Witchlings: The Lost Owlet - Halo20601 (2024)

Chapter 1: Prologue -- Chapter 01


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After school, six-year-old Edalyn Clawthorne and eight-year-old Lilith Clawthorne were doing their favorite activity, playing tag in the forest. Eda was "it," chasing after her older sister with a big grin on her face, both laughing as they ran. Not a single care in the realm. "I'm gonna get you, Lily!" Eda shouted, almost grabbing a handful of Lilith's puffy, red hair.

"Nuh-uh," Lilith responded, picking up the pace.

Both girls kept running and laughing until Eda tripped on a twig and fell onto the ground. "Umph." She forced herself up and noticed she had scraped her knee. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she began to cry.

Lilith stopped, turned around, and ran to her sister. "It's okay. It's okay." She silenced her, wiping a tear from Eda's face as she stopped crying. Lilith placed her forehead against her sister's. "With this spell declared, let this pain be shared." There was a bright light, and Eda's scraped "healed" partially, while part of the scrape appeared on Lilith's knee. She winced from the pain at first but was able to ignore it upon seeing a smile once again beamed on Eda's face. "I think that's enough playtime for today. Time to head home."

"Aw, do we have to?" Eda pouted.

"Yes, Edalyn. We promised to study with mom after playing." Lilith helped her sister up.

"Okay. Last one there's a rotten griffon egg!" Eda ran ahead of her sister.

"It won't be me!" Lilith ran after her.

Eda kept running through the forest back to her home until she started feeling winded, taking a moment to catch her breath. Then she heard rustling and looked to her left. "Hello?"

"Aha, I caught you!" Lily arrived from behind, tapping her sister's back. But she noticed Eda was distracted. "Are you okay?"

"I think something's in the bushes?" Eda pointed at the foliage, which she and Lilith saw move. The sister backed away from it as the rustling increased, and whatever was causing it jumped out.

"Weh!" What jumped out was not what either sister was expecting. It was a canine-like creature with dark grey fur and a horned skull that fit perfectly on its head.

"Aww." Eda was immediately fawning over and slowly approaching it. "Hey there, little guy."

"Weh?" The creature looked at the younger sister.

"Edalyn, wait." Lilith grabbed her sister's arm. "You don't know if it's dangerous."

"Weh." The little thing walked over to the sisters on two legs, getting about halfway there before falling face down.

"Oh, he's just a baby, Lily." Eda freed her arm and knelt to the creature's level.


"Do you have a name?" Eda slowly extended a hand outward, and the little one placed his head against it.

"I've never seen a demon like him before," Lilith said, kneeling next to Eda.

"Where did you come from, little guy?"


"Where did it go?" A deep voice said, making Eda and Lilith freeze in place.

"It couldn't have gotten far with those stubby legs." Another voice said.

Eda carefully walked over to the bush where the little demon popped out from behind. She moved it aside and gasped at what she saw. "What is it, Edalyn?" Lilith asked in a whisper. She saw what her sister saw and gasped, too. They now knew who the owners of those voices were. "Demon hunters."

"Keep lookin'!" One of the two hunters ordered. "If we don't bring in the demon, we don't get paid." He was a large man with green skin and tusks, wearing leather armor with a crossbow and a sword strapped to his back. His partner was slightly shorter with light green skin, adorned in similar armor, and held a sword in each hand.

"We should go, now." Lilith grabbed her little sister's arm.

"Not without him." Eda protested, pointing at the sitting baby demon, bobbing his head left and right.

"Those demon hunters are after it."

Achoo! The sisters jumped when they heard the sound and realized it came from the baby. He looked at them. "Weh?"

"I heard something. Over there." The lead demon hunter said as he and his partner approached where the sisters were hiding.

Without thinking, Eda immediately scooped up the demon into her arms and made a run for it. "Edalyn!" Lilith shouted.

"Go get mom!" Eda shouted as she ran.

"Hey, that girl has our prize!" One of the hunters shouted.

"Get her!" The other hunter responded as they chased after the six-year-old. "Stop running!"

Eda ran aimlessly through the woods. The only thing on her mind is keeping the baby demon away from those hunters. Something then zoomed past the little red-head, and she realized it was a crossbow bolt. They were shooting at her. But that did not stop her, and she just kept running.

Eda made it out of the woods but was forced to stop short upon seeing no more ground. She was now standing at the edge of a cliff with a long drop to an inevitable demise. "End of the line, kid." The lead hunter said with a chuckle. Eda turned around to see her pursuers blocking her only other way out. "Give us the demon, and we won't push you over the edge."

"What do you want with him?" Eda asked, holding the furry baby close to her chest.

"Our employer gave us lots of snails to bring that thing to him." The shorter hunter said. "And disappointed customers are bad for business."

The hunters took a step closer. Eda wanted to back up but remember there would not be anything left to back up onto. "Now, hand it over!" The lead hunter demanded, taking out his sword. The scared baby demon whined and buried his head into Eda's shoulder.

Bwoosh! Before the hunters could step any closer, a pink fireball dropped out of the sky, blowing them back. Suddenly, two massive, gooey hands stretched out of the ground and ensnared the hunters. They struggled but could not free themselves. Once the fire died and the smoke cleared, in the fireball's place stood a tall witch. She had brown and green hair that went past her shoulders and wore an elegant black and dusky pink dress. She carried with her a long staff with a white cat palisman. She is one of the most feared witches on the Boiling Isles and head of the Emperor's Coven. She is Eda's and Lilith's mother.

If the look of fear on the hunters' faces was anything to go by, they knew exactly who she was, too. "High Priestess Amity Blight." The leader said, quaking in his boots alongside his partner.

"Mommy!" Eda ran to her mother, hiding behind and clinging to her dress with one hand.

"Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't annihilate you both where you stand?" Amity Blight threatened the hunters, drawing a circle and manifesting a fireball in her hand.

"High Priestess." The shorter one began. "We were just doing our jobs. We just want the demon." He pointed at the baby in Eda's arms.

"And of what value is this demon to have given chase to and threaten my daughter?"

"We're not paid enough to ask questions. Our employer just paid us each five-hundred snails to bring him that thing."

"No, mom. Don't let them take him." Eda cried, she and the furry baby looked at Amity with big eyes.

"You each were paid five hundred snails for the demon, correct?" Amity asked the hunters, and they nodded. She drew another circle, and with a poof, a large bag filled with snails appeared before them. "In that bag is ten times the amount you were being paid. It's all yours if you leave the demon alone and get out of my sight." Amity snapped her fingers, and the hunters were released. They scrambled over to the bag and lifted it together. They took the money with them as they got as far away as they could from the mother witch.

With the hunters gone, Amity knelt to her daughter. "Are you alright?" She asked with concern.

"Mhm," Eda said, hugging her mom tightly.

"Come on, let's get you home. Your sister and aunt and uncle are worried sick." Amity picked up Eda and the baby with one arm and sat on her staff. "Take us home, Ghost." The palisman's eyes glowed blue, and the three of them flew through the air. The next thing they knew, they were home, at Blight Manor.

Greeting them at the door was Amity's abomination butler. "Hi, Goobert." Eda greeted the abomination she and Lilith have affectionately nicknamed.

The abomination stood aside to allow Amity to walk inside. "Edalyn!" Lilith ran from the kitchen with her Aunt Emira and Uncle Edric.

"Is she okay, Mittens?" Emira asked her younger sister with concern.

"I got to her just in time." Amity put Eda down, holding the furry baby tightly.

"Is that the little demon Lily was telling us about?" Edric asked, kneeling to his niece's level, and she nodded. "Hey there, little guy. You're safe now." Edric extended a hand to the little demon.

"Weh." Like with Eda, he accepted the act of affection. Suddenly, he wiggled his way out of Eda's arms. The little demon ran past the twins and climbed onto their living room sofa.

"Hahaha." The uncle laughed. "Only been here for a minute and thinks he's the king of this place."

Standing on the cushions, the little demon looked at the family. "King." He spoke in a high-pitched, young-sounding voice. "King!" With his latest exclamation, he lost balance and fell on his rear.

"He spoke," Eda said with bewilderment, walking over to the sofa.

"King. King. King." The little demon repeated, pumping his tiny arms into the air.

"He can speak," Amity said. "Fascinating."

"What is, mom?" Lilith asked.

"Most demons that small are incapable of communication. Which is why they are treated as house pets."

"Does that mean we can keep him?" Eda asked as the little demon climbed on her messy hair. "Please. He has nowhere else to go." Eda gave her mother the cutest expression she could, and the baby mimicked her look.

There was one weakness Amity had. One that everyone who knew it knew not to exploit or face the consequences. That weakness was her children and how they were impossible to deny, especially when they looked at her like that.

"Alright, Edalyn." She sighed. "I'll go into town tomorrow and find a collar for—"

"King," Eda answered. "His name is King."

"King. King. King." The demon repeated.

"But he's your responsibility, understand."

She ran over to and hugged her mom's leg. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She then ran back to King. "C'mon. I'll show you where Lily and I sleep." She scooped up King with no protest.

"King! King! King!" The little demon shouted with joy.

"Aww, she's like you when you made your first abomination, Mittens," Edric teased his younger sister.

"Edric, the three of us are in our thirties." An annoyed Amity reminded them. "Can you stop with the nicknames?"

"Not in your lifetime, Mittens." Emira answered for him in the same teasing manner.

"But what if those demon hunters come back for him?" Lilith asked her mother with concern.

"They won't come for him or any of us," Amity reassured, bringing comfort to her eldest daughter with a hug. "They'll have to go through us first."

"Technically, they'll have to go through Goobert first. Then they'll have to go through us." Edric clarified.

"Nothing bad will ever happen to our family," Amity whispered into Lilith's ear. "You believe me, don't you."

"Yes, mom." Lilith hugged her mother more tightly.

"That's my little girl. Say, since I haven't ordered Goobert to prepare us dinner, how about we all order in tonight?"

"Oh, there's a new restaurant in town specializing in human food called hamburgers," Edric suggested.

"Sounds delicious," Emira admitted.

"Yummy." Lilith squeaked, getting a chuckle from Amity.

"Alright, hamburgers it is. Go and find your sister and tell her and King to get washed up." Amity said. "I'll call in the order."

"Okay." Lilith ran off to find Eda and King while the twins went into the dining room to get everything set up as Amity went to make the call. All were looking forward to enjoying dinner with the newest addition to their family.


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Chapter 2: Prologue -- Chapter 02


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was another day on the Isles, and the town of Bonesborough was bustling as usual. Amity Blight was strolling through the market district to pick up ingredients to make dinner tonight for her siblings and parents. She had it all. Being the leader of the Emperor's Coven, current head of the Blight family, and former C.E.O. of Blight Industries. The latter due to giving complete control of the company over to Belos. Though she has a room at the emperor's castle, she preferred sleeping and dining at her family manor. Her chaperone, carrying the bags, was one of her abominations. It took extra care not to spill any of itself onto the ingredients and spoil them.

"You little brats!" A deep voice said, and Amity turned to see a stocky hog-like demon run after two girls with red hair. One was deeper colored and curly, and the other was brighter and wild. They could not have been older than four or even six. "You think you can steal from me!" The girls ran with the sounds of innocent laughter — recalling bittersweet memories of when Amity used to play with Willow as a kid — as the demon chased after them with a butcher's knife. But Amity noticed something was off about the kids, but she could not put her finger on it.

"Gotcha!" The demon shouted as he grabbed at the children, only for them to poof into smoke. "What the—" That is what Amity was sensing. The children were illusions. And they were well-casted ones to have easily fooled even someone like her.

Amity then heard young-sounding laughter coming from nearby and went to investigate. Down an alley, behind a dumpster, were the same redheaded girls. But unlike with the illusions; the real girls had ragged, filthy clothes on.

The younger child pulled out a sausage from the sleeve of her shirt, probably what they stole from the butcher. "Let's eat." She said as they split the meat in half and devoured it like it was the best thing they ever had. Upon closer inspection, Amity blinked upon realizing just how malnourished these girls were.

"Excuse me," Amity said, getting the girls' attention.

The one with the curlier hair gasped. "It's you!" She recognized the woman. "Y… you're Amity Blight. Leader of the Emperor's Coven."

"Run for it!" The younger child shouted, about to take off.

"Wait, I just want to talk." Amity quickly answered. "I saw your illusion earlier."

She stopped and looked at the woman. "You did?"

"I did. It was quite impressive. Even I was convinced it was real."

"Really?" The older girl beamed, looking at the Coven Leader with amazement.

"Yes, really. Now, I just have some questions for you both," Amity told them, kneeling. "First, where did you learn how to cast such a spell as you did?"

"Oh, we saw someone else do it and replicated it together."

"We didn't know if it was gonna work." The younger girl added.

Amity then looked at the young one. "Second question, why did you steal from that demon?"

"We were hungry." She innocently answered. "We haven't eaten in days."

It was alarming and brought up memories of her childhood. If she learned that these two were being abused, she would use all her power to make sure their parents pay for it. And speaking of which… "Where are your parents?"

The girls looked away, saddened. "We don't have any." The eldest one answered.

Amity was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"We don't have parents. It's only Edalyn and me." They are orphans. That explains why they had to steal, but what kind of person would leave children at this age all alone?

"What are your names?"

"I'm Lilith, Lilith Clawthorne." Lilith then gestured to Edalyn. "And this is my sister, Edalyn Clawthorne."

"Call me, Eda," Edalyn said.

Clawthorne. Now things were beginning to click inside Amity's head. There once was a witch named Gwendolyn Clawthorne; a talented and powerful woman who would have eventually become the head of the Beast Keeping Coven. However, she openly spoke out against Emperor Belos and called his regime into question. She was eventually taken into custody by the Golden Guard of that time and petrified about two years ago. Perfectly lining up with the girls' ages. If Lilith's display of magic is anything to go by, they inherited their mother's power. This power could prove beneficial to the Coven.

"Alright then, Lilith, Eda." Amity began. "I have a proposition for you both."

"What is it?" Lilith asked.

"How would you two like to come back home with me for supper? I brought more food than usual today, and it would be a shame if it went to waste."

"Y… you mean it?" Lilith's eyes grew big, almost looking like she was about to cry.

"Yes, I do."

The next thing Amity knew, the redheaded children were hugging her. "Thank you! Thank you!" "Thank you so much! We would be honored." Eda and Lilith both said. The three of them completely unaware of what this kind gesture will soon grow to become.

"Again," Amity ordered her now teenage daughters once more. Fourteen-year-old Eda grumbled to herself as she and sixteen-year-old Lilith entered the staff combat stances and began performing the basics once more. Their aunt and uncle watched their redheaded nieces from the living room sofa. The eight-year-old King napped on Emira's lap. And Eda's adorable — recently made — owl palisman, Owlbert, was perched on Edric's shoulder.

After warming up with basic circular motions, Eda moved on to more advanced techniques, showing off her focus and coordination. As commended by Principal Bump; the younger sister has grown to be a prodigy when it comes to the magical arts and always made it look easier than it is. She would have easily been one of the best students at Hexside Academy if she put more effort into being a witch than slacking off.

While Lilith's able to do the necessary moves — having practiced them as much as anyone else in her class — she lacked the speed and the finesse to keep up with Eda. Lilith's a prodigy in her own right, with her natural talent coming from her mind, but she has always been slower to grasp magic. Though, grade-wise, she is leagues above Eda, garnering favor amongst all her teachers, and is Hexside's second-best student. First place belonging to her academic rival, Penelope Porter of the Bard Track.

They noticed the critiquing look on their mother's face. Eda began picking up the pace, and Lilith decided to follow. She still was not there with Eda yet and decided to go faster. And faster. And faster. And… Whack! She ended up hitting herself in the head, knocking her glasses off as she fell onto her bottom.

"Lily!" Eda shouted, stopping her performance. She dropped her staff and knelt to her sister. "You alright?"

Amity knelt to her eldest daughter, and Edric and Emira got up to join her, waking King in the process. "What? What's going on?" The little demon drowsily protested, then noticed everyone was gathered around Lilith and ran over to join them.

Lilith rubbed her stinging forehead. Fortunately, it was not bleeding but still hurt. "Let me see," Amity said as she moved Lilith's hand away and examined the noticeable red mark. "It's just a bruise." With the twirl of her finger, a healing spell was cast, and it was gone. "You'll be alright."

"Thanks, mother," Lilith said as she searched for her glasses. As she got older, Lilith felt more comfortable referring to their mother with a formal title. Though, she has happened to accidentally call her "mom" on more than one occasion.

"Found your glasses," King said as he handed Lilith her undamaged glasses.

"Thank you, King." Lilith put them back on before Edric and Emira helped her to her feet.

"I think that will be enough training; for now," Amity said, standing up.

"No, I can still keep going."

"You need a break. Save some of that energy for school today." Amity turned to Eda. "Resume basic stance, Edalyn."

"Why do I even have to go over them again?" Eda protested, rising to her feet. "Lily and I know all of this like the back of our hands."

