 Thursday The parked car owned by Adam Teft of Wilder Ave Easthampton received damage to the left rear and tail light The Doskotz right front fender was badly damaged Tbe accident occurred as Mrs Doskotz attempted to pass the car and skidded into it At 7:56 a today cars oper ated by Richard Cadorette 18 of Lownds Ave and Floyd Hicks 44 of 204 Paark St both set a personal record Thursday performing a Christmas season good deed and received a crisp 10 bill in return Robert Emerson 11 son of Capt and Mrs Robert Emerson of Porter St Granby discovered a wallet containing more than $100 Thursday noon on Porter St near Batchelor St Granby shortly after having been dismissed from school classes for the two-week Christmas vacation Noting the name of Albert Med-vetsky Belchertown insurance agent in the wallet Robert took it to the home of Mrs Claire Four sky promptly presented $10 bill to the boy a Grade 8 pupil at Granby Grade School It was explained that Medvet-sky after his car became branded on icy Porter St observed a car driven by an unidentified woman and full of children skid into a snowbank there Medvetsky shoveled the car from the snow bank and in doing so lost the wallet containing mainly insurance premiums collected during the week on his route in Granby and Belchertown He is employed with Prudential Insurance Co working out of the Ware office He and his wife have two children Cheryl Ann 2V4 and Rosemarie one of Easthampton collided on Wil-listen Ave near Garfield Ave Police said Hicks had turned onto Williston Ave from Garfield and that Cadorette operating on Williston applied! his brakes but skidded into the other vehicle The right front bumper fender and headlight of the Cadorette car and the left front bumper fender lights and radiator of the Hicks car were damaged Walter Gratkowski of 18 Everett St suffered bruises of the left leg Wednesday evening at 9:15 when a car operated by An thony Yacuzzo of 14 High St proprietor of Taxi located at 92 Cottage St bumped him as Yacuzzo was rocking his vehicle in an effort to get it out of the snow Mr Gratkowski operates the National Floor Covering Co at 90 Cottage St and was crossing the street at the time when he stepped behind the car and the mishap occurred Mr Gratkowski was treated at the office of Dr Philip Bond The funeral of Frank Lubiak of Irving St was held Thursday morning from the Czelusniak Funeral Home followed by a high mass of requiem in Sacred Heart Church The celebrant at the main alter was Rev John Chwalek while Rev Stanislaus Wojcik officiated at the side altar Bearers were Alexander Dlugozima Joseph Malinowski and Teofil Miciewicz all members of St Society and Stanislaus Orzolek Stanislaus Geryk and Joseph Szumikowski members of St Society Burial was in St Stanislaus Cem etery with the committal servict conducted by both priests Cars operated by Gerard Malouin of 82 pleasant St and Francis Larock of 9 Lincoln St were slightly damaged in an accident which occurred at 6:05 James Goulet David Leonard Legrand Thomas McGrath Herbert McKinney Daniel Theodore Orson Stephen Polchlopek Jeffrey Proulx Thomas Rossi Thomas Warren Scott Wilson Randy Stone Darrel Scribner and Leonard Ellis Grade 2 Mrs Rice teacher Come All Ye Faithful" song by class in the Manger" song by class Michelle Baker Cynthia Brainerd April Deedecker' Dorms Grenier Carol Griewold Beverly Harop Sandra Kadle Meredith Kemp Linda Labarre Robin Lozaes Pamela Ortenai Marianne Pie-tras Deborah Stilwell Linda Warren Alesia Fugere Eileen Bessette Keith Belliveau Robert Charette Stanley Donikowski Chirstopher Fox Conrad Helm John Hire Michael Major David Mekal John Mikolajcik Wayne Murray Russell Nulty Chester Wayne Peloquin Kenneth Peliter Guy Poulin Michael Poulin Edgar Thompson Peter Wetherell and Roy Clark Jacobsen Grade 3 Mrs White teacher Through the Olive