"Even the most talented of witches need to practice the basics to keep their skills sharp. If you would simply take your training seriously, you would know that."

"Why do you keep getting on my case about that? It's my power; I should do whatever I want with it."

"Edalyn…" Lilith said in surprise at her sister's tone. King, who was not a fan of family drama, decided to go back to sleep on the couch.

"It's because of that attitude of yours," Amity answered. Though the High Priestess is very loving and supportive of her daughters, finding ways to take time out of her busy schedule to help them hone their abilities. She is, however, just like any mentor is with their pupils and is unafraid to be firm with either of them. More so towards Eda, who has started to develop negligent behavior as a teenager and has recently gotten worse. "You think because you have natural talent in magic that you don't have to put in the effort like everyone else. But that's not how it works, especially if you want to get into the Emperor's Coven."

"She has a point; joining the Emperor's Coven isn't something to take lightly," Emira added to the conversation. "We've been groomed to join since we were kids. And even then, there wasn't a guarantee that we would make it in. Ed and I didn't get in, and we've tried multiple times."

"She just has yours and Lily's best interests at heart," Edric added. "Heck, Mittens almost worked herself to death to get Belos's approval."

Amity grumbled at the sound of her embarrassing nickname but let it go with a sigh. "Edalyn, I know how powerful you are, but you continue to hold yourself back by not caring about anything other than what you want." Eda's only reason for joining the Coven — ever since she first developed her magical abilities as a child — is to live a simple, happy life. One where she does not have to put too much effort into anything. "You need to grow up and see the bigger picture for once."

"I don't need any more lectures today!" Eda snapped as she walked past her mother. Hoot. Owlbert flew from Edric's shoulder and followed close behind her.

"Ugh, what now?" King groaned, his eyes widening as he saw Eda march to the front door.

Amity tried to stop her. "And where do you think you're going, young lady?"

"I'm going to Hexside early. I'd rather be yelled at by adults all day there." She stormed out of the Manor. Wumpth! Slamming the door behind her.

"Edalyn, wait!" Lilith shouted as she got up and followed her outside.

"Oh, they're going to Hexside!" King perked up and chased after them on all fours. "Wait for me!" His only reason for going is to get his hands on all the thrown-away cafeteria food — no sense in letting it go to waste.

"That could've gone better," Edric said. "But at least we'll know where she is." Amity let out a sigh, rubbing her temples. "You alright, Mittens?"

"Ed, Em, I want you to be honest with me." Amity looked at her younger siblings. "Am I doing this right?"

"Doing what right?" Emira asked.

"Being a mother. This was so much easier when they were little, and all I had to worry about was healing scraped knees and tucking them in at night. Ever since Eda turned fourteen, she's been acting out more, and her behavior's only gotten worse. I don't remember Lilith being this bad."

Emira laughed as she brushed back her green hair. "It's called being a teenager. Even if we don't wanna admit it, we all went through something like this. Eda still loves you; it's just… things for her just feel complicated."

"And look at the bright side; you're still a better mom to them than ours ever was." Edric complimented. Being just like Odalia was Amity's greatest fear. The last time the Blight siblings ever saw their parents was when Amity officially adopted Eda and Lilith. She remembered how furious her mother was and how she tried to use her "authority" as a mother to force her to give up the children. The authority of a retired C.E.O. means nothing to the head of the powerful Coven on the Isles. So, she and Alador did the next best thing and severed ties with their children before moving out. Nothing makes Amity happier than knowing she is far from being a parent like Odalia.

Meow. Ghost came to life and leapt from her master's staff and onto her shoulders, rubbing against her cheek while purring. Amity smiled and petted the feline with her finger. "You're right; I'm probably reading too much into it. When did you two get so wise?"

"Maybe we've been this wise the entire time, and you just didn't notice." Edric joked.

Piak, piak, piak. "Huh?" Amity and her sibling turned to what sounded like pecking on their living room window. Piak, piak, piak. Amity walked over to investigate. Ca-caw! "A Messenger Crow?"

Amity unlocked the window, and the bird flew inside, perching itself above the fireplace and opening its beak. "Hello, High Priestess Blight." The familiar voice of Kikmora echoed. "I'm sending this message regarding your adopted daughters and the Emperor's Coven tryouts tomorrow." For a reason she could not understand, Amity had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.


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Chapter 3: Prologue -- Chapter 03


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Bleep-bleep-bleep. Bleep-bleep-bleep. Bleep-bleep-bleep. Penelope Porter reached out from her bed and hit the dismiss button on her scroll's alarm. The fifteen-year-old sat up, stretched her arms with a drawn-out yawn, and hopped out of bed to start her day. She drank the glass of water by her nightstand, then took a nice hot shower. Afterward, she did up her curly black hair in the style she preferred and put on her Hexside uniform.

Fully dressed and putting her glasses on, Poppy opened her window and took in the warm sun and fresh air. "Good morning, Boiling Isles!" She exclaimed with a big smile.

"Good Mornin'!" A sea monster that happened to be nearby waved and greeted the teenager before sinking back into the boiling-hot sea.

Poppy noticed that one of the trees outside the house looked sick and decided she would fix that. She grabbed the bardic instrument on her nightstand, an oaken flute, and played a melody. About half a minute later, the tree's normal colors returned. Satisfied with her work, Poppy headed downstairs to the kitchen and dining room.

The first thing to greet Poppy's senses was the scent of fresh cinnamon bloatmeal, her favorite. Her dad, Augustus Porter, was already sitting at the table, reading the news on his scroll while eating his and having a morning cup of apple blood. "The bloatmeal is delicious, honey." He told his wife, Willow.

"I'm glad you like it, Augustus." She said, filling her bowl. "I tried some new ingredients today."

"I thought something about it tasted different." Augustus' face turned red, realizing how what he said may have sounded. "I… mean not that it's a bad thing… I just meant—"

"I understand." Willow laughed and sat at the table, which is when she noticed Poppy. "Good morning, sweetie."

Augustus looked up from his scroll. "Hey, kiddo."

"Good morning, mom. Good morning, dad." Their only daughter greeted them.

"You're up early, as usual."

"You know I like to go to Hexside early." Poppy sat at the table, bringing her bowl closer to her. "Hang out with my friends."

"Friends that you don't want to tell us about." Augustus raised an eyebrow, reminding her of not discussing her personal life with her parents.

Instead of a response, Poppy started eating the bloatmeal that was waiting for her. "Mm. So good."

With that answer, Augustus decided to drop the topic again. "I'm glad you like it," Willow said, putting a hand on her cheek. The hand where Poppy could see the brand of the Abomination Coven on her wrist. From what her dad tells her, Willow was put into the Abomination Track by her parents — Poppy's grandpas — even though her talent was in plant magic. She never spoke up about changing classes during her time at Hexside. She was now stuck in the Abomination Coven for life.

Because she was not given a choice to choose her studies, Willow and Augustus agreed to let Poppy be the one to determine her future. Putting her on the path to being happy at Hexside, her bard teacher's — Mrs. Skara — favorite pupil, and the academy's number one student overall. "So, what's the agenda for today?" Poppy asked.

"Oh, the same old, I guess." Her father answered. "Your mother and I were gonna head to the market and pick up something different for dinner."

"Haven't figured out what it will be." Her mother added. "Though, I did find a recipe for something that involved infernal peppers if you're in the mood for something spicy."

"Sounds delicious." Poppy said.

"Then, I thought we would relax and watch one of those soaps we all ironically enjoy." Her father finished.

"That all sounds good to me." Poppy said, eating up what remained of her breakfast. "Well, gonna brush my teeth and head to school." Poppy helped her mother put the dishes into the sink before heading to the bathroom to get her teeth nice and clean. "Bye." She was on her way out the door.

"Poppy, aren't you forgetting something?" Willow shouted. Poppy stopped and turned, seeing her mother holding her daughter's backpack and her father with her flute.

"Oh, I can't believe I forgot!" Poppy ran back and grabbed her belongings. "Thank you."

"Have a wonderful day, sweetie." Willow and Augustus hugged their daughter, and she hugged them back.

"We love you," Augustus said.

"I love you both, too." Poppy said, breaking the hug then running out of the house once more.

Poppy walked down the road she was most familiar with, a small forest that would get her to Hexside quicker. Not that she was late or anything, she just preferred getting there early enough to hang with the people she likes before classes start. As she walked, she heard rustling from above and noticed leaves falling from the trees. Autumn was many months off, so they could not have been falling naturally. "I know you're up there, Leon!"

The trees stopped rustling, and Leon dropped down in front of Poppy. He presented himself how he usually did when attending school. He wore the standard violet attire of the Oracle Track. His dusky pink hair was styled into spikes, keeping it from covering up the third eye on his forehead. "Was I that noticeable?" He asked in his standard, deadpanned tone.

Poppy put her hands to her hips and smirked. "You know, you can walk to school like a regular person."

He then turned away from Poppy, revealing Leon's four-year-old sister, Hannah. She was in a pouch strapped next to his backpack. "Poppy! Poppy!" She excitedly giggled.

"Hi, Hannah." Poppy waved at the little girl.

"She enjoys the view from above," Leon said. "Plus, I would rather not have any attention drawn to me. Or to her."

"Yes, because hopping through trees makes you completely inconspicuous." Poppy walked ahead of them. Leon was noticeably shorter than most Hexside students and has been mistaken for being in the younger classes on multiple occasions.

"I'm not gonna dignify that with a response," Leon said, following behind his friend while Hannah giggled.

Poppy held up a finger as she walked. "Wait, if you respond to a question by saying you're not gonna dignify it with a response; haven't you already dignified the question with a… Woah!" Poppy tripped on a branch and was about to hit the ground.

But she was stopped by just an inch. She turned her head to see Leon's Oracle Spirit, Dagen Sadow, clutching her backpack with its claws. The bipedal dragon-man spirit lifted her and put her back onto her feet before disappearing into its master's body. "You're lucky there wasn't a sinkhole or some flesh-eating plant in waiting, there." Hannah clapped and giggled. While most children her age would be scared away by something like Dagen, Hannah always enjoyed it when the spirit appeared.

"Oh, thanks for the save." Poppy blushed, rubbing the back of her head. "Really gotta pay attention to where I go." She tends to get wrapped up in whatever she's doing or thinking that she blocks out everything else around her.

"No need. We are friends, after all." Leon continued walking ahead. "Even if your parents are unaware."

"You know, you can drop by my house any time." Poppy picked up the pace until she was beside her shorter friend. "My parents would like you. And they would absolutely adore Hannah." The little girl giggled.

"Thanks, but I don't need any more people judging us."

"C'mon. Look, I know your mom was a total—" She paused. She wanted to use a particular word but felt uncomfortable wanting to say it, especially with a toddler in earshot. "A total bully to my parents. But you're nothing like her. If you were, we wouldn't be friends, would we?"

"My answer is still the same." Leon looked ahead. "Oh, we're here."

Poppy then noticed that she and Leon had just arrived at Hexside with students gathered around the courtyard. "Guess time does fly when having a chat," Poppy said with a bubbly smile.

"Edalyn, stop!" Poppy and Leon heard the voice of Lilith Clawthorne shout. The two of them saw her and Eda Clawthorne in their yellow Potion Track uniforms exit from another part of the woods. The two friends were surprised to see them here so early. Well, they were surprised to see Eda, to be exact. Usually, she takes the long way to school through Bonesborough instead of the shorter path through the woods as she did just now. Lilith ran ahead and stopped right in front of her little sister. "What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing, I'm just sick and tired of her getting on my case!" Eda snapped, walking around and ahead of her.

"Edalyn, you know that mother is only preparing you for the tryouts. For when we both join the Emperor's Coven."

Eda kept walking away. "Well, I don't need her help."

Lilith tried keeping pace with her. "Running from your problems isn't going to fix anything."

"Well, I can't exactly set her on fire, Lily. Now, can I? So, what else am I supposed to do?"

"Could you stop acting like a child for once in your life? Just listen to someone who knows better!"

Eda turned around to face her, stopping Lilith in her tracks. "Just because you're my sister doesn't mean you know what's best for me." Eda walked further from her older sister as fast as she could, just as she was letting out an exhaustive sigh.

"Seems like the Owl Brat woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Leon commented, folding his arms.

"Nah, she's just grouchy with her mom." A squeaky voice said, making Leon and Poppy jump. Only to see it was a little demon with dark grey fur and a horned skull.

"Aww." Poppy instantly found the little creature to be the most adorable thing she has ever seen, squatting down to his level. "Where did you come from, you little cutie-pie?"

"Puppy! Puppy!" Hannah shouted, giggling some more.

"How dare you! How dare you insult my presence!" The creature shouted, pointing at the teenager and toddler with wounded pride. "Kneel before me! For I am the King of Demons!"

"Hmph, yeah, right." Leon snarked.

"Don't mock me!" The King of Demons jumped up and down in frustration.

"Aww." Poppy fawned over him again.

"That is the incorrect reaction!"

"How are you familiar with the Owl Brat and her sister?" Leon asked.

"Because I live with them!" The self-proclaimed King of Demons shouted. "They are my staunchest of protectors!"

"So, you're like their pet?" Poppy guessed.

"No, I am not their pet. I am their master. Their master who demands to be fed, played with, and get belly rubs. A master who—"

"Sounds like a pet to me," Leon interjected.

"I am not a pet!"

"Whatever you say." Leon looked at Poppy. "If you'll excuse me, I have to make sure Hannah gets to her class. Titan knows why they put the baby classes on the other side of the building." Leon grumbled as he walked away. "I'll see you later."

"Later, then." Poppy said.

"Bye, Poppy! Bye, puppy!" Hannah waved to the witchling and the little demon as she left with her brother.

"Foolish children. One day, you shall face my wrath." The King of Demons warned Leon Hannah, rubbing his paws as he plotted.

"Um, I know this is none of my business." Poppy began. "But if you live with Eda and Lilith, could you explain their little argument we overheard?"

"Oh, it's exactly as I said. She's just grumpy with her mom's training. Some stuff about the Emperor's Coven. Typical teenage stuff."

"So, you came all the way here to talk to her?"

"If I get around to it. Eda likes to work through her issues herself. I'm just here to get my hands on some goodies." A student walked by with a half-eaten doughnut and tossed it into a nearby trash can. "Like that!" The King of Demons ran and climbed into it. He rummaged around and threw some of the contents out before he popped up with the doughnut in his mouth.

"Okay." Poppy said slowly. "Well, have fun doing… that. Bye, little guy." The witchling walked away, heading towards the building.

"Bye, person I don't know! Have fun at school!"

Unbeknownst to the King of Demons, another student was standing next to him. "Thanks, I really needed that." The student said, leaving with a much brighter attitude.

"Whatever." The King of Demons resumed his dumpster diving for more treats.


I hope you enjoyed my introduction of Poppy and Leon. Please subscribe/bookmark, give a kudos, and leave a review; feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 4: Prologue -- Chapter 04


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The younger Clawthorne kept on walking until she was far enough away from her sister. She walked through the school's courtyard, keeping to herself as students from the nine different Tracks were mingling with each other. They talked about magic, their classes, and their social lives.

Despite having the Emperor's Coven leader as their mother, neither Clawthorne sisters have many friends. Well, not many "real" friends, to be exact. Whenever students approach them, they usually try worming their way into the sisters' lives to raise their status. Their mother has always told them to never associate with those kinds of people. She speaks from experience.

Aside from the people they can genuinely call friends, the sisters mostly have each other at Hexside. Hoot. Eda does also have Owlbert, who is currently perched on her shoulder. But whether a palisman counts — though it does in her book — is up for debate. She smiled as she gave him a little appreciation scratch, which he always loved. Hoot.

Commonly, witches should only carve their palismans after graduating from a magical school, which is when they get a staff to attach them to. It is something Lilith has constantly pointed out to her little sister since Owblert's creation. But Eda's never been one to follow tradition and continuously challenge their society's norms and practices.

Eda carved him from a sacred tree, just like her mother, aunt, and uncle carved theirs from. Uncle Edric's was an albino bat he named Snowball, while Aunt Emira's was a mini slitherbeast she called Cutie.

But what makes palismans unique is that they share a life bond with the witch who created them. If the witch feels something, the palisman will feel the same. In a way, the witch and palisman are the same being; if the witch dies... so will the palisman. And Eda would annihilate anyone who would even dare think about her hurting her little Owlbert.

"Eda!" A voice called out to the redhead, and she turned to see that it was Morton, her fellow Potions classmate, and usual study partner.

"Oh, hey, Morton." She greeted him. As he got closer, Eda realized he looked paler than usual and had bags under his eyes. "You alright? You look terrible."

"I had to spend all night last night poison tasting at my dad's store, and for some reason, I don't feel great."

Eda wanted to point out the apparent reason for his illness. But she decided it would be funnier to let him figure it out. "Well, do you at least have it?"

Morton blinked. "Oh yes." He unfastened his knapsack and rummaged through it until he found three sheets of paper. "My class notes for the test today. These are all that I know, so I hope they're helpful."

"Sweet." Eda took the papers. "For that, meet me at the bleachers after lunch, and I'll teach you something new."

Morton was not like the students Amity warned Eda and Lilith about. He wanted to be friends with her for no other reason than just that. Honestly, the best way to describe their relationship would be more in line with… beneficial acquaintances. Eda would teach Morton how to do real magic, the kind that Hexside refuses to teach, in its purest, most beautiful state, unrestricted by the laws of the Isles. And in return, Morton would help with her homework. She did try getting him to do it for her instead, but it did not work.

Without warning, Eda was then knocked into Morton, who caught her. She was pushed by none other than Leon, who was in a hurry. "Hey!" Eda shouted at the tri-clops. "Watch where you're going, Pipsqueak!"

Leon stopped and looked back at the redhead. "Sorry, I didn't see you there, Owl Brat." He snarked back in his usual tone before leaving without so much as an apology.

Eda extended her finger, planning to whip up a hex to teach him a lesson, but Morton gently grabbed her hand. "He's not worth it, Eda." He told her.

Eda growled and lowered her finger. "Little punk." She and Leon have always tried avoiding each other whenever at school. But when they do meet, it is never on friendly terms.

That is how it has always been ever since he stole Lilith's lunch money to buy his sister a treat from the school's bakery. It still dumbfounded Eda that a sweet baby like Hannah could be related to someone like Leon. Eda retaliated to the thievery by creating an army of Abominations to search for him. Only for said Abominations to revolt, requiring her, Lilith, and Leon to all work together to stop them.

"Leave me alone!" Eda snapped out of her current thoughts as she and Morton turned their heads to the cry for help, recognizing the voice.

"Raine." Eda and Morton ran to the voice, leading them to circle the school and head straight to the Grudgeby field behind the building.

Raine was on their rear and had a bruise on their cheek. "We told you, didn't we?" Raine's attackers were students from the Construction Track. One was a male minotaur named Ivan, and the one who was speaking. The other was a girl with snakes for hair named Abby, who folded her arms with a smirk.

"Jussst give usss the sssnailsss, and we won't hit you again." Abby threatened, sticking her forked tongue out.

"But it's my lunch money," Raine replied.

"But it'sss my lunch money." The snake-haired girl repeated in a mocking tone. "That'sss too bad." She looked at her comrade and nodded. "Ivan." The minotaur lifted Raine off the ground, and they kicked their feet, struggling to free themselves from the grip. "Now hand the sssnailsss over or—"

"Or what?" The two bullies froze, recognizing the voice, and slowly turned around to see it was a less than pleased Eda right behind them.

"Ah, it's Calamity." Ivan gasped and quaked in his boots, letting Raine go as they backed away.

Eda Clawthorne is the more than proud holder of the title "Hexside Academy's number one troublemaker" and owner of the nickname "Calamity" from her peers and teachers. She has done much to own up to her title. Not even her mother could not even begin keeping track of the number of times Hexside called her. Only to learn what her daughter did to end up in the principal's office again.

Her "crimes" against the school have ranged from ditching classes to openly mixing magic on campus. On occasion, she has gotten into fights, a handful of which resulted in those students being sent to the Healing Coven for proper treatment. And that look in the witchling's eyes was telling the bullies all they needed to know about what was going to happen very soon. "Would either of you care to tell me what you were gonna do to my friend? Because I promise." Crackle. Crackle. She cracked her knuckles. "It'll pale in comparison to what I'll do to you two."

"Nothing!" Abby screamed, slowly backing up, shaking herself. "We were gonna do nothing. Don't hurt usss!" She and her partner ran for their lives.

Eda drew a circle, and a yellow aura surrounded the two bullies, levitating them into the air. "Put me down!" The minotaur begged. "I'm scared of heights."

"Sorry, but I don't appreciate having some punks picking on my friend like that."

"Just let them go, Eda," Raine spoke, standing up.

Eda looked at her friend in surprise. "Really?"

"Yes. I think they have learned their lesson."

"Ugh, fine." Eda snapped her fingers, and the bullies fell face-first on the ground. They picked themselves up and ran away.

"You alright?" Morton asked Raine, looking at the bruise.

Hoot. Owlbert also hooted with concern for Eda's friend.

They nodded. "It's just a bruise. I'll just stop by the nurse's office. One spell from Ms. Viney, and it'll be gone." They snapped their fingers. "Like that."

"What's going on here?" The three friends turned to the voice; one Eda happened to be all too familiar with. And her suspicion was proven right when Ms. Jenkinmeyer came out from behind a corner. "Edalyn Clawthorne." The teacher growled. She noticed the injuries that Raine had. "Well, well, well. Look at what we have here."

"What do you want, Jenkinmeyer?" Eda hissed.

"I saw two students running away, and here I find you. And Raine has a bruise on his face." Eda and Morton noticed how uncomfortable Raine felt at being labeled as something other than what they were. The two of them are the only people on the Isles that Raine ever shared their true gender with. Eda has wanted to share the information with Lilith but ultimately decided that it was not her place to tell her. "You did this to him, didn't you!"

"No, I did not." Eda snapped, standing her ground against the teacher.

"Don't you lie to me, you little punk! I'm going to report you to Principal Bump, and hopefully, the senile fool wises up and expels you."

"Ms. Jenkinmeyer, Eda didn't hurt Raine," Morton spoke up.

"Don't defend her actions. No-good brats like her and that Leon give this school a bad name."

"Stop talking; your voice is giving me a headache," Eda responded. "And don't waste your breath on her, Morton. Everything just goes in one ear and out the other with her. Let's get out of here." The three friends turned around and walked away. The teacher continued to rant at them, but Eda tuned out whatever she was saying. It was then quiet, so she probably went to tell the principal as she declared. Not that Eda cared.

"Edalyn, I don't want you to be expelled because I couldn't defend myself," Raine said in an apologetic tone.

"Jenkinmeyer's always had it out for me." The younger Clawthorne shrugged it off. "Can't recall when it began, though. Probably after I stole her teeth." She smiled, remembering that prank fondly.

"Didn't Principal Bump give you detention for a month for that?" Morton asked.

"Yep." And one would think that would be the end of that. But not for, Jenkinmeyer. She has taken every opportunity she can to get Eda expelled; they have not worked yet. She would not be surprised if Jenkinmeyer orchestrated Raine being bullied just to rile Eda up. Eda noticed that despite her self-assurance, it did not alleviate Raine's fear for the worst. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." Eda stopped and looked at Raine, grabbing their hands and staring into their eyes. "Nothing bad's gonna happen to me. You believe me, right?"

Raine stared into Eda's and tightened their grip. "I do. Hexside wouldn't be fun without you."

"Dang right."

Eda and Raine continued to stare at each other, only to realize what was going on, and both their faces turned red. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! The bell just screamed, and the trio of friends realized they had to get to their classes now. "I gotta go!" Raine quickly said as they released the still-blushing Eda's hands and ran into the building. "I'll see you at lunch."

"Um… yeah…" Eda said, still experiencing the strange feeling. She noticed that Morton was still right next to her — he knew that Eda and Raine had feelings for each other for a while — and was about to open his mouth. Eda stuck her finger in his face. "One word out of you, and I'll find the Choosey Hat, break it out, and feed you to it." Not wanting to take the chance she was being straight with him, Morton dragged his index finger and thumb across his lips, zipping them. He and Eda ran alongside each other to their shared class.


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Chapter 5: Prologue -- Chapter 05


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Eda was already bored out of her mind. The entire day has just been a drag. Morton's notes came in handy during the first class in the Potions Track, and she was confident she at least got a passing grade. Now, she was in her third class of the Potions Track — her second favorite time of the school day — and this class felt even slower. Immediately after this, it would be her favorite time of the school day — aside from leaving — the lunch break. In times like these, she would generally be playing with Owlbert. But her palisman was asleep in her hair, which was big enough to serve as storage space for whatever she could fit inside.

Eda's desk was located in the very middle of the classroom, with her sister's right next to her. She wished she could be chatting with Morton right about now, but he is in the front row. Eda slumped her shoulders and rested her chin on her hand propped up by her elbow. "Edalyn, focus," Lilith whispered quickly. Being the goody-two-shoes that she is, the older sister sat up straight and paid attention to the course and what Professor Barcus had to say. Or bark, to be exact.

Bark! Bark! "Ms. Clawthorne." Professor Jerbo, a substitute teacher from the Plant Track, spoke. He is possibly the only witch who is not a member of the Beast Keeping Track or Coven that can translate what the canine witch can say. "Is there something you wish to share with the class?"

"No. I'm sorry, sirs." The older redhead replied, staring at her desk, embarrassed and red in the face from the looks she was getting from her peers.

Bark! Bark! "Alright, then." The professors resumed the lesson. "As we were saying" Like how Eda was not paying attention, she was also not speaking with her sister today. Well, nothing beyond small talk. Her mind was on another matter she deemed more important.

After the first class, Eda and Morton headed to their lockers, which happened to be within the same vicinity of each other. And Raine's happened to be there, as well. They arrived to see Raine with Poppy Porter. She was displaying her bardic magic, and its unique ability to control a potted plant just as well as anyone from that Track.

"Hey, Raine. Poppy." Eda greeted her friend and sister's rival.

"Oh, Eda. Morton." Raine greeted them in return.

"Hi, Eda," Poppy greeted them, too. While Eda and Poppy were not close by any means, she did like when they did interact. However, the moments are rare, especially when Lilith — who makes everything a competition with her — is nearby. "Leon hasn't given you any trouble today, has he?"

"Eh, Pipsqueak bumped into me outside." The young redhead replied. "Haven't seen him since."

"Don't need you two destroying the school, anyway." Raine half-joked, fully knowing what they feared would happen if the two troublemakers ever got into a "real" Witches' Duel. "How was class today?"

"Great, Raine," Morton answered them. "I'm confident that I got an A+ on that test."

"And I'm confident I got something higher than a C." Eda answered, then turned to Morton. "By the way, I still can't thank you enough for those notes."

"Still gonna show me those spells later?" He asked Eda.

"Oh, yeah. You have my guarantee that they're gonna blow your mind."

"But not literally, right? I don't wanna die before I get my first Grom date."

"There you are, Edalyn." Eda turned to the voice of her sister as she walked up to her. She noticed the others. "Raine. Morton." Then narrowed her eyes at her rival. "Penelope."

"Hey, Lilith." Poppy greeted her with a smile and wave.

"Hey, sis," Eda spoke to her older sibling, folding her arms and leaning against the lockers. "Is there something you need?"

"I was hoping we could finish our conversation from earlier."

Eda pinched her temples. "Seriously?"

"This sounds like something private." Poppy put it together, gathering her belongings.

"We'll talk later, Eda," Raine said as they took Morton's arm and led him down the hall.

"Alright." Eda waved to them, then looked back at her sister. "You're still on that?"

"Yes, I am." Lilith folded her arms. "I want to know what's going on with you."

"I told you before; it's nothing. Look, if I apologize to mom when we get home, will you drop it?"

"Are you going to carry this attitude with you into the Emperor's Coven, Edalyn? You know they won't tolerate it."

Eda narrowed her eyes then looked away from her sister. "Then maybe I just won't join. Simple as that."

Lilith was honestly surprised by that response. "What are you talking about? Joining the Emperor's Coven has been our dream."

Eda scoffed. "When we were five years old; getting to see mom in action. Or have Aunt Em and Uncle Ed tell us the tales of High Priestess Amity Blight, the "Great Protector of the Isles," maybe."

"Our mom's work is important, Edalyn." Lilith grew more defensive. "I thought you knew that."

"Yeah, but I'm starting to think it's not for me." Eda returned her attention to her sister. "Besides, you want it more than I do, anyway. You want to live the life of a patriot, serve beside the emperor and make the Boiling Isles a "safer" place for all its inhabitants, no matter what. Heck, the Emperor's Coven even claims to know what the people want more than the people."

"What are you even talking about?"

"Do you not see the same things I do, Lily? Literally, every time we take a trip into Bonesborough, we see guards escorting prisoners down the streets for all the town to see, being taken to the Conformatorium where Warden Braxus is allowed to do Titan-knows-what to them. And they don't even look like criminals most of the time. I doubt they did anything wrong, either."

"You don't know that, Edalyn. Who knows what they could've done wrong?"

"Being themselves is my guess. Have you seriously not noticed that all arrests made in Emperor Belos' name are to people who, as his stooges put it, "Don't fit in with society?" Because I do."

"Edalyn, you can't say stuff like that in public." Lilith looked around to make sure no one was listening. This just proved Eda's point that Lilith and other citizens are either naïve to this fact or just willingly ignorant. She could not tell which was worse. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! The bell just screamed for the second class, and for once in her life, she was looking forward to it. If for no other reason than just to get out of this mess of a conversation.

"… So, in conclusion—" The Professors were about to finish their lesson. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! The bell's scream reverberated throughout the room, ending the period.

"Thank you, Titan!" Eda shouted, hopping out of her desk chair with enthusiasm, only to get stares from her peers and an embarrassed groan from Lilith.

Bark. Bark. "Edalyn Clawthorne, please sit down until you are dismissed." The Professors chastised the troublemaker. She groaned and sat back down, folding her arms. Bark. Bark. "Alright, class. We'll pick this up next week." That was when the students knew it was okay to gather their belongings and filed out into the hall. Bark. Bark. "Oh, yes, and remember to keep practicing!"

"Let's get going, sis," Eda said to Lilith as she led her out of the classroom, eager to get to the cafeteria as quickly as possible. "I wanna snag an extra pudding before they're all gone. Owlbert loves them, don't you, sweetie?" Eda's palisman burrowed through her hair until he stuck his head out. Hoot. "Yes, you do. Yes, you do." Eda patted his head with her finger.

"I'm coming," Lilith replied in a down tone that both witch and palisman took notice of.

Hoot? "You're not the only one wondering that."

The sisters arrived in the mess hall and grabbed their lunch. For Eda, it was a dish of wiggling noodles covered in a dark blue sauce and two pudding cups. Hoot. Owlbert happily snatched one of them, flew to the Clawthornes' usual and favorite table, and dug into the treat.

Meanwhile, Lilith just picked up a sandwich with a purple jam. "Is everything alright?" Eda asked, the concern for her sister growing.

"I'm fine," Lilith answered and took a bite out of her sandwich.

"No, something's bothering you. What is it?"

"Nothing's bothering me."

"Look, if this is about our little... disagreement from before—"

"It's not that." Lilith sighed. "Well, maybe it is… but… I've just been… thinking—"

"Thinking about what?"

"About… about our future. What if I'm actually... unworthy. The tryouts are tomorrow and… What if I don't get into the Emperor's Coven?"

"I think you're worrying too much," Eda said. "I may have been a little hasty in telling you that I don't want to join the Coven anymore." The younger sister looked down at the table. "To be honest, I'm unsure about many things, lately. But I do know the tryouts will be alright."

Lilith huffed. "That's easy for you to say; you could get in no problem without even trying."

"You will get in, Lily." Eda tapped her finger against her head. "I mean, the Titan gave you that big brain for a reason. The Coven's got to see that. Otherwise, they're a bunch of tools. It also doesn't hurt that mom is their leader."

Their mother, one of the most feared and respected witches on the Isles, and who has been the best mother to them that she could; Eda loved her mom, the only one she could really call that. Neither she nor Lilith even remembered who their mother and father were. This left Eda thinking; her mom may get on her nerves, but it all came from a place of love. Maybe, she should start showing it back some more.

"I guess," Lilith said, her eyes looking away.

Hoot. Owlbert looked up from his pudding cup and hopped over to the older sister, nuzzling against her hand. Lilith smiled at the palisman.

"You don't need to worry about any of this now; we have 'til tomorrow." Eda reminded her, twirling her noodles onto her fork and stuffing them into her mouth. They made crunching sounds as she chewed, then swallowed. "And besides, if you don't get into the Coven, then neither will I."

"What do you mean?" Lilith asked her, looking at her sister.

"What do you think I mean? If you don't get accepted, then they won't get me either." Eda took Lilith's hand. "After all, it's you and me. Eda and Lilith. Clawthorne Sisters versus the world. And that's how it will always be." Hoot! Owlbert excitedly hooted, hopping onto the sisters' hands.

"Aw, isn't that sweet?" Eda and Lilith recognized the voice, and they looked to their left to see Thom, the captain of the Hexside Banshees. The sisters turn their bodies to see him approach their table with two of his teammates by his side. Eda and Lilith may be members of the grudgby team — and two of the best players there were — but they never really got along with the others. Especially their captain, who only got the position because Lilith chose to put her education first.

"What do you want, Thom?" An annoyed Eda asked. "The nerds are three tables down." She pointed at a table where a group of students from the Illusion, Oracle, and Healing tracks sat.