choral verse I Were a Shepherd verse Virginia Becchctti Sandra Brack Betty Chartier Donna Cooke Barbara DeWitt Joan Dominick Dale Ducharme Michelle Gelinas Teresa Hetu Deb ra Hoyle Lilyian Lozes Chris Maheu Myra Orlen Deborah Re-agn Debra Schauer Kathleen Weber Cynthia Yarker Pamela Cooke James Bobo Michael Charette Jim Davis Wayne Harvey Phillip Hoyt Peter Krum-siek Richard Leach Gary McKay Alfred Moreau Thomas Curtis Paige Jerome Symancyk Edward Trompke William Trudell and David White Grade 3 Miss Bullard Little Christmas Tree" poem Rosemary Blackman Karen Brunelle Catherine Connor Bonnie Ducharme Debbie Dunn Linda Funk Jacqueline riviere Roland Leclerc Stephen Peulm Gary Ring Steve Sapow-sky Ronald Tetrault Stevan warren Larry Goodyear Date Scribner Grade Mrs McGrath teacher: Tableau Bible reading of the Xmas itory Linda Bernier Joanne Campbell Denise Carriveau Priscilla Cummings Patricia Dec Sandra De-nesha Cheryl Duggan Ruth Gra cek Joan Grenier Diane Lafleche Diane Mastorakia Marcia Randall Donna Scanapieco Diane Svoboda Priscilla Luscomb Joanne Sukey Peter Gaj Ralph Hasson Mark Johnson Frank La borde Michael Polchlopek Dan-lel Quinlan David Randall Rob-ert Roy Chester Shyloski Howard Weston Lawrence LeGrand and Robert Pape Grade 4 Mrs Keogh teacher: For po-em Old Nicholas" -song by class Darlene Allen Sharon Authier Lorraine Bergeron Maureen Blais Carol Carpenter Lucinda Dittemore Beverly Hatch Donna Lamoureux Linda Lariviere Lori Laughter Catherine Marcotte Patricia Moisson nier June Rae Leona Rondeau Lillian Wetherell Franklin Gait-rider Roger Couture Robert French Robert Harrop Jeffrey Klaucke Mark Peltier David Roberts Earl Lempke Ernest Senecal Donald Smith Clifford White James Gerkin and Michael LaBombard Grade Mrs Bosworth teacher: of choral reading Angels In Our song Irene Chmura Judith Dedecker Pamela Desjardins Joan Forrest Nancy Gra-bowsld Linda Guyotte Judy Major Susan Hauschild Joann Mar deusz Ellen Nelson Janice Panek Christine Nutting Shirley Paulin Vallorie Sroka Diane White Donald Bernier Leonard Authier Michael Carney Terry Carpenter Joseph Ciemiawski David Masto raksi Richard Chmura Paul Mon fette Martin Paige James Pietros George Randall Paul Robi-taille Glenn Sembroski Edward Thursday night Malouin told police he was operating east on Ferry St when the Larock car tumeid onto Ferry St from Em erald PI Malouin applied his brakes but was unable to avoid the collision because of the condition of the road The left front fender and headlight of the Malouin car were damaged and both left doors of the Larock car were also damaged The Walther League of Trinity Lutheran Church will meet Monday night for a pot luck supper and Christmas social The event will be at 6:15 A family worship service will be held at 9:30 on Christmas day at Easthampton Congregational Church The meditation by the minister will be and a reading Little Herd will be given by Mrs Stephen Randall The quartet will include Mrs Elizabeth Thaute Mrs Harlan Paige Alfred Jacobs and Francis Gustin Mrs David Strong will be Smith Karan Trudell Susan Zebrowski Cynthia Fabriciua Marilyn Ellis Michael Blackwood Christopher Brown Ronald Chamberlain David Desjardins Paul Guerin Mark He-mond Donald Kosciusko David Ledoux Wayne Lempke Robert Lussier Robert Mikolajczyk Mark Paquette William Rich Mark Scanapieco Joe Svoboda Mark Trompke John Grenier and Marie Broughear Grade I Mrs Volkmann teacher: Christmas" poem Cynthia Belliveau Susan Boudreau Deborah Castandedo Judith Caver Virginia Dyer Diane MacMonegle Nancy McKinney Candace Patton Ann Richartz Debora Szaban Patricia Tupper William Astin Ken drick Blais Phiilp Burdick Thomas Crane Mark Dominick Alain French Robert Hanecak Edward Hendricks Robin La-borde Richard Lamoureux Robert Lamoureux Roemo Maheu Michael Muller Billy Byrer EU' gene Ring Steven Sembroski Daniel Tate Paul Trompke Edward Brach Dennis Houle Arthur Wetherell and Thomas Jez Grade Mrs Thompson teacher: Magic choral selection by class: Gail Beaudoin Linda Brainerd Gayle Brooks Andrea Charbonneau Linda Dorothea Sue Hasson Laurie Lafleche Pearl Massey Carol Marilyn Ranger Donna Schauer Pamela Thompson Joan White Jacalyn Parent Karen Nadeau Normand Bernier Garry Boutet Mathieu Carter James Demary Thomas Egan Joseph Hatch Jonathan Kemp Lee La-londe Paul Leclerc Robert Lof-land George Mastorakis Gary Panek John Purcell Robert Robi-taille Paul Snopek Gary Thompson Louis Wieprecht Dudley Taylor Kevin Poole and Joseph Su-key Grade I Mrs Kohlenstein teacher: Christmas Tree" poem spoken in unison Friendly song Diane Allen Teresa Ben-nis Patricia Bennis Debra Cooke Ingrid Gabriel Carol Harrop Donna Holland Janet Marcotte Monica Montgomery Denise Plante Wendy Robert Marilyn Theisen Deborah Twiss Beatrice Soga Deborah Smith William Begert John Bobo Randall Cal-trider David Delong John Dudley David Gaj Allan Hatch Lawrence Ingham Michael Lajoie Rene Lariviere Arthur Martin Ronald Paige Peter Prue Thomas Robert Michael Silack Maurice Taylor Roderick Weston Michael Jaworski Russell Copeland and Donald Yunglin Grade Miss Wanczyk teach- service the mail boxes without having to leave their care Woman's Guild Has Christmas Play The Woman's Guild met Tuesday evening in the parish house with Mrs George Claver Jr residing The Christmas Story the Bible was read and carols sung with Mrs Frsnk A Stiles at the piano Mrs George Cory reported for the Ssrah Nash Dickinson Missionary Department of the Guild on the packaging of cookies and gifts sent to the Boston Friend Society A report was given that the final sum realized from the chicken pie supper was 842675 not including all the tables at the fair There will be no meeting in January and Miss Gertrude Galusha program chairman announced that the February meeting will be in with Mrs Everett Shaw Mrs George Cory and Mrs Lindolph Parker giving book reviews Members voted contributions of 311 for a Care package $25 to the Boston Friend Society and $5 to the National Conference of Christians and Jews Holyoke Chapter A two-scene costumed play Feast of was presented by the following cast: Mrs Henry Randall Miss Gertrude Galusha Mrs George Cory and Mrs Michael Bama Refreshments were served by the Venter Group Mrs Clifton Toepperwein and Mrs Myrtie Hobart in charge Mrs George aver and Mrs Jacob Merrill poured Mr and Mrs Gordon Clement and daughter Marietta have returned to their home from Are-cibo Puerto Rico where Mr and Mrs Qement have been visiting with Mrs Cement's brother-in-law and sister Mr and Mrs Thomas Talpey of Arecibo Miss Qement went to Puerto Rico last September where she stayed with her uncle and aunt and attended the first semester of the Collegio San Filipe Also with the Cements for the holiday will be Mr par' ents Mr and Mrs Millard Cement of New York who have been staying with the other members of the Cement family during their parents' absence Members of the Cub Scout Pack 34 Committee and Den Mothers were hosts to the roundtable meeting held in Northampton Monday evening A film on pack committee organization was shown a discussion on the budget held and recreational games instruction was given on the theme for the month of January which is South America Refreshments were served by the Granby group which included Mrs George Atherholt Mrs Lionel Tetrault Mr and Mrs Louaine Squires Mrs Richard Lolland and Mr and Mrs Joseph Paulin Kindergarten In Christmas Program The annual Christmas program of the Granby Cooperative Kinder garten was presented by the pupils on Tuesday morning in the kinder garten room at Kellogg Hall as follows: Greetings James Hag gerty Stephen Blais Merry Christmas (letter reading) Ann Cormier William Lozes Bernard Danek