"We just overheard your little talk about joining the Emperor's Coven." He turned to Lilith. "You should forget about it. Any Coven would be embarrassed to have someone like you in them. A complete embarrassment of a witch."

Eda stood from the table. "How about you back off before I take that big head of yours and shove it up your—"

"Edalyn, I'll handle this," Lilith said.

"But Lily…"

"No buts." Lilith stood up. "Thom, I am kindly asking you to leave us alone, or else."

"Or else, what?" Thom asked, folding his arms.

"Or else I will have to report your disrespectful behavior to a teacher."

Eda slapped her forehead as Thom, and his friends laughed off Lilith's threat. "And you just proved my point. So, when you're out there helping the guards catch criminals, what are you gonna do if one of them does this?" He pushed on Lilith's chest with one hand, making her fall to the ground as the grudgby players laughed. That was his first and only mistake.

Eda drew a magical circle with her finger, creating a portal and throwing a punch into it. Suddenly, a portal opened right next to Thom's head, and her fist shot out and struck his jaw. The force of the impact sent him tumbling backward before lying flat on the ground. Eda pulled her fist back and cast another spell on the other two grudgby players. Before they even knew what was happening, they were lifted into the air. One was tossed right into the kitchen and the other into a trashcan.

From said trash can, King fell out, desperately clinging to a slice of pizza. "Who dares to interrupt my feast?!" He demanded before noticing Eda. "Oh, hi, Eda!"

"King?" The younger sister asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Enjoying the cuisine." The little demon answered before eating the entire pizza slice in one bite. Belch. He burped before his eyes widened and pointed. "Look out!"

Eda followed his finger and saw one of the other players was about to hit her with a fireball. Boosh! But Eda back-stepped out of the way, feeling the heat glide against the tip of her nose. She turned her attention to her last opponent. She drew another circle, pointing at the ground and carving into the tile. "Abomination, rise."

A creature made of a mixture of tile and dirt — and spilled food and drinks — rose from the ground. It grew and molded until finally taking a recognizable form with a head, body, arms, and legs. Eda pointed at the grudgby player as he was priming another fireball. But a gooey fist slammed into and stuck him to the floor, unable to escape.

Thom, who was still dazed from the attack before, sat up as the Abomination lurched over to him. The gooey golem picked him up with one hand, dangling him upside down. "Let me go! Or so help me—"

"No, you listen." Eda walked over to the captain and looked him in the eye. "Don't ever mess with my sister." She snapped her fingers, and the Abomination tossed him out of the cafeteria. The doors swung in and out before the Abomination collapsed into a pile of mush. Eda walked over to Lilith and offered her a hand up. "You alright?"

Lilith did not take it and stood on her own. "You shouldn't have done that."

"I wasn't gonna let 'em push you around like that."

"I don't need you to—"

"What is going on in here?!" Ms. Jenkinmeyer barged into the cafeteria. She gasped at the mess caused by the scuffle and quickly noticed the pile of inactive Abomination next to Eda.

"Uh, oh," King said.

"Edalyn Clawthorne! Principal's office! Now!" The younger Clawthorne knew this was going to happen but does not regret a thing.

Ms. Jenkinmeyer drew a circle, and an aura surrounded Eda, levitating her out of the cafeteria. "I can walk, y'know!" The younger redhead shouted.

Jenkinmeyer then noticed King by the trash cans, glaring at him. "And she brought a pet here, too."

"You'll never catch me!" King shouted, making a break for it. Only to be trapped in the same aura as Eda and levitated out of the cafeteria. "You definitely caught me!"


Yes, that is an Amphibia reference at the end. Please subscribe/bookmark, give a kudos, and leave a review; feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 6: Prologue -- Chapter 06


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Eda sat in a wooden chair with King on her lap, across the desk from an unsurprised, disappointed Principal Bump. "Three students are in the infirmary because of her!" Ms. Jenkinmeyer ranted into Bump's ear. "Students who represent our grudgby team. This girl has been nothing but trouble ever since she first came to this school. Pulling devious pranks—"

"Are you still salty I stole your teeth?" Eda asked, chuckling with fondness of the prank that put her on Jenkinmeyer's radar. Even now, she does not regret doing it. She does not have regret towards many things she's done at the school.

"Not another word from you!" The teacher's tone was laced with venom, but Eda was unintimidated. Though, the same could not be said for King. He buried his head into Eda's chest, knowing she would protect him as always. "She has caused the destruction of property; partook in reckless endangerment of staff and students; has openly mixed magic; not to mention picking fights. As well as bringing pets to school, now."

"I am not a pet!" King shouted.

"That's right," Eda said. "He's my little brother."

"Whatever you want to call it, it does not belong on school grounds," Jenkinmeyer said. Eda gave the teacher and menacing glare as she turned her attention back to Bump. "And I spoke to the three of them in the nurse's office personally. They say this thug attacked them for no good reason."

Eda blinked in surprise. "Excuse me?"

"Principal Bump, I demand you do the right thing and expel her immediately!"

King hopped off Eda's lap, feeling her shifts in movement. "She's lying!" The younger Clawthorne rose to her feet and pointed at the teacher. Bump raised an eyebrow at Eda's claim. "Okay, well, not about the stuff she said earlier. But she's lying about what happened in the cafeteria!"

"Sit down and be quiet, you little criminal!" Jenkinmeyer hissed.

"Thom and his goons were picking on Lily!"

"It's true. Everyone saw it!" King backed up Eda.

"I said, sit down!" Ms. Jenkinmeyer drew a circle, and the levitating aura surrounded Eda and King again and forcefully shoved them back into the chair.

"That's enough!" Principal Bump shouted, and both teacher and student did not say another word. Though Eda would not admit this to another living soul, Principal Bump was one of the scariest witches she happened to know. Bump looked at the teacher with a stern expression. "Ms. Jenkinmeyer, I would appreciate it if you would not lie to my face."

Jenkinmeyer backed up. "W-what?"

"What?" Eda blurted out, surprised that Bump is actively appearing to take her side.

"Is this good thing happening?" King asked.

"Honestly, I'm unsure."

"I don't… Principal Bump… how can you—" Jenkinmeyer was stunned, lost at what to say.

"I've had Ms. Clawthorne in my office enough times to write a book about her incidents." Bump explained. "Enough times to know she doesn't do anything without reason behind it. And have you forgotten I know everything that goes on in this school? This means I know you did not see those students as you claim to have done. And I'm sure if I call Viney, she'll tell me what I already know."

"But… but…"

"I will deal with you later, Ms. Jenkinmeyer." Principal Bump was not the senile fool Jenkinmeyer claimed he was, and the cherry on top was seeing Bump stick it to her. The youngest Clawthorne relished the moment and stuck her tongue out at her for good measure. "However, that does not excuse what you've done." Bump looked back at Eda, and Eda looked at the principal. "You still placed three students in the infirmary."

"Oh, come on, really?" Eda whined.

"Yes, really. Everyone must face the consequences of their actions. Even you. Starting next week, you will be placed in the Detention Track permanently."

Eda's eyes widened in shock. "What?" She already knew what being put in the Detention Track meant. She would be banned from learning magic at Hexside for however long the principal considers necessary. But no one has ever been put in there permanently. King even noticed the look on Eda's face and knew how bad this was for her.

"Don't worry; you can still perform and practice magic. Just not on, or anywhere near, school grounds." Bump clarified, making Eda feel a bit relieved.

"You're getting off too easy," Jenkinmeyer grumbled under her breath.

"You will also be thrown off the grudgby team." Bump continued. "And your mother will be informed about today's incident."

Amity finding out about Eda ending up in the principal's office is one thing; knowing her punishment will be subjected to one of her lectures. Eda has even made a personal theory that the fear of her lectures is what keeps her fellow Coven members in line and following orders. But now, she will be learning her daughter has officially been banned from performing magic at the school. This was indeed the absolute worst feeling of fear imaginable because she has no idea of what to expect as punishment.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Who's there?" Bump asked whoever was knocking on the door.

"Principal Bump, it's me. Amity Blight." Eda felt the air grow cold around her, and sweat trickled down her neck. Eda did not know how, but her mother found out about this.

"Oh, come in, High Priestess." The door opened, and Amity stepped into the office, and Eda saw Lilith tagging alongside her. Eda guessed her big went and tattled. "To what do I owe the leader of the Emperor's Coven and one of my favorite students, the pleasure?"

"Forgive me for interrupting." Amity bowed her head. "I wouldn't normally intrude without permission from my favorite principal, but I must speak with her immediately."

Jenkinmeyer was so angry right now that Eda could swear she saw steam rising from her head. "All you blue blood types." She hissed at Amity. "You think that because you have wealth and status, you can come in here and—"

"One more word out of you, Ms. Jenkinmeyer, and it will be the last word you say as a teacher at this school." Bump threatened, well to the point that even Amity looked stunned, and the teacher backed away. The principal returned his attention to Eda's and Lilith's mother. "You may speak to your daughter High Priestess, but please make it quick; I am not done listing off her punishments."

"Thank you, Principal." Amity nodded and turned to her youngest daughter and son. "Edalyn. King. Come on."

"Let's not keep her waiting," King said as he walked ahead of Eda, who exited with her head down.

Amity closed the door as Eda stood next to Lilith, who looked concerned for her little sister. "Mom." Eda began, unable to look her in the eyed. "I know you're disappointed in me for getting into that fight—"

"I am disappointed you chose to settle things how you did," Amity admitted. "But Lilith explained why you fought back. I would've done the same if your aunt or uncle were in her position."

"I know… but that's just not it." Eda looked at her mom, gloom in her golden eyes. "I've been a crappy daughter."

"Edalyn." "Eda." Both Lilith and King said at the same time.

"Edalyn Clawthorne." Amity's tone became stern and knelt to Eda's level. "While it's true I am reaching the limit of my patience with how you have behaved lately, never call yourself that. Ever." Eda did not respond and just looked away from her mother. She let out a sigh. "We'll talk about this when we get home. Right now, there is something urgent you and Lilith need to know."

"What is it?" Lilith asked.

"This is about the tryouts for the Emperor's Coven are tomorrow. And I know how badly you both want to get in and how I've tried to prepare you for it."

"So, what's wrong?" King asked with concern for his adopted sisters' futures.

Amity let out a sigh and stood. "Shortly after you both left for Hexside, I received a message from Kikimora about there being a change."

"A change?" Eda asked.

"What change?" Lilith asked as well.

"One I didn't believe and had to hear from the emperor himself."

Amity forced the doors of Emperor Belos' throne room open and marched inside. Two guards approached the High Priestess. Though she outranked them, coming near Emperor Belos without permission was not allowed. "High Priestess, you have not been summoned to" Before the one guard could finish, they and their partner were tossed across the room by a pair of Abomination tendrils.

"My leg!" One of them cried as they were slammed into a wall, almost hitting Kikimora, who ducked out of the way in time.

Amity kept walking forward until she was close enough to get the attention of the Golden Guard, who stood between her and the man she wished to speak to. "Move aside," Amity growled. "I wish to speak to the emperor." The Golden Guard remained silent and intense, lacking any sort of personality like their predecessors.

"What is the meaning of this interruption?" Kikimora demanded, standing to the left of her master's throne. "The emperor has not summoned you, High Priestess."

Amity knelt, not to the imp or to the Guard, but to her master. "Forgive me, my lord. But I must request an audience with you."

"You're overstepping your boundaries with"

Belos then raised his right hand, and Kikimora silenced herself. "You may speak, High Priestess." The emperor said. The Golden Guard knowingly stepped aside and allowed Amity to gaze at the most powerful witch in all the realm. His eyes glowed with an eerie yet fascinating ghostly blue. The heartbeat of the Titan remained steady. "What troubles you so?"

"Emperor Belos, you know I've never questioned you. For you do what you must for the good of the Isles." Amity raised her head to him. "But please, as your high priestess, I beg you to revoke your decision for the tryouts."

"This is about Clawthorne's daughters, isn't it?" The emperor leaned forward. "The ones you've adopted. You wish for them both to not duel each other; for them to enter my coven together."

"Yes. I will do whatever you wish of me. Please, just reconsider. Don't make them fight."

Belos stood from his throne and stepped forward. "I can only guess how much this pains you, High Priestess. But I cannot revoke this decision, for it is not mine. It is an order from the Isles' true master." The gold-masked emperor gestured a gauntleted hand toward a tapestry featuring the Titan standing proud. Belos said he could communicate with the corpse that makes up the land all witches and demons call home. "Which is why I cannot alter the decision."

Amity stood up. "But my lord"

Belos faced her. "It cannot be done." The Titan's heartbeat increased, and Amity backed up. "Leave now before I have you escorted out."

Amity noticed the Golden Guard approaching her, and she bowed in defeat to her emperor. "Forgive me, my lord." She said the words weakly before leaving, the doors slamming shut behind her.

Both sisters looked at their mother in shock at the news. "N… no," Lilith spoke first. "No. No. There has to be another way." Her voice was cracking. "You have to convince him. You're the leader of the Emperor's Coven. He should listen to you!"

Eda and King were both surprised how Lilith uttered those last words, the sounds of desperation, melancholy, and fear. The devastation upon her face was plain as the day, and she appeared to be on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry, Lilith," Amity said, empathizing with her. "Even though Belos has trust in my talents and judgments, my word means nothing when compared to what the Titan decrees."

"That's not fair." Lilith dropped to her knees, the tears now flowing, for deep down, she knows she does not stand a chance against her little sister. "That's not fair." Eda and King hugged their sister, doing everything possible to console her, not saying anything further.

Amity walked down the halls of the emperor's castle on her own, still reeling from her failure to persuade Belos. She stopped in place, feeling she was being followed. "High Priestess," Kikimora spoke as Amity turned around to face her. "I hope this isn't a bad time."

Amity narrowed her eyes at the imp. "What do you want, Kiki?"

"Just a simple inquiry. One which so happens to surround the Clawthorne children."

Kikimora did not know, but she was treading on dangerous ground. "What about my daughters?"

"You call them that, but they aren't. You didn't give birth to or adopt them through an orphanage. You just picked them up off the street. Like a pair of lost puppies."

Amity clenched her fists so tightly that she ran the risk of breaking her skin. "Do you have a point to make, Kikimora?"

"The Amity Blight who joined the Emperor's Coven at sixteen years old, working her way up to the highest position offered, would not have done what she did. I truly wonder if you have your priorities in line. That maybe you are not as strong as—"

"I will not have my loyalty questioned by you." Amity started approaching Kikimora, and the imp backed up in surprise. "I will not be judged by you, little Kikimora — a little insect that wishes to be heard, pretending to be someone important." Kikimora tripped, falling onto her rear, continuing to back away as fast as she could. "Will you continue questioning me, Kikimora? Do you intend on challenging me, little insect?"

"No." The terrified Kikimora squeaked, only now realizing just how dangerous the sleeping dragon she had awoken truly was.

"Then why are you still here? Get out of my sight before I rip you apart and recycle what's left of you into my next Abomination."

Kikimora picked herself up and hurried away as fast and far as she could from the High Priestess. Amity turned and walked down the hall, already putting the conversation into the back of her mind. But one thought lingered. If it ultimately came down to her family or her coven, which would she choose in the end?


Amity's threat to Kiki is based on the same threat Dracula made to Godbrand in Netflix's Castlevania. I think you can all guess what the next chapter's going to be about. Please subscribe/bookmark, give a kudos, and leave a review; feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 7: Prologue -- Chapter 07 (End)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Eda could not sleep as her mind was too focused on tomorrow, on how only she or Lilith will be in the Emperor's Coven — and seeing her big sister cry like that. The latter has always been so strong; and breaking down upon hearing the news hurt more than anything. Eda hated this. She hated what her mother told them, and she hated that there was nothing any of them could do to change it. She was frustrated with her life. With the uncertainty of her future. It was all getting to her as tears swelled in her eyes.

"Edalyn." Amity's voice was heard from behind the slightly ajar door of her room. "Are you still awake?"

"Yeah. I am."

"I'm coming in." The door opened some more, and quickly Eda dried her eyes. She did not want her mom to see her like this. "Edalyn, what's wrong?" The younger Clawthorne looked up at her mother, seeing the worry that was on her face.

"Nothing. Everything. I don't even know what I'm feeling. Why are you still up?" Amity stepped into the room and sat on the bed next to her daughter. "What are you doing?"

"I want you to let it out."

"Let what out?"

"Everything that's bothering you. Talk to me. Scream at me if you have to. Just stop bottling it up."

"I… I…" Eda looked away from her.

Amity noticed the tears returning. "Edalyn."

"I don't want to talk."

"Why not?"

"Because… I don't know?"

"What does that mean?"

"It means I don't know, okay. I just… I just…"

"Just tell me what's bothering you. Just tell me what you want."