Barbara Danek Paul Prue Robin Toepperwein Clyde White Joseph LeCours Kimberly Stasinos Thomas Hodgins Linda Gorget Theresa Lajoie Thomas Hendricks Sarah Aldrich "Christmas Is Wayne Labrie We Have Marilyn Stevenson Little Denise Lussier What Katy Katy Ferri-ter Scott Scott Merrill Robert Dobias Linda Forget Scheming Barbara Dyer Cheryl Warren Ila Lariviere Paul Prue "This Is Santa Roberta Hire "The Best Mary Jean Suppisick songs by the entire class Mrs Martin A- Merrill vice-president of the association presented Mrs Dwight Tucker and Mrs Margee Schultz teachers and Mrs Henri Forget pianist with gifts and the children received gifts from beneath a Christmas tree festooned with paper chains and ornaments made by the class Bruce Carpenter and Daniel Trompke signified and acting as ushers were Brian Shute and Bruce Carpenter Coffee and cookies were served to the audiepce of mothers grandmothers knd small brothers and sisters of the performers Gelinas Patty Griffin Pamela Jarvis Rita Lanoue Mary Mar-dausz Renee Martinez Kathy White Henry Ziomek Robert La- vallee Grade Mrs O'Connell teach- McNew Carol Prentiss Pamela er: "A Christmas cho- ral reading Medley of Christmas carols Christina Blais Elise Boy Regina Dufresne Diane Gaj Patricia Ingham Linda Juditzki Carol Labrie Anne Lafleche Mar-cie Ludlam Mary Ann McCool Donna McAuslan Linda Moore Deborah Quinlan Susan Trompke Nancy Zucker Larry Cattin Carl Christmas Prayer" poem Paul Couture William to the song by class Gervais John Eifiery Thomas Christine Anop Elaine Dedecker Kent Paul Lalonde Maurice Ma-Dianne Emerson Susan Lutz heu James Malone Leo Martin Candace Mace Jean MondorjKevin McKay James Murphy Theresa Morrissette Lisa NoffkeJ Jonathan Nutting Bruce Singer Faith Schauer Jane Schultz Richard Nelson and Thomas Du- Ernest A Cooney Ernest A Cooney 68 a native of Southampton died Wednesday at Holy Cross Hospital Fort Lauderdale Fla The funeral was held this morning at Deerfield Beach Fla where he had resided in winter Mr Cooney was born in Southampton Nov 29 1892 son of the late Joseph A and Phoebe (Morey) Cooney He spent his early life in Easthampton and had served as chauffeur for the late Mr and Mrs William Freiday George Colton Mrs Jewett of Easthampton and Elizabeth Jordan the novelist who lived in Florence at the time For the past 14 years he had been in the hotel business working summers at Uncas Inn Lake George and winters at the Riverview Restaurant Deerfield Beach pont Sharon Sokoloski Jov Wilson Annette Becchetti Jane Beggert Daniel Beauregard William Bobo Eric Brown John Brunelle Craig David Dennis Denette Michael Ferriter Mark Griswold Edward Raynor Jr 29 of 70 Euclid Ave Pittsfield who was stopped by Granby police for speeding Dec 3 on West State St pleaded nolo to the charge and Mr Cooney leaves two brothers pvd a $10 fine by mail this being Grade Mrs Ducharme teacher: Choral recitations: Long of Great Joy" Come All Ye song Ann Charbonneau Gail Ericson Genevieve Gacek Laura Hallen Kathleen Healy Judith Ingham Belinda Johnson Cath-ley Castanedo Darrell Dupont erine Labonte Gail Lamoureux pont Donald Bienvenue and Sandra Noble Charlotte Rossi James Poole Adele Rimbold Barbara Rutkow- Grade 4 Mrs Reynolds teach- skp Susan Tanguay Sandra Wie- er: "Under the song PrecW- Pamela Castanedo Caro- van Cora Ring Carol Sears Ann Are You Going Ellis Raymond Aldrich Dan-Snow Katherine Washburn Mar-1 poem Mary Apgar Atherholt David Beauregard tha Weiprecht Jamie Potter Paul lane Brouillette Barbara Butt i Clement Cormier Dennis Craig John De- April Duda Donna Govotte Jan- ReSlnad Dufresne Johit Ferriter the only Granby case to come up in the South Hadley session of Hampshire District Court today The 4-H Barnyard Club met Thursday evening at the home of Richard Jarvis of Pleasant St David of Jamestown I and Joseph of Easthampton and several nieces and nephews The Southampton Board of Selectmen request that all town departments submit their reports and vouchers by Dec 28 Also the where members enjoyed a Christ Finance Tuesday 7:30 irji Witt David Dittemore John Ed- The Granby Town Committee will meet evening Dec 27 at mas party The next meeting on Jaii 5 will be held at the home of Gregg Orlen of West St Francis ice Hauschild Pamela Krumsiek Michael Lamontagne Jean Maheu Terry Moore Linda Fdward Rae William Rutkowski Hugh Morrissette Gail Norgoal Susan Tomas Schieding and Kellogg Hall All chairmen of i gar Brian Freeman David Hen- May the Peace of God and The Understanding Of All Mankind Be Yours For Untold Years to Come ROY Selectmen request the presence of all department heads to attend a special meeting with the Finance Committee scheduled for DeWitt is leader of the club Friday Dec 30 at 7:30 pm in the Town Hall The warrant signed this week amounted to $265762 Members of the Pilgrim will gather at the Church Christ parish house at 6 dricks Herbert Himmelreich Jacques Hooten Mark Labrie Sandra Vautrain "rrej' Heidi Stone Sharolvn Ellis Rus-1 Grades -Mr Langone teacher: White Christmas song Dennis Leduc Robert Murray Richard Sukey David Quinlan sell Boudreau Dennis Funk LUMBER CO COMPLETE LINE of BUILDING MATERIALS CAU RE 9-4737 or IY 4 -473 1 86) MEADOW ST CHICOPEE MASSACHUSETTS Arthur Tetreault 51 of Ruffalo a native of Greenfield was killed in a truck accident in Canada Dec 21 His father and two brothers including Deputy Fire Chief Edmond Tetreault live in Greenfield town boards and committees are requested to submit itemized budgets for the coming year to the committee on or before that date A Christmas Eve candlelight service will be held in the Church of Christ at 11 The Rev George Cory will have for the subject for his meditation The Consecration of the Commonplace Members of the American Legion Post 266 and the Auxiliary unit sponsored a Christmas party at Kellogg Hall for children of the Legion and Auxiliary families A program of cartoons was emjoyed followed by the Terrence Schieding Joseph Scott John Sroka James Logan Grade 2 Mrs Wilmoth teacher: In the Carol Forget Donna Campbell Elizabeth Garvey Patricia McCarty: "What Is poem by Peter DeWitt Dyer Cooke and Richard Rutkowski "Silent song by class Eva Brault Susan Brouillette Donna Campbell Diane Couture Denise Dufresne Carol Forget Elizabeth Garvey Betsy Kent Rhonda Laughter Heidi Lazeski Jacqueline Lentz Patricia McCarty De Fellowship of Friday evening to go carol singing about town and to those who are shut in They will return to the parsonage for a social hour Anyone who is interested in joining the group for the evening of caroling is cordially invited Mrs George Messier and Mrs Val Wright of Lyman St and their brother and sister-inlaw Dr and Mrs George Marcil of Palisades Calif were guests at a family dinner party Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Alfred Larose of Newton St South Hadley Dr and Mrs Marcil who have been visiting with Mrs Messier will return to their home after the New Year The Granby Post Office will be open on Saturday from 7:30 a until 5:30 Local rural mail patrons are reminded that the area around mailboxes must be cleared in order that the mail carriers may distribution of gifts by Donald rah Sco'tt Theresa Robert Jo-LaBonte as Santa Caus Refreshments were served The r- Richard Grenier Dennis Harvey 1 banta Is Coming To Town Woodrow Henrv John Hooten sonS Jea" Claire Berge-Keneth Isabelle Venerdi Grumo Gal1 llernK'k- Cvnthia Biel-li Daniel Peters Steven Quin- Cfmawskl Joy Davis livan George Reynolds Jeffrey aL Carol Mardeusz Snow Scott Spence James Ver'- arsha Martinez Vfuriene Menrs mette Duncan Washburn Ro- ea Ann Polchlopek land Major Raymond Dupont iner' aeen Syobo Grade 3-Mrs Buckley teach- da rudy: AJlce Wetr-er: "Present for plav on--nelle Bes- song bv class Martin class Gaff Boutot Marsha trider Diane Costin Linda Cou-i0615 ture Catherine Dudley June on Grr Davld Dwyer Jean Forbes Audrey att RuG Galusha Patricia Mekal Caren Smi h' erbcrt Robert Diane Rondeau Karen p'hte John Zebrowski Maurice Shute Janet Tupper Barbara Renvu Robert Hughes and Thomas Debra Berggren Fran- Alan BlankfhiP-ces Danek William Aldrich 1 Grade Miss Quirk teacher: Thomas Carter David Cormier T'ease Take Our Tree For ley William Duxbury Bradford Ronald Dittemore Roger Forti- Anlas aonS Silent Night in er Garry Goodvear Dean Hatch SPamsh Kav Carver Holly De- Armand Houle Allen Keves Paullne Goulet Cynthia Him-Norman Kosciusko Charles fnelreich' Sharon Kitzman Linda fland James Walker and Rich-LeGrand- Lee MacDonald Debo-ard Wilson rah McCarty Donna McKay Don- Grade 3 Mrs Carnes teach- na Purce11 lnnn Qumlivan Sue er: Shiny poem Jane Schneiderhan Karen the Herald Angels Gloria Turcotte Don-song by class Linda Authier Ca-I Deborah Luscomb therine Egan Donna Guerin Lin- adl een Eangston Robert Ba da Haska Sheila Juditzki Susie nux's' Ronald Bergeron Garry Logan Constance Marcotte Ka-iBl Donald Chartier ren Mooney Paula Scott Couture David Cum-ence Weller Susan Dudley Mi- n8s' Cary Jubinville Paul chele Ryan Cynthia Fugere Che- Rrunlsek Brian McGrath John Klaucke Russell Merrill David Osborne David Paulin Brian Bruce Paige William Quesnel Richard Rutkowski Thomas Symancyk John Trompke and Ray Danek Grade 2 Mrs McKay teacher: and the dramatization and song Louise Beaulier Christina Davitt Karen Dickess Nancy Johnson Sandra Laborde Beverly Nocrasz Gloria Potter Kathleen Ranger Debra Scanapieco Ann Schnejderhan Susan Stevenson Julia Straight committee comprised Mrs George Jeffers Mrs Garence Dickinson Mrs Margaret Harris and Mrs Joseph Paulin from the Auxiliary and Legion members Donald Campbell Edmond Robert Lionel Tetrault and George Jeffers 0PU SAT1IWUY RIGHT Tit 9 PM Specials for Sat Only! THIS COUPON WORTH 50 Extra Blue Stamps WH4i Tire Pure bore Of Any 2 Cartons Of "COCA COLA" TU My Prt Sot Dec 23 74 CHUCK STEAK Paula Therrien Debra Wilk Jay Authier William Apgar Reed Car- May We Ash For Your Co-operation in making it possible for all of our families to be together both on I Christmas Eve and Christmas ryl Trigg Russell Chojnacki Bruce Cote Louis Delong Henri Lean and Tender Economical Too TENDER LEAN JUICY Pietras Arthur Potter Timothy Roberts Kenneth Sturgeon Gary Toepperwein Warren Wing and Patrick Preziosi Grade 6 Mrs LeGrand teacher: In France: de "Dans Cette Ann Baker Jacqueline Blais Deborah Brown Margaret Caltrider Nancy Donikowski Patricia Dawson Cynthia Duda Mary Ellen Griffin Joann Hebert Sherryl Hemond Donna Isabelle Becky Learh Eileen O'Sullivan Sondra Walker Candace White Gail Childs Gloria Gerkin Carla Poole Jacqeline Hughes Sandra Trigg Paul Bennis Michael Bosworth Ronald Bray Jeffrey Car-ter Philip Charron Randall Counsman Lawrence Davis Dean Fournier Ronald Grenier Charles Kent Bruce Muller John Read Darnel Siagel and David Trompke IN THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS GIVING ALL OUR PRICES ARE CUT AS NEVER BEFORE! We Are Open 9 AM Midnight Cube Steak THIS COUPON WORTH THIS COUPON WORTH 100 Extra Blue Stamps! jlOO Extra Blue Stamps PLEASE ORDER THAT QUALITY OIL EARLY A Phone Coll Will Bring Us Running No Deliveries Monday JE 4-4215 or 4-5319 REIDY OIL e0MPNY St NORTH BRIDGE ST- HOLYOKE WITH THC PUftCMAM Of WTTH TMd PUtCHAM OP ANT Meed a 2M ANY Sill Of "KHAKUJ" Imported Polish Nam TOY TOYS Your Gift Headquarters 978 CHICOPEE ST WILLIMANSETT I A The Nf Prt aad Dm 28-84 Ad TW Mp Prt 4 Dm 23-24 immmmmmmmmmmmmammammmmmmmmpmaa II I 4.

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Transcript-Telegram from Holyoke, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.