"I don't know what I want!" Eda released it all to her mother, who tried to remain unfazed by the outburst. "I thought wanting to join the Emperor's Coven would make me happy. But I don't know if that's what I want. The daughter of the coven's leader doesn't even know if she wants to follow in her mother's footsteps. I'm always certain about everything I do now. But I don't know what I want past that."

A long silence went by before Amity placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder and spoke again. "Edalyn. Would you believe me if I told you that I never wanted to be High Priestess of the Emperor's Coven."

Eda blinked and looked back at her mother. "What?"

"It was forced upon me by my mother and father the moment I developed my magic. They decided which school I would go to, which track I would study under, who my friends would be. My childhood was a living hell. When you and Lilith said you both wanted to join the Emperor's Coven, what did I ask you?"

"You asked us if that's what we really wanted."

Amity nodded. "I did not want to repeat the same mistakes as my parents. I wanted you both to make your own futures. What I'm trying to say, Edalyn is… I want you to know that whatever choice you make, I will always be proud of you."

Eda sniffled then wrapped her arms around Amity. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you, too." Amity hugged her back, brushing her hair. They stayed like that for about a minute before mutually breaking it. "Get some sleep, now."

Amity stood up to give Eda room to tuck herself in. "Good night." Eda began to drift off to sleep.

Amity kissed her forehead gently. "Goodnight, my Little Owlet." She walked out of the room and gently closed the door behind her.

"Nervous?" Raine asked the redhead as they and Morton sat with her underneath the bleachers for the Arena. A small, open field where witches of all kinds audition for covens they wish to join. Being out in the open made it easier for participants to let loose and impress the head witches. "I can offer you some tips to get over stage fright. They've worked for me about… twenty… thirty percent of the time."

Eda chuckled. "Sorry, I still can't get over the irony of a bard with stage fright."

"Yes, I understand." Raine blushed and rubbed the back of their head.

"But really, are you alright?" Morton asked with concern. "You don't seem to have that usual energy about you today."

"Well, I did wake up feeling a little under the weather," Eda admitted. "But it was just probably a morning thing, nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure? I can brew you a quick potion if you want."

"I'm fine, honest. I just had a lot to think about last night."

"Eda," King called out as the friends looked over to the small demon, Owlbert accompanying him. Hoot. "Amity is about to start soon."

"I'm coming," Eda answered, then looked at her friends. "You two better find your seats."

"Right. Good luck." Raine said. "Come on, Morton." The two friends walked ahead of Eda as the redhead stretched her arms and stepped out into the open.

There was quite a gathering in the bleachers. Soldiers of the Emperor's Coven all sat in the front rows, and the Golden Guard was present among them. Behind the soldiers, Eda recognized staff and students from school. Aunt Emira and Uncle Edric were talking with Head Nurse Viney and Professor Jerbo. She and Lilith had heard stories about how they were close when they were young… really close, at that.

She also saw Mrs. Skara with her husband, Vesper, a tracker for the Beast Keeping Coven. Poppy, Morton and Raine are in the row above together with Ms. Selene of the Oracle Track. Raine waved down to their friend below with a blush on their face, and Eda waved back to them, trying to hide her blush. Ms. Amelia from the Plant Track was sitting next to Ms. Catherine from the Healing Track; next to her was Mr. Mattholomule of the Construction Track. Eda also notices, and was surprised to see, that Leon and Hannah were present with their moms. Boscha, a professional grudgeby star, and Bria, head of the Construction Coven. The three-eyed oracle witchling looked bored out of his mind while his little sister giggled and clapped. Meanwhile, their moms were busy on their scrolls, not caring about what was going on around them.

Mrs. Skara got up and walked down the bleachers and to a podium where Amity stood with guards by her side. The High Priestess of the Emperor's Coven was garbed in the pristine white robes that symbolize her rank within the organization. "We're ready to begin," Amity told the bardic witch and the one person that she honestly considered a friend from her childhood.

"Okay," Skara said as she drew a circle, and a trumpet appeared in her hands. She blew into it, and everyone went silent with their focus squarely on the podium.

"Thank you, Skara," Amity said before clearing her throat. "Citizens of the Boiling Isles. I, High Priestess Amity Blight of the Emperor's Coven, welcome you here. On this day, one witchling will be bestowed the great honor to serve our emperor's great cause." The crowd applauded. "And now. The moment you've all been waiting for. May I welcome you, my daughters, Edalyn Clawthorne!"

Eda, who was already out on the field, waved to everyone. "Sup!" She shouted as she took her place, marked by a red square as the crowd applauded.

"Good luck, Eda!" Both Raine and Morton shouted from the bleachers.

Eda suddenly coughed hoarsely for some strange reason; then, it went away just as quickly as it came. "That was weird."

"And Lilith Clawthorne!" Amity announced as Lilith came out from behind the bleachers. A confident look on her face as she waved to the applauding crowd, taking her spot marked by a blue square.

"Hey, Eda! Lilith! Good luck out there!" "Those are our nieces down there!" Aunt Emira and Uncle Edric shouted with encouragement and pride at the same time. Eda could feel her face become as red as her hair from embarrassment, but she did not mind it too much.

"Good luck, you guys!" King shouted from the bleachers, too. Hoot! Owlbert, perched on the little demon's head, cried the same.

"Before we begin. Allow me to lay down the rules." Amity said sternly. "The match will end when a witch's knocked unconscious or surrenders. There will be no power glyphs or any other enhancements allowed. And weapons — palismen included — are forbidden from use. On my word, you may commence the duel."

Lilith took an intimidating stance, much like she would do when playing grudgeby. I did not want to repeat the same mistakes as my parents. Amity's words played in Eda's mind. I wanted you both to make your own futures. What I'm trying to say, Edalyn, is… I want you to know that whatever choice you make, I will always be proud of you. Eda believes her mother. It was time for her to make her own future.

"Begin!" Amity shouted, and Lilith ran from her spot towards her little sister, ready to cast her first spell.

Eda raised her hand into the air. "I refuse to fight my sister!"

Lilith stopped in her tracks, surprised by what she heard. "What?" She asked.

Amity blinked in surprise, staring at her daughter as the crowd began to mumble and talk amongst themselves. All were confused by what was going on. "Edalyn Clawthorne, explain yourself!" Amity had ordered her, not as a mother, but as the leader of the Emperor's Coven.

"I'm sorry, Mom." Eda began, looking at her. "But I will not fight Lily. We both know she's worked harder than me for it." She turned her attention to the crowd. "And anyone who knows her, they know she deserves it more than I do. She has a real reason for wanting to join; I don't. And honestly, I don't think the Emperor's Coven suits me anyway."

The crowd began to mumble louder as this was indeed an unexpected turn of events. Joining the Emperor's Coven is the highest honor, and seeing a child turn it down. That was unheard of. Amity gave her daughter a small smile, happy to see Eda's honesty in her decision. "Very well then." Amity looked over at Lilith. "Lilith Clawthorne. I welcome you to the Emperor's Coven."

"Aw, man!" "What a rip-off!" "Boo!" Most of the crowd began to moan and groan, feeling they were robbed of the opportunity to see children fight each other. Chances are, someone was planning to record and sell it, too.

"Edalyn," Lilith spoke as she walked up to her sister. "Why did you do that?"

"Sorry, Lily." The younger sister began. "I'm just not Emperor's Coven material. Besides, I'm not feeling like myself today. So, it wouldn't really be a fair fight." Eda began walking away, not noticing the concerned look from her sister. "I'll see you at home; don't let the fame go to your… Ugh!" A pain like no other filled Eda's chest as she dropped to her knees. She felt like she just got punched right in the bile sac.

"Edayln!" Lilith gasped loudly.

"Edalyn!" Amity shouted, seeing her daughter collapse, and climbed down the podium.

"Eda!" Hoot! Edric and Emira, King, and Owlbert cried simultaneously; trying to make their way through the bleachers as the crowd kept all eyes on what was happening.

"What's going on?" Morton asked.

"I don't know," Raine admitted as both of her friends tried to reach her.

"Edalyn, what's wrong?" Lilith asked, panicking.

"I don't know!" Eda began crying as the grew worse. "It hurts. It HURTS!" Her voice became distorted as the pain traveled across her body, causing her to fall onto her side. Her hands were morphing, extending until they resembled lanky claws. Her teeth being pulled by something unknown and were forcefully carved until they were long and sharp fangs. Krrrrrrrrack! Krrrrrrrrunch! "AHHHHHH!" The bones in her arms and legs snapped. They contorted until they were shaped like those of a vicious predator. Her orange hair changed into feathers and began growing across her body. "HELP ME!HELP M…" Crraaaaugh! Her speech was replaced with a feral cry. The redheaded fourteen-year-old was gone, and in her place was an owl-like beast.

The crowd gasped at the sight. Eda's friends and family were all frozen in shock. Lilith backed up from the creature that her sister turned into. "Edalyn?" She extended her hand out, but she backed up, scared herself. "Edalyn, it's me. Lilith." But the transformed sister continued cowering back.

"That girl's a freak!" Boscha shouted from the bleachers and threw her shoe at Eda.

"Get out of here, monster!" Bria joined in and threw something at her, too.

Hannah began crying at what was happening to Eda. Leon looked at his parents in disgust and tried to stop them. While he still did not like Eda, not even she deserved what was happening. But his efforts were in vain, as most of the crowd — including the Emperor's Coven's guards — turned against the transformed and scared fourteen-year-old.

"Get out of here!" "Get lost!" "Someone kill that damned thing!" "Freak!" "Monster!" "Hellspawn!" All kinds of nasty words and objects were thrown at the poor girl, making her retreat away. The teachers within the stands tried to stop them, but the damage was already done.

"Stop it!" Raine shouted, trying to push at the antagonizing crowd as they and Morton tried to get out of the bleachers. Poppy even tried to help clear a path for them.

"Leave her alone!" "She's just a kid!" Emira and Edric cried, trying to defend their niece.

"Eda!" Hoot! King and Owlbert shouted as they successfully got down from the stands and ran to her as fast as possible.

"Edalyn!" Amity shouted for her little girl as she bolted from the podium towards her.

Crraaaaugh! Overwhelmed by what was happening, Eda ran away. Crraaaaugh! Her cries of despair were so loud that all Isles could probably hear it. "Edalyn, wait!" Lilith called out to her as her mom, little brother, and sister's palisman joined her. Crraaaaugh! Eda kept on fleeing until she disappeared into a thick brush of woods. "Edalyn!"

Amity summoned Ghost and hopped on her staff. "Hop on. We're going after her." She said as King, Owlbert, and Lilith joined her and flew off into the woods.

Crraaaaugh! The transformed Eda cried as she ran at speeds that even Ghost, who has gone on record as the family's fastest palisman, could barely keep up.

"What happened to her?" King asked Amity, turning to his adopted mother. He then looked at Lilith and noticed this eldest sister was looking pale, paler than usual, downright nauseous.

"I don't know," Amity answered, bringing King's attention back to her. "We'll find out after we catch her." Amity drew a circle in the middle of their flight, pointing it at Eda. Abomination tendrils made from the elements erupted from the ground and entangled Eda's legs. Crraaaaugh! Eda cried as she was stopped in her tracks, trying to break free.

Amity stopped Ghost in front of her with everyone disembarking the staff. "Edalyn. It's me. It's Mom." Amity approached cautiously, trying not to scare her any further. Crraaaaugh! It was not working. "My baby girl." Tears began forming in her eyes, trickling down her cheeks. King, Lilith, and Eda have seen their mother's less stoic side... but here, she broke down, emotions out of her control. "What's happened to you?" Crraaaaugh! Amity regained her composure and breathed deeply. "It's okay, Edalyn. Everything's going to be alright." Amity raised her finger and began to draw a circle to cast a sleep spell.

Crraaaaugh! Eda's terror grew and managed to pull one of her forelegs free. Before Amity even knew what happened, her daughter's claw swiped across her face and knocked her away onto the ground. "MOM!" King and Lilith shouted as they rushed to check on her. Crraaaaugh! With the caster of the abomination spell down, the tendrils melted away. The transformed Eda ran past her mother and siblings, still in panic. Hoot! Owlbert called out to her.

"Mom?" Lilith examined the unconscious woman and gasped at the gruesome, bloody scratch across her face. If Eda struck just an inch higher, her eye would have been clawed out. "Oh, Titan, no. Mom, I'm sorry." Lilith began breaking down. "I'm so sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" King asked her. Crraaaaugh! But whatever questions he had could wait. "Owlbert and I will go after Eda, take her back home!" After giving his order, King got on all fours and chased after the transformed Eda. Hoot! Owlbert followed shortly behind him, flapping his wings as hard and as fast as his tiny body would allow.

Crraaaaugh! King and Owbert followed Eda deeper into the woods. The little demon and palisman try their hardest to keep up with her to little avail. At some point, Eda will have to stop to rest if King and Owlbert do not give out first.

The two of them eventually chased her until they reached a vast clearing. Crraaaaugh! Eda tripped over something and rolled onto her side. "Eda!" King shouted, breathing heavily as he stopped at the edge of the clearing. He leaned against a tree to catch his breath. "Eda…" Huff. Huff. Huff. "Please…" Huff. Huff. Huff. "Wait…" Huff. Huff. Huff.

Eda got up. Mmmmmm. She whimpered and stalked over to what she tripped over, nudging at with her nose. "What are you doing?" King watched her curiously. Hoot? He and Owlbert approached her slowly, trying not to start another chase. Eda eventually dug it up. It was a brown suitcase with a large, slit-pupil yellow eye in the center. Eda pressed her nose against it, and it reacted. Crraaaaugh! She jumped. "No! Don't run! Don't run!"

The suitcase shook as it floated upwards and unfolded until a door appeared and opened on its own, leading to another forest. Eda looked at it with fascination, and King had a bad feeling of where this was going. "Eda, don't do it," King called out to her in a gentle voice. Crraaaaugh! His big sister screeched and leaped through the door. "No!" Hoot! Owlbert picked King up by the collar with his talons and flew forward with surprising amounts of strength the little demon never realized he had. They went through the door after Eda.

Wumpth! Owlbert dropped King onto the ground, and the little demon looked behind. "Oh, no. Where did the door go?!" Where the door should have been, there was a rundown house that he could only guess had been long abandoned.

Crraaaaugh! King turned back to Eda's cry of pain as she began shrinking. Her feathers were turning back into her bright orange hair. Krrrrrrrrack! Krrrrrrrrunch! Her body was readjusting itself back into her young witchling form. Crraaaaugh! "Ahhhh!" She let out one last scream from the painful transformation before turning back to normal and collapsed onto the ground.

"Eda!" King cried as he ran to her. Hoot! Owlbert flew ahead of him and landed right on her chest. "Eda!" King checked her out, her eyes closed and her breathing shallow. King placed a paw on her forehead; she had a burning fever. She was no longer that… thing, but it was still taking a toll on her. Hoot? "I don't know what to do. I'm not a part of the Healing Coven." King looked ahead at the clear path in front, then back to the derelict house. "Owlbert. I'll stay with Eda. You find help. I'll keep her safe, I promise." Hoot! Owlbert saluted with his wing and flew down the path to find someone, anyone who could help them. King nuzzled up to Eda, trying to keep her comfortable in her current state. "Don't worry, sis. I'm not going anywhere."


Well, here it is. The chapter you've all no doubt have been waiting for. I hope this was worth the wait. And now, Eda's adventures with Luz in the Human Realm begins. Please subscribe/bookmark, give a kudos, and leave a review; feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 8: Human Realm -- Chapter 01


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Here you go." Luz said. The author finished signing the copy of her widely popular YA novel series, The Good Witch Azura.

"Thank you so much!" The reader, a young girl, shouted and ran through the store excitedly.

The next person came up, a boy this time. "It's an honor to meet you in person, Ms. Noceda."

"Please, call me Luz." She chuckled and took the next book to sign. Luz's publisher had this set up in celebration of book five, outselling all the previous entries in her franchise combined. She was ecstatic to see so many people love her work. Numbers aside, she considered the fifth installment of her saga as her magnum opus. "Here you go." Luz handed the signed book back.

"Thank you!" The boy thanked before leaving with just as much excitement as everyone that came before.

Luz covered her mouth as she let out a yawn. While she loved making her fans happy, today was admittedly a long one. Luz Noceda enjoys drafting her books as much as any author. Still, even she has limits and wanted to get away from any writing until she can get her creative juices flowing again. With how much the fifth book is loved, expectations for number six will be nearly impossible to meet.

"Why didn't I stop at book five?" She grumbled with fatigue, dragging her hands across her face. "Why did I have to promise my publisher a nine-part epic?" Right now, there were no more people waiting for her. "Voy a necesitar un café." Luz got up and headed for the store's bakery, but not before putting up a sign to tell anyone who shows up that she will be back soon. The scent of freshly baked cinnamon buns invaded her nostrils, as well as freshly brewed coffee.

She approached the barista behind the counter, an older woman. "Hola."

"What can I get for you?" The barista asked.

"I'll take a coffee. Black, extra sugar. And one cinnamon bun. Please."

"Coming right up." The barista left to take care of the order.

"Supongamos que algunas cosas no cambian." Luz blinked, hearing the familiar voice. She turned around, to confirm who it was.

"Vida!" Luz hugged the woman she considered a sister in all but blood and name; ever since they first met at that Reality Check Summer Camp at fourteen.

"It's good to see you too." Vida Pérez hugged her back.

"Hey, Tía." Next to Vida was her teenage son, Luz's godson, Mateo.

"Mateo!" Luz broke from her hug with Vida to give one to Mateo. He wrapped his arms around her, and she felt the strength of a football captain. "Look how big and strong you've gotten."

They broke the hug as Mateo blushed. "Tía, you're embarrassing me."

"But it's true." Luz laughed, then looked back at Vida. "What are you both doing back in Gravesfield?"

"I got a new job at the museum here. So, Mateo and I are gonna move back into the old house."

"Oh, my gosh. That's great to hear."

"Excuse me, Miss." The barista told Luz from behind. "I have your coffee and your cinnamon bun."

"Oh, thank you so much." Luz turned around, paid for the items, and took them before looking back to Vida. "Listen, I need to hurry up with my break and get back to work. I'll stop by at your house for lunch tomorrow. With chimichurri sandwiches from that restaurant that we both like."

"Mmm. Prácticamente pueda saborearla. Sounds like a date." Vida could practically taste them.

"I'll see you both then. Adiós." Luz took a sip of her coffee and walked back to her book-signing table.

"Adiós, Tía," Mateo said, waving goodbye.

After many more hours of book signing, an exhausted Luz took the bus home. Skriiich. It came to a screeching stop at her house. She stood from her seat, tipped the driver, and walked off.

"Mija!" A familiar voice shouted, making Luz blink.

Luz must have been more tired than she thought if she did not notice that her mother was standing outside her house. "¡Mamá!" Luz ran over to and gave the older woman a big hug, feeling partly renewed. First, she saw her best friend; and now her mother — both of which she has not seen in years. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard your book was a huge success and wanted to come and congratulate you in person."

"Oh, gracias." Luz walked her mother up to her house.

The home of Luz Noceda was… odd. It was a large house made from white brick. The roof was blue with a slope and had an orange stained-glass window above the door that looked a lot like a demonic eye. There is a superstition about the house. Rumors said it once belonged to a witch and crossed over from the Underworld to now. It was the fantastical lore and mystery that prompted Luz to purchase the house for a reasonable price.

Luz let out another long yawn. "Oh, excuse me, Mamá." She blushed.

"It's okay; I'm sure you had a long day."

The mother and daughter approached the front door. There was a carving of a barn owl's face on it, but in place of the eyes were a pair of x's. "If you don't mind, I'm gonna take a shower first; then I get dinner made for us both. We can catch up while we're eating."

Camila nodded. "That sounds lovely."

Luz reached into her purse and dug through her belongings. "C'mon, where are you?" She kept searching but still could not feel them. "Oh, genial."

"Is everything alright?"

Luz moved the strap of her handbag over her head and peered inside, but there was no sign of her house keys. They were probably in there, but she was having a hard time seeing them. "Hold on; I'm gonna use the spare under the "Welcome" mat." Luz placed her bag on the ground as she and her mother stepped off the mat. She lifted it and grabbed the spare key, using it to unlock the door. "Aquí vamos." Hoot! "Huh?" Luz and her mother thought they heard something and turned to the sound. Luz gasped when she saw her purse was between the talons of a little brown owl. Hoot! The owl flew away with her belongings.

"Tiny purse snatcher!" She shouted and gave chase to it.

"Mija!" Camila called out as her daughter ran across the street.

"Make yourself at home, Mamá!" Luz shouted back as she chased the owl. "Get back here!" Luz followed the owl down the street and took a sharp left turn into the nearby woods. "Stop adorably flying away!" Luz continued to chase after it but then stopped and gasped at what was now in front of her. Lying on the ground, outside a decrepit-looking cabin, was a girl of fourteen — possibly fifteen — years of age. "¡Dios mío!" A small dog with dark gray fur. On its head was a skull, and it lay on the ground next to her.

"Weh." It yapped in a shrill voice, waking up to reveal its pink and yellow eyes. Then — and much to Luz's surprise — it gasped and then spoke, "A person!"

Luz gasped herself, questioning if she did hear that. "Did y… did you just talk?" The dog got up and walked over to Luz on two legs. "Ésta no puede ser—"

"Please, you have to help her." The voice of the dog, if it was a dog, sounded desperate. It was enough to snap Luz out of her shock and return her attention to the girl. The tiny purse-snatching owl was next to her. Hoot.

Luz did not know what was going on, but questioning her sanity was far from important right now. She walked over to and checked on the girl. Getting a better look; Luz noticed the adolescent had ivory skin and pointed ears with untamed hair that was thick, long, and bright orange. She also wore what looked like a school uniform with yellow leggings and sleeves. Luz placed a hand on her forehead and felt her burning up.

"Come on; we gotta get her inside." Luz picked up the girl, and the owl rested on her chest with concern. Hoot?

"Where are you taking her?" The dog asked.

"To someone who can help." Luz ran through the woods, retracing her steps, as the dog and owl followed behind her. And in no time at all, they were all right in front of her house. "¡Mamá! Open the door!"

The door opened. "Mija?" Camila asked her daughter. "What's…" Her eyes widened as she saw her daughter run into the house with the girl in her arms. "Who is that?"

"I found her in the woods, and she has a fever." Luz set the girl down on the couch. "The owl that stole my bag; it's her pet, I think. And was trying to get my attention."

Hoot. "Owlbert said he is a palisman, so you know." The dog informed them both.

Camila gasped at that. "Hizo..."

"Yes, he spoke," Luz confirmed. "But that isn't important right now. Mamá, what do we do?"

Camila blinked and looked at her daughter. "Mija, I was a veterinarian."

"I know, but it's kinda the same as being a doctor, right? And I don't know how I can explain this if we bring her to a hospital. Please, you're the only one I can think of who can help."

"Please, help her." The dog begged, looking on the verge of tears. "She's my sister. Please."

Seeing how distressed the little creature was pulled at the older woman's heart, she nodded. She looked at Luz first. "Mija, grab some towels." Then she looked at the dog and owl. "You two, find something to help make her comfortable."

"Right, Mamá," Luz said as she went and did that.

"What are you gonna do?" The dog questioned.

"I'll get her some ice water to help cool her off." Camila headed into the kitchen as the dog and owl went to do what they were told.

But before the dog left, Camila saw him approach the girl and kissed her hand. "Everything will be alright, Eda." He spoke. Hoot. The owl agreed with him. Camila did not know what was going on, and she doubted Luz knew either. But she knows one thing: she will make sure this girl — Eda, she heard her name was — wakes up.


Here is Luz's introductory chapter. Vida's and Mateo's introductions here were short, but they will play bigger roles after Eda wakes up. Please subscribe/bookmark, give a kudos, and leave a review; feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 9: Human Realm -- Chapter 02


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Lily." The two-year-old Eda giggled as she tried walking across the carpet littered with the brand-new toys that she got for her birthday yesterday. But despite all the gifts given to her by her parents and the Beast Keeping Coven, Eda was more interested in playing with her big sister.

"You can do it, Eda." The four-year-old Lilith cheered her sister on. Eda just learned how to walk not long ago but still struggled to get the hang of it. But Lilith had learned her baby sister was motivated to do something when it was made into a game. This little game ruled that if Eda wanted Lilith to play with her, she would need to catch her first. "Almost… almost…"

"Gotcha." Eda managed to walk across the carpet and grab Lilith by the waist.

"You win. You know what you get?" Eda just giggled, knowing the answer. "You get… tickled!" Lilith began tickling her sister playfully, and her laughs became louder and full of more joy than ever.

The door to the girls' room opened and their mother, Gwendolyn, stepped in. "Oh, girls." She began, grabbing the sisters' attention.

"Yes, Mommy?" Lilith asked.

"I have a surprise for you both." Gwendolyn stepped aside as another figure revealed themselves. It was their father, Dell, and the little girls' faces lit up.

"Daddy!" Eda and Lilith exclaimed simultaneously as they fast walked over to her father, hugging his legs.

"Sweet Flea. Pumpkin." In that order, Dell referred to Lilith and Eda by their nicknames as he got onto his knees to embrace them.

"You're home!" Lilith cried, tightening her hug.

"I know I was only gone for a few days, but it felt like years."

"Daddy, Eda has something to show you." Lilith was bouncing with excitement.

"She does?" Dell looked at his younger daughter.

"Mm." Eda nodded and drew a spell circle, the second one in her life, and Dell's eyes widened as a ball of light appeared from it.

"You're very first spell." He seemed like he was about to cry. "My little girl is already growing into a fine witch." He "booped" her nose with his index finger, inciting a giggle.

Their laughter came to a halt when their mother's hawk palisman, fittingly named Hawksley, flew in without making so much as a sound. "Hawksley, what is it?" Gwendolyn asked as the palisman perched himself on her arm. His eyes glowed white, communicating with her. Gwendolyn's expression changed, and not for the better.

"Dear, what is it?" Dell asked with concern.

Gwendolyn grabbed her husband's shoulders. "Dell, they're coming."

The father's expression became just as dire. "Daddy?" Lilith asked.

Dell knelt again, trying to hide his worries. "Sweet Flea. Pumpkin. We're gonna play that game Mommy and I taught you, remember?"

Lilith and Eda nodded quietly. It was a game they had to learn routinely. It involved hiding under the floorboards hidden beneath the girls' shared bed. There was a tunnel underneath they would crawl through, leading outside the house. From there, they would run into Bonesborough and hide by their secret spot. And they would not leave there or speak to anyone until their parents came to get them.

"We're gonna play that game now, okay?"

"No, it's scary." Eda protested.

"I know it's scary. But you have to play now. You have to be brave now. Do it for Mommy and Daddy, okay?"

Eda nodded weakly, on the verge of tears. "Okay."

Dell and Gwendolyn lead their daughters to their shared bed. They crawled underneath and removed the floorboards as instructed and entered. Lilith covered them back up as she kept Eda close by. "Dell…" The sisters heard their mom cry from above and peaked through the cracks to see them embrace each other.

"I know, Gwendolyn." Their dad said, crying himself. "But I'll be damned if I let Belos have them."

"Daddy said a bad word," Eda whispered to Lilith.

"Come, let's go greet our guests." Their mom and dad walked out of the room with shaking confidence. Eda and Lilith knew the rules of the game they wanted them to play. But they decided to break the rules this one time and find out why they must play it.

They followed their parents to the living room. "Gwendolyn and Dell Clawthorne." A voice made itself known on the other side of the door leading in and out of the house. It sounded like it belonged to a sweet old lady. "We know you're in there. Open up." Dell walked to the door and opened it. He stepped back as two figures entered the home.

One of them was a red-skinned bipedal demon about the size of a child with talon-like hands and feet. On top of her head were a pair of conjoined dark blue hands with turquoise claws that gave off the appearance of hair. Three fingers covered her right eye, leaving her left one exposed. It had brownish-red and yellow colors. She wore a white robe with black sleeves, and the collar covered her mouth completely.

The second figure was taller and wore an ivory hooded cloak over a golden-yellow tunic with dark sleeves, black leggings, and deep brown gloves and boots. In place of their face was a pointed mask with a thin slot across it. They carried a long staff with a golden wing at the end and topped with a sharp ruby.

"I am pleased to see you are reasonable." The short woman began. "Most would've fled if they heard or saw us coming."

"What do you want, Kikimora?" Gwendolyn asked; blatant spite in her tone.

"There have been rumors going around, concerning you Mrs. Clawthorne. I have heard reports from the Beast Keeping Coven that you have been very… vocal with your opinions on the emperor."

"And they're just that, opinions," Dell said. "We all have them. But we are wise enough to not act on them."

Kikimora did not respond to that statement. "Strange."

"What is?"

"That there is no sound. I was under the impression you had two little girls, correct?"

Though they did not show it, Lilith and Eda could feel the anger coming from their parents at the mere mention of them. "No, we don't have children." Gwendolyn lied with a hiss. "If you're here to arrest us, then get it over with."

Eda and Lilith looked at each other, wondering why their parents would be arrested. They have never done anything wrong. "You wouldn't happen to be hiding them, now, would you?" Kikimora questioned, looking around. "A good mother should always be honest." Gwendolyn's and Dell's anger continued to build. "But you need not worry. They won't suffer any punishment. They are children, after all. And I assure you that when they are found, I will take good care of them."

Gwendolyn's and Dell's rage exploded in a terrifying burst of magic aimed directly at Kikimora. The masked individual stood between her and the blast and cast a spell from his staff to block it. But the force managed to shoot them both out of the house. Hawksley transformed into his staff for Gwendolyn as she and her husband went after their blatantly apparent enemies.

"Eda, come on." Lilith took her sister's hand, wanting to play the game their parents instructed them to do.

"But Mommy and Daddy!" Eda protested.

"They'll come get us, like always!" The sisters made their way back to the tunnel and crawled through it until outside the house. They heard a Witch's Duel, but Lilith ignored it as she picked up Eda and ran to Bonesborough to their secret spot. The sight of their home grew smaller as the world around her began darkening. She was tired and wanted to go to sleep. And with that, the world faded to black.

Eda's eyes slowly opened, waking from that strange… dream? The brightness overwhelmed her and forced her to cover her face. Once her vision cleared, she saw she was inside a house, lying on a couch. A pillow underneath her head, a cold towel on her forehead, and blankets wrapped around her body. "What is…" Zzzz. Zzzz. Zzzz. On her stomach, her little brother was sound asleep. "King?" She asked.

"Huh… what?" King's eyes groggily opened, then his pupils dilated upon seeing his big sister. "Eda!" He crawled across her frame and nuzzled up to her face. "I was so worried; I thought you weren't gonna wake up!" Hoot! Owlbert suddenly flew in and landed on the couch's armrest.

"Hey, hey, I'm fine," Eda said as she forced herself into a sitting position, accidentally knocking King off the couch. But he got up quickly and did not mind at all.

"Huh?" Another voice made itself known, and Eda turned to it to see a woman resting on a nearby chair. She gathered her bearings then gasped. "You're up!" She was about her mom's age and had tan skin with brown hair styled in a pixie cut and hazel eyes. She wore a long-sleeved shirt with white and indigo stripes and a pair of jeans and white shoes.

Eda blinked upon noticing her ears and realized they were round. There was only one creature with ears like that. "You're a human."

"Hm?" The human looked at Eda, confused. "Yeah… I mean, we both are… right? Well, King told me you're a witch… but he didn't specify—"

"What's a human doing on the Boiling Isles?"

"The boiling what?"

"Uh, Eda…" King began. "We're not on the Isles anymore."

Eda looked at King, more confused than before. "What?"

"Mija, is everything alright?" Another voice said as an older woman who shared similar features with the other entered the living room. She noticed Eda was up and let out a sigh. "Estás despierta gracias a dios."

"What did you just say? Are you trying to hex me, granny?"

"No, she's just saying she's glad to see you awake." The first woman clarified. "We weren't sure if you were gonna wake up. You've been asleep for almost a whole day."

Eda shook her head. "I've what?"

"Okay, let's just start from the beginning. I'm Luz Noceda." The now-named woman turned to the older one. "And this is my mamá, Camila."

"Hello," Camila said.

"See, your pet owl stole my bag—" Luz began.

"Dang it, Owlbert." Eda sighed. "I've told you before; only take things people won't miss, and when they're not looking." Hoot. Owlbert gave the girl big eyes. She patted his head. "It's okay; I still love you."

"But it's a good thing he did. Otherwise, I wouldn't have found you and this little cutie pie." Luz looked over at King.

"I am not a cutie pie!" King protested.

"At first, I was surprised because dogs don't talk here."

"He's not a dog; he's a demon." Eda interrupted.

"He already explained that to me. Still trying to process that." Luz coughed into her hand. "As I was saying, I was surprised, but he needed me to help you. So, I brought you back to my place, and Mamá took care of you."

Eda looked at Luz, confused. "Why would I need help?"

"Because you were unconscious and running a high fever," Camila explained.

"I was?"

"Eda, what's the last thing you remember?" King asked his sister with concern.

"Well…" Eda rubbed her chin. "I remember being at the tryouts. I forfeited the duel, then… I remember there being a pain in my chest. And the next thing I know, I'm waking up here." She looked over at King. "Did something happen?" King looked away from her, unsure how to answer that question. And now Eda was getting worried. "King, what happened?"

"Eda, after you forfeited the duel… you… transformed…"


"You turned into something. A beast. I… I think you've been cursed."

Eda looked at King in shock, then chuckled. "Okay, that's a good one, King. You had me going there for a minute."

But King did not laugh. "The crowd turned against you. You ran away, and… you attacked Mom."

"Stop it… this isn't funny anymore… Ah!" Eda started to feel her head throb.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luz asked as she and her mother's worry grew for the teen.

Memories… it was all coming back to her. Edalyn. It's me. It's Mom. Crraaaaugh! My baby girl. What's happened to you? Crraaaaugh! It's okay, Edalyn. Everything's going to be alright. Crraaaaugh! MOM! Crraaaaugh!"Oh, Titan…" Tears began to stream down from the girl's eyes. "What have I done?"

"Eda, it's going to be okay," King said as he hugged his sister. "Just let it out." Eda let out all her cries as Luz and Camila watched. Now was not the time for the two women to say or do something. This was between Eda and King right now.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Eda was finally done. She wiped away the last of her tears and said, "We have to get back to the Isles. How did we get here?"

"When you were transformed, you dug up a door of some sort," King explained. "And you jumped through it. That's when you turned back to normal. But after Owlbert and I went through, it disappeared." Hoot. The palisman confirmed what he was saying.

"No… no, it has to be there. Portals just don't disappear." Eda tried standing up. "We have to go back there and—"

"You're not going anywhere," Camila spoke up as she walked over to the teen. "You just woke up from a serious fever."

"Look, granny, I appreciate the concern, but—"

"But nothing. You're not going anywhere until I'm sure you're alright." Eda has been to a Healing Coven clinic enough times to recognize when a doctor or nurse takes the patient's health very seriously. And this old human lady was no different. Meaning there should be no point in arguing with her…

"But I feel fine." Borborygmus. Eda immediately turned red in the face upon realizing that was her stomach growling.

"You should at the very least eat something first." Luz offered. "Get your strength back."

King perked up at the sound of being offered food. "Oh, yes! I agree! I agree!" Hoot! Hoot! Owlbert agreed with him.

Eda sighed. "Alright, humans. I'll take up your offer for food. Whatcha' got?"

"Well, I have some leftover mangú from last night I can heat up."

"What's that?"

"Oh, I think you'll love it. Its green bananas and butter mashed together and topped with sautéed onions that have been cooked with vinegar."

"I have no idea what any of that means, but I'm game."

"Excelente." Luz was about to leave for the kitchen.

"I'll take care of it, Mija," Camila said, stopping her daughter.

"Are you sure?"

"Sí. I'm sure she'll relax more with you around." Camila then looked at the house guests.

"Oh, is there anything specific for King and Owlbert?"

"Nah, we pretty much eat whatever she eats," King answered. Hoot. Owlbert confirmed it.

"Alright." Camila nodded before entering the kitchen.

Luz joined Eda on the couch with King and Owlbert. "After you get some food in you, we'll help you search for that portal." She offered. "Make yourself at home, until then."

"I just have one question." Eda began. "Why are you being so nice to us?"

Luz blinked. "What's wrong with being nice?"

"It's just… What do you get out of it?"

"Well, helping someone who needs it is enough of a reward. Also, I do have some questions I want to ask. I mean, I never thought I'd meet a witch or a demon."

Eda chuckled to herself, thinking about how this must feel for a human that is entirely unaware of the other side. She does not know much about humans; the whole of the Boiling Isles knows very little. But Eda had a feeling about Luz Noceda; that she could trust her. But something else bothered her. She was not sure she wanted to share with the others what she saw in her mind.


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Chapter 10: Human Realm -- Chapter 03


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"This is the spot where you found me?" Eda asked Luz for clarification, joined by the others in finding the portal that brought the Boiling Isles' inhabitants to the Human Realm.

"I never knew this was here," Camila said as they stopped before the long rundown cabin in the woods.

"Neither did I, until yesterday," Luz admitted. All of them stopped to stare for a moment. The sight of the old thing was giving them all goosebumps.

Luz noticed her mother pull out a little cross necklace from under her shirt. Camila has always told her daughter to keep one on her, believing some higher power would watch after her that way. She did not believe something like that back then. But now, she feels like she should have listened. More so that she now knows demons are real. And something told her that not all of them were as friendly or cute as King.

"I can feel the magic coming off this place," Eda said, extending her hand out. "It's weak, but it's there. The portal is probably inside. Or maybe something like it."

"Todavía no puedo creer que la magia sea real." Luz whispered to herself.

"Are you sure about this, Eda?" King asked, having a bad feeling about the place. Hoot. Owlbert felt the same way.

"Don't worry; we'll be fine." The witchling tried to keep her confidence, took a deep breath, walked ahead of the others and through the doorless opening. Creak. Creak. Creak. Each step she took on the floorboards made that sound. Creak. Creak. Creak.

She stepped right inside what looked like the remnants of a living room. There was a fireplace to the right and an abandoned armchair in the far-left corner. Beyond the living room, there was a staircase leading upstairs to the second level of the house. The place was filled with abandoned items, and the floor was littered with paper.

"Woah, and I thought I owned some weird stuff as a kid," Luz said from behind.

"Eep!" It was so sudden that it made Eda jump. "Don't do that." The witchling pushed at the adult with one hand, blushing from embarrassment.

"Sorry." Luz apologized. "But seriously, this is impressive."

The house was filled with broken toys, knickknacks that looked like they came from foreign lands, and other trinkets. Eda even recognized some items from the Isles; a broken potions vial, a ripped apart spellbook, and snapped training wand. Any suspicions Eda had about a way home being here were confirmed.

Creak. Creak. Creak. The teen and adult continued searching. "I feel like I'm being spied on." Eda looked around, now knowing what it felt like. "Note to self: When I get back home, I'm gonna owe everyone in the boy's locker room an apology." Creak. Creak. Creak. And before she gets back home, she needs to ask Luz for that mangú. She never imagined there could be a human cuisine better than burgers.

Eda and King sat at the kitchen table, chowing down on the reheated leftovers. Neither witchling nor demon thought they would be as hungry as they were — a combination of having gone a day without eating in addition to the stress of their current situation. Luz and Camila watched them dig in.

"I see you're enjoying it," Luz said.

Eda finished chewing and swallowed her mouthful. "This is seriously some of the best stuff I've ever had." She then filled her mouth with more until her cheeks puffed up.

"Hey, Eda, if you don't mind me asking, I know you're a witch from what King told me. But what kind are you?"

Eda looked up from her food at the woman and swallowed another mouthful. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you an elemental witch? Or a dark magic witch? Or…"

The redhead figured out what the human was asking. "Oh, you think it's a title, right? Witch is the name of our species. Anyone in the Demon Realm can do magic."


"Yep. Tell me, where do you think magic comes from?"

Luz went with her first guess, applying the same logic for her Good Witch Azura book series. "The heart?"

Eda blinked. "Yeah, you're right."

Luz gasped; she felt like a little kid again at the moment. "Really?"

"Yep." Eda then dug into her hair and pulled out what looked like a sketch of a heart with some sort coming out of it. "All witches and demons draw their magic from the Bile Sac attached to their heart."

"You had that in your hair the whole time?" Camila asked.

"Not the answer I was expecting, but still fascinating," Luz admitted. "And what is your home like? Uh… the Demon Realm, I mean."

"Well, for starters, it's not the place you or the granny were thinking of. So you don't have to worry about that." Eda snickered. "My family have mostly lived our whole lives on an island called the Boiling Isles. The best way I'd describe it is a kid-friendly hellscape that happens to be a giant carcass."

"Lo siento, pero ¿qué fue eso?"

"And from there, every myth you have in this world is caused by a little of mine leaking in."

"L… like what?"

"Oh, y'know. Griffons, vampires, giraffes…"

"Wait, giraffes?" Camila interrupted, wondering if she heard that right.

Luz chuckled. "Okay, you have to be making that one up."

"No, really, the Isles kicked them out ages ago. A bunch of freaks if you ask me."

"Entonces… tal vez no."

Eda kept searching, trying to find the same magical energy she felt outside. Creak. Creak. Creak. "This is weird."

"What is?" Luz asked.

"I know I sensed something in here outside, but it's weaker inside the building than outside. It doesn't make any—" Snap! "AHH!" Eda felt something ensnare her right foot, pulling off the ground and hanging her upside down.

"EDA?!" The human woman saw Eda upturned, flinging her arms and one free leg around, trying to escape. Hoot! Hoot! Owlbert was panicking as well, flapping his wings agitatedly in the air.

"Help! Help!"

"Mija!" Camila shouted as she ran into the house alongside King, the older woman and little demon gasping at the teenager's position.

"What happened?" King asked.

"It looks like a trap was left abandoned here." Luz guessed as she approached the panicking witchling. "Eda, stop moving. You'll just make it tighter." She grabbed the girl's hands. "Calm down. You're gonna be okay. You believe me, right?" Eda took a moment to calm herself, breathing in and out before nodding. "Okay, Eda, I'm gonna help get you down now." Luz reached for Eda's ankle.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a little thingamabobber." Luz chuckled apologetically. "Sorry, I don't know what it's called." She eventually found it. "Aha. Now, nice and easy." Luz pulled the metal object slowly and caught Eda in her arms before she fell. "There you go."

Eda let out a breath and looked away from Luz, trying to hide some of the tears coming from her. "Thank you."

"No problem." Luz settled her down.

"Are you alright?" King ran up to his sister.

Eda patted his head. "I'm fine little guy, just got scared." Hoot. Hoot. Owlbert was equally worried. "Don't worry, I'm good."

Camila approached them. "Is she alright, Luz?" She asked her daughter.

"The wire didn't cut her skin," Luz assured as she stood up. "I think we should head back to the house. It's gonna get dark soon."

"But we still haven't found what we were looking for." King protested.

"I know, but we need to search the area for more traps. We don't want this happening again."

The little demon let out a sigh. "I guess you're right."

Luz gave him a warm smile. "Besides, there's a warm bed back home with your names on it."

King's pupils dilated. "Really?"

"Hold on." Eda began, looking at Luz as if she was expecting a catch of some sort. "Why would you let us stay at your place?"

The human woman looked confused at the question. "Why not?"

"Call me a cynic, but no one does anything this nice without expecting something back." She speaks from experience, as many students who have tried to befriend her or Lily pretended to be nice to them just to improve their status on the Isles.

"I don't have any ulterior motives. I just think you both deserve a place to stay for a couple of nights; until we can figure all of… whatever this is… out."

"I agree," King said, pawing at Eda's leg. "She can also make us more food like that… uh..." The little demon paused and looked over at Luz. "What was that stuff you made for us called again?"

"Mangú," Luz answered.

"Yes, that." King looked back at Eda. "And I think it would be better than just hanging around this place and possibly eating roadkill or something." Hoot. Owlbert agreed with him.

"Since when do you always take his side?" Eda questioned her palisman, with her hands on her hips. Owlbert folded his wings and gave her a disappointed look. Hoot. Hoot. Hoot. Eda looked down at the ground, feeling ashamed. "Okay, fair enough. I won't worry either of you like that again. I promise."

"We can also use this to figure out what exactly you've been cursed with," King added. "That way, we can find a cure before or when we get back home."

Eda looked at her brother. "You're right. And if I ever find out who cursed me, it'll be the last mistake they've ever made."

"Do you have any suspects?" Luz asked curiously.

"I could list off all the people who have it out for me, but if I did, we'd be here 'til morning."

"I say we return to the house before doing anything else," Camila suggested.

"Alright." Luz agreed before turning to Eda. "Mamá and I will get the guest bedroom set up for you and King. And I think I have a birdcage for Owlbert if he wants it. Funny story about that, it was a gift mailed to me by a fan who thought I owed a bird for some reason." Luz rambled on as her mother, Eda, King, and Owlbert traveled beside her and left the cabin behind. They walked through the woods down the same path they took to return to the kind human's home.

But home, for Eda, felt wrong to think about… Eda tried hiding it from the others, but she had a look on her face as if she had just bit into something bitter tasting. More of her memories came back… horrible memories… That girl's a freak! Get out of here, monster! Get out of here! Get lost! Someone kill that damned thing! Freak! Monster! Hellspawn! If Eda finds a way back to the Isles, will they even feel like her home anymore? Will her family and friends even take her back or notice she is gone? What do the Isles call her now behind her back? The Cursed Child? The Lost Owlet? Maybe something harsher?

"Ah, hogar dulce hogar." Luz said.

"Hm?" Eda was so deep in her thoughts that she did not even realize they were back at Luz's house. It was a lovely home. Nothing like Blight Manor, but nice, nonetheless. But something bothered her about the place, though. And it had to do with the carving of a barn owl's face on the door.

"What's the matter?" Camila asked the girl, then noticed what she was staring at. "Oh, that thing. As far as Luz and I know, it came with the house when she bought it."

"I find it charming," Luz replied. "In a darkly humorous kind of way."

"I just wanna test something really quick," Eda said as she walked up to the door.

"What is it?"

Eda extended her finger out and drew a spell circle in front of the carving. The energy was then absorbed into the door. The pair of x's on the owl's face then transformed into beady eyes. "I live! Hoot! Hoot!" The door suddenly exclaimed in an ear-piercing voice, making everyone jump back with screams. The talking face then extended out like a tubular worm. "I've been asleep for so long! I had so many good dreams! Like dreaming about being awake again! And it came true! Hoot! Hoot!"

"What the…'' Luz's mouth was left agape at what had just happened. "Yo... yo... yo... tú... cómo... yo... tú... What did you do to my door?"

"Just wanted to prove what I suspected. But I didn't think it would work." Eda replied. "You've got yourself a house demon here, one that's been docile for who knows how long."

The strange bird tube then wrapped around Eda tightly, as if giving her a strange hug. "Thank you for waking me up! Hoot! Hoot!" The house demon released her, allowing the witchling to catch her breath and slithering over to Luz, getting uncomfortably close to her face. "I'm Hooty! It's so nice to meet my owner finally! Hoot! Hoot!"

"Um… Nice to meet you too… Hooty." Luz replied, still unsure what to make of all this. "I'm… Luz."

"I know! Hoot! Hoot!"

"Wait, how do you know who I am? Or that I'm your owner?"

"I could hear everything while I was asleep. I know you like… well, I would say the back of my hands, but I don't have any! Pretty creepy, huh?! Hoot! Hoot!"

"I don't think my heart can take any more craziness today," Camila admitted.

"Oh, that doesn't sound good! You better come inside and get some rest! Hoot! Hoot!" The door opened on its own.

"I have so many questions right now," King said.

"Me too," Eda replied, letting out a yawn. "But they can wait 'til morning." She entered the house first with Owlbert on her shoulder, followed by Luz helping Camila inside.

King was the last to enter, keeping his eyes on Hooty. "Uh… Goodnight, Hooty." He told the house demon.

"Goodnight! Hoot! Hoot!" Hooty wished the residence. Wumpth! Then closed the door. "I'll be out here! Defending the place! And watching the stars! Hoot! Hoot!" Bzzz. An innocent little fly then buzzed within the house's vicinity, and the demon let out an excited gasp. "Oh my gosh! A new friend! I'm Hooty! What's your name? I can tell we're all gonna be best friends! Hoot! Hoot!"


And this is how I introduce Hooty into the story. Speaking of introductions, I mentioned how Vida and Mateo would play bigger roles after Eda woke up. I planned to introduce them properly in this chapter but decided to save it for the next one. Stay tuned for that. Please subscribe/bookmark, give a kudos, and leave a review; feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 11: Human Realm -- Chapter 04


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

There was nothing but darkness, but Eda kept running through the shadowy void. Sweat dripped down her face; her entire body was soaked in it as she kept running. A fear like nothing she has experienced overtook her body. Crraaaaugh! It was getting closer.

Eda looked back for just a second, and her terror grew. Crraaaaugh! It took the form of a shadow, but its true form would reveal itself now and then; a four-legged creature with owl-like features and a thick coat of filthy gray feathers. It flew after her with a large pair of wings, its talons extended out like a predator about to grab unsuspecting prey. The creature's height was staggering, dwarfing the redhead. Crraaaaugh! It stretched its neck out like that of a wriggling worm with a wide-open beak filled with rows of teeth.

Eda looked forward, tears in her eyes. She saw something in the distance. They were figures… and recognized them. "Mom! Lily! Aunt Emira! Uncle Edric!" She called out to her family. "Help me!" But they did not respond. They just stared at her with a look… all of them with that same look… a look of… disgust.

"Don't speak to us," Edric told her.

"Why should we help you?" Emira questioned.

"I'm ashamed to call you my sister." Lilith hissed.

"We don't take-in monsters."

Eda could not believe what she was hearing from them, her family. This cannot be real. "Please." She cried.

But they all turned their backs on her. Then they came… Those harsh words… "Get out of here! Get lost! Someone kill that damned thing! Freak! Monster! Hellspawn!"

Eda placed her hands against her ears, trying to block out the noise as she kept running. "Ah!" She tripped and fell flat onto the ground. Bruising herself like when she was younger, and not Lilith to share the pain with her. Crraaaaugh! The beast dove at Eda, headfirst with a gaping maw, ready to devour her whole body!

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Eda cried as she shot up from her bed.

"Weh!" King, who was lying on the foot of the bed, jumped from the sudden fright. "Who?! What?! When?!" He was on all fours, bobbing his head in every direction, like an on-alert watchdog. He then looked at his sister and noticed the sweat and tears on her face. "Eda? Are you okay?"

The girl was shaking from the horrible nightmare, her breaths rapidly following the next. She looked around and realized where she was. She was in the guest bedroom Luz kindly gave her, wearing a t-shirt that was too big for her; another gift from the human for tonight while her Hexside uniform was being cleaned. Hoot! Owlbert hooted from the corner of the room, his peaceful sleep in the cozy birdcage interrupted, now trying to unlock it to be by Eda's side.

Thump! Thump! Thump! The wooden door was knocked on and slowly opened. "Eda?" Luz began as she entered the room with her mother. "Are you alright?"

"We heard screaming," Camila said. Hoot. She noticed Owlbert was trying to get out of his cage and walked over to help him.

"I… I'm fine." Eda lied. "It was just a nightmare."

"What kind of nightmare?" Luz asked, slowly approaching the bed.

"Was it about the curse?" King asked.

"Guys, I swear, I'm okay. There's nothing to worry about." She brushed her hand against her forehead, only to feel something was… off about her arm. She then looked at it. "Ah!" She screamed upon seeing that not only her arm was sprouting feathers. She looked at her other arm, and the results were the same. She looked under her night-shirt and realized feathers were popping out from all over her body.

"Wha… what's happening?" Luz asked. "Is this a witch thing?"

"No, it's not a witch thing!" Eda snapped at Luz, which she did not mean to do. She took a deep breath in, then out. "Alright, I'll just apply a little magic, and—" She drew a spell circle over the feathers over her right arm. Instead of doing what she wanted it to do, it just broke apart like glass. "No, no, no! This can't be happening! I can't lose my powers, too!" More feathers started appearing.

Luz was noticing how she was freaking out, and now this. "Eda, calm down." She said in a gentle voice.

"Don't tell me to calm down! There's nothing to calm down about!"

"No, she's right," King said. "As soon as you started freaking out, more feathers appeared."

Luz placed her hands on Eda's shoulders. "Just breathe, okay."

Eda did what she was told, with a deep breath in, then out. In, out. In, out. She was feeling her heartbeat return to normal, and her skin was not as sweaty anymore. She sniffled as tears came down her cheeks. "What's happening to me?" She spoke.

"Don't worry." Luz gave her an honest, reassuring smile. "We're gonna figure this out." Hoot. Owlbert flew free from his cage and nuzzled up to Eda's cheek, helping to calm her. Luz offered Eda a hand to help her out of bed. "Let's head into the kitchen and do some research."

Eda looked at her with confusion. "Research?"

"Yeah… uh… You know that torn apart spellbook that was lying around in the house. I took it with us."

"What for?" Eda was curious about that since humans could not do magic at all.

"Just curious what was inside. But maybe something can help."

"Well, it's worth a shot," King said. Hoot. Owlbert agreed.

"It's almost morning. And since we're all awake, I'll cook up some scrambled eggs." Camila offered.

"You don't have to do that," Luz said.

"Yo insisto." The older woman walked out of the room. "I'll see you downstairs."

After composing herself, Eda, Luz, King, and Owlbert joined Camila in the kitchen. She had already finished making a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs. Luz helped King into a chair as Camila gave him a plate.

Luz sat down with her book and opened it. Its pages were in terrible condition. As someone who takes the utmost care of her books and manga, this got on her nerves. But she let it slide for now. "Let's see what we can find." She said, flipping through the pages. Eda sat on the chair next to the woman. She brought her blanket with her, trying to cover up the feathers.

"Oh, what smells good! Hoot! Hoot!" The bird tube, Hooty, slithered into the kitchen from the front door.

"Dios mío!" Camila screamed as Hooty came to greet her first. In all honesty, everyone forgot Hooty is here to stay. "Um… hello… Hooty."

"Hi, Camila! Hoot! Hoot! Whatcha making?"

The older woman was visibly uncomfortable with how close Hooty was. "I just made some scrambled eggs for breakfast."

"Breakfast! Can I join you?! Hoot! Hoot!"

"Sure." "No!" Luz and King said at the same time.

"Luz, do you really want that… thing sitting at our table? Eating with us? What if he decides to eat us next?"

"King, Hooty has been living with me ever since I bought the place. Even though he wasn't alive until last night… That sounded weird to say aloud. This is his home, too." Luz turned to the house demon. "You can eat with us; just be quiet, please. We're doing important research."

"Okay! I'll be quiet! You'll never know I'm here! Hoot! Hoot!" Hooty positioned himself at the table, mimicking someone sitting in a chair.

Camila let out a sigh. "I'll grab another plate! No era así como imaginaba mis últimos años de vida."

While Hooty and King ate, with Camila later joining them, Eda watched as Luz's eyes scanned through the pages quickly. "Do humans know Isle's Basic?" She asked.

Luz looked at her. "Isle's Basic?"

"That's the official language Emperor Belos established across the Boiling Isles."

"Well, it's actually like English, if not completely identical. I guess some languages are just common across dimensions." Luz took a forkful of eggs. "Los huevos están deliciosos, Mamá."

"Gracias, Mija." Camila replied.

"Eh, they're a little bland." King honestly, though a bit rudely, critiqued. But the older woman let it slide. Hoot! At least Owlbert seemed to like them, flying over to grab seconds.

"They're not! Hoot! Hoot!" Hooty shouted in disagreement with King. "They're the best meal I've ever had! Hoot! Hoot! However, I don't remember what my last meal was before I went to sleep for so long! But I'm sure it wasn't as good as this! Hoot! Hoot!"

"Aw, well, thank you, Hooty," Camila said.

"You're welcome! Hoot! Hoot!"

"Wait, stop turning," Eda spoke up and pointed at the book. "Look." Out of the corner, she and Luz were able to make out a phrase behind a dozen torn pages. It read, "Curse at Bay."

Luz flipped to the page, being careful not to accidentally rip it until they found the entire chapter written in cursive: "A Potion a Day, Keeps the Curse at Bay." It had a picture of a flask filled with a bubbling liquid, and to the left of it was a list of ingredients and instructions on how to brew it.

"This is what we're looking for," Eda said. There was text below, which she read aloud, "The perfect recipe to counteract curses of all kinds. It prevents them from rearing their ugly heads for twenty-four hours. Please consult with your local healer before consumption."

"But one problem, though," King spoke up. "If this book is from back home, then doesn't that mean the ingredients can only be found there."

"Well, I could just find some replacement ingredients." The redhead reasoned. "I do it in my classes all the time."

"Yeah, and you're averaging a C."

"I have to agree with King," Luz added. "We don't know what is or isn't bad for you two here. It could make this worse."

"Nothing about this can get worse." Eda defended as a plume of feathers puffed around her neck.

Luz stroked her chin; then, an idea popped into her head. "Well… I think I know a place where we can get some ingredients."

"Huh?" Eda looked at Luz, raising an eyebrow.

"Eda, you mentioned that every myth we have is because a little bit of your world leaks into ours?"


"So, couldn't it be possible that other things from the Isles could have leaked out here as well?"

"I… guess?"

"What are you suggesting?" King asked.

"It's a long shot, but I know someone in town who is a fan of the occult. She's also a curator at a museum where demons and magic are her main attraction. It's a fun place to go to, actually. But there might be a chance that her attractions could actually—"

"Be real." Eda finished as she stood up. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go."

"Then let me grab a jacket and a hat." Luz stood from the table and began to walk out of the kitchen.

"What for?"

"To get you covered up. We don't want anyone freaking out over—"

"Feathers and ears, right."

"I can drive you both into town." Camila offered.

"Thanks, Mamá. But I was thinking we would take the bus," Luz said. "Let Eda see what Gravesfield is like. Also, I think someone should stay here to watch Hooty."

"I don't need anyone to watch me! I'm a big-boy house! Hoot! Hoot!" The house demon said, reminding everyone of his presence in the kitchen.

"Probably a good idea." Eda agreed, then looked at King. "You should probably stay here, too."

"What, why?" The little demon asked his sister with concern. "What if something happens to you out there?"

"Nothing will happen to me, little bro." The redhead patted his head. "If something bad happens, I'll have Owlbert book Luz and me back here." Hoot! Her palisman perched himself on his master's shoulder. Eda kissed King on the forehead. "We'll be back soon."

The bus ride into town was surprisingly relaxing. Eda did not use public transportation much back in the Isles, but when she did, they were very… unpleasant. The only real complaint the witchling had was that the jacket and hat she disguised herself with — in addition to the sprouting feathers — was making her itchy.

"You couldn't have found somethin' more comfortable for me?" Eda asked Luz, still scratching her body.

"I was looking for something that would fit you." The woman admitted.

"Whatever, let's just find the museum and go home." Eda followed Luz down the sidewalks to where they had to go. Eda looked around, taking in just how unique the Human Realm is. There were many similarities to Bonesborough, but it was different, too. It was less chaotic for one thing, and the people went about their day carefree. There were no guards from the Emperor's Coven to make them look over their shoulders constantly.

"Luz?" Another voice made itself known. Eda and Luz turned to see it came from a woman sitting at a table with a boy around the witchling's age outside a café.

The woman looked somewhat identical to Luz, except her hair was shorter and neater and had cute barrettes. She had a blue jacket over a yellow shirt and a pair of jeans with white shoes. The teenager — obviously the woman's son — shared similarities with her; like hair, eyes, and skin color. He had some defined muscle and broad shoulders, and even sitting down, he was a head taller than Eda. He wore a buttoned-up jacket that reminded Eda of her grudgeby one and wore long black pants with brown shoes.

"Oh, hey, Vida." Luz greeted the woman, then looked at the teen. "Hey, Mateo. I wasn't expecting to see you two here."

"Mom wanted to show me the place she used to hang out at with you and her friends," Mateo explained. "I just had one of their bear claws and can see why you like this place?"

"Humans eat bear claws?" Eda asked Luz, whispering. "That is hardcore."

Mateo then turned his attention to Eda. "Tía, ¿quién es la niña bonita?"

"Oh, this is Eda." Luz introduced the witchling. "She's new in town."

"Hi." Eda quickly waved. "Can we go now, Luz?"

Mateo got up from his chair and walked over to Eda. "Hey, there. I'm Mateo Pérez." The teen then noticed Owlbert perched on her shoulder. "And who's this little guy?"

Hoot. Owlbert replied in a manner Eda recognized as being friendly and defensive at the same time. "This is Owlbert." Eda introduced.

"Owlbert? Ha. It's cute."

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Mateo. But Luz and I gotta get going."

Mateo looked to Luz. "Where are you two going?"

"Oh, uh… Eda wanted me to give her a tour of the town. She's… part of a transfer program going on at Gravesfield High." Luz made up on the spot.

"Really? I was unaware of that." Vida mentioned.

"Yeah, so I just want to make her feel as home as possible."

Vida gave Luz a strange look, one Eda recognized; adults would give her that look when they are suspicious about what she has or has not told them. "Well, Eda." Vida looked at the disguised witchling. "I hope you come to enjoy the place. Where are you two heading?"

"To the museum. She wants to see it."

"Do you mind if we tag along? I wanted to take Mateo there next and catch up with Delilah. She still works there, right?"

"As far as I know, yes. And the more, the merrier."

"Then let's get going," Mateo said. "Lead the way, Tía."

Luz walked ahead of the others, with Eda by her side and Mateo and Vida behind them. "He keeps calling you, Tía," Eda said to Luz. "What does that mean?"

"It means Aunt or Auntie," Luz answered.

"So, you're all related?"

"No, not by blood. Vida and I have kinda been like sisters since we were teens. And I'm considered Mateo's godparent."

"So, what do you think of the town so far?" Mateo asked the redhead.

"It's… quiet," Eda replied, turning to him. "Quiet compared to where I grew up."

"I feel the same way. But I kinda like it. I think you'll like it, too."

"Yeah, sure." Eda gave him a small, friendly smile before looking away. She wanted to end the conversation there and did not want to make plans for how long she would stay here. After she gets the ingredients and brews that potion, it is back to finding a way home.


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Chapter 12: Human Realm -- Chapter 05


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Eda, Luz, Mateo, and Vida all arrived at their location, the Gravesfield Historical Society. The museum was a two-story building with brown walls, a black roof, and an aesthetic that reminded Eda of home. The four of them walked up the staircase leading to the double door main entrance and stepped inside. Their first sight was the front desk where a woman gave a teenager and his friends something. "Thank you for the tour, Miss Delilah." One of the teens said.

The woman was fair skinned, had brown hair and eyes, and wore a black dress; she had a noticeable gap in her teeth when she gave them a friendly smile. "I'm glad you had fun." She said, waving goodbye as they left.

They ran in between Eda and Mateo, nearly knocking them both down. But that is when the witchling spotted what their gifts were. She recognized them when her Uncle Edric taught her and Lilith how to play the game Hexes Hold 'em. Lilith never got into it as Eda did, with the younger sister believing it was because she would always beat her. If those are here, then Luz's guess was probably on the mark.

"Hey there, Delilah." Luz greeted the woman, grabbing her attention.

"Oh, hey, Luz. And…" Delilah then noticed the only other adult in the group. "Vida?" Her face lit up.

"Hey, Delilah." Vida's face became red, smiling nervously.

Delilah made her way around the counter and walked up to give Vida a hug, which made the woman even redder in the face. Eda and Mateo both watched and made a fair observation that these two are, or were, more than just friends. "I didn't know you were back in town." They broke from the hug.

"Uh… yeah… we're back."

Delilah then looked over to her old friend's son. "And you must be Mateo?"

"Ese soy yo," Mateo said confidently. "And it's nice to meet you; Mamá has told me about how you and Tía had been long friends."

"Ever since we met at camp."

"We had the best cabin!" Luz added in.

"CABIN 7! Hoo-ha-ha!" The three adults chanted with pride, which turned into friendly laughter.

Delilah noticed Eda next. "I don't think I've ever seen you around here."

"This is Eda. She's new in town." Mateo covered for her. Hoot. Owlbert reminded everyone of his presence. "And this her pet owl."

"Hi." Eda greeted quickly, wanting to get things moving. "You wouldn't happen to sell plants here, would you?"

"Plants?" Delilah raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah… Herbs. Potted plants. Flowers. I like to… grow them."

"I do. I'll show you where they are." The woman pointed in the direction leading down a hallway.

"Sweet." Eda smiled.

"But before we do. I want to get a reading on you." Delilah walked back behind her counter.

"A what?" Eda asked, following her with the others.

"It's something I do with all my guests. It adds to the mystical atmosphere of the place." Delilah looked at Vida. "Remember when I did one for you?"

"Yeah, I do." Vida casually answered.

"I still remember how it went." Delilah cleared her throat and fiddled with something under desks, which dimmed the lights in the room. "You're running from your past. From a previous life that was unkind to you. However, the guilt and fear you carry will eventually catch you in a self-fulfilling prophecy that you won't be able to escape from." Vida looked away nervously. "But what do I know? Everything's turned out all right for you."

"Yeah." Vida looked at Mateo, smiling fondly. "It has, hasn't it?"

"Your turn, kid," Delilah told Eda as she took out a Hexes Hold' Em cards deck. She placed three cards down while Eda rolled her eyes, thinking this was a waste of time. "You're struggling. There are two sides of you fighting for control."

"Wait, what?" Eda whispered, her attention now grabbed by the woman.

"Both are suffering equally. Caused by a betrayal. Only through understanding will the best of both shine through and take flight." Delilah returned the lighting to normal. "So, how'd I do?"

"Um… alright, I guess," Eda said. She was surprised by how close the first half was; but found the second half to be a load of hogwash. "So, the plants?"

"Oh, right. Come with me." Delilah walked around the counter and looked at Owlbert. "Oh, you're pet owl can't come in."

"Why not?" Hoot? Both the witchling and her palisman questioned.

"I should've said this earlier, but pets aren't allowed in the building."

"I can wait outside with him." Luz offered. Hoot. Owlbert flew from Eda's shoulder and perched himself onto the human's shoulder. Luz leaned down into Eda's ear. "We won't be far." She whispered. "Find what you need."

"I'll make it quick," Eda assured.

Luz nodded and made her way to the door. "Follow me." Delilah led the current tour group down the hall and into a small room filled with strange plants. It was like a flower shop back in the Isles, and Eda recognized the flora from back home. "Feel free to look around. But remember, you break it; you buy it."

"Right," Eda whispered as she reached into her pocket and pulled out the page she tore from the book. "Let's see here—" She went over the list and what it included: Some Cursed Fairymoss, a few Bouncing Wortberries, a Plague Holly, two Bleeding Roses, a dozen Spider Peas, and a foot of Titan's Teeth. An optional ingredient included non-alcoholic apple blood for easier consumption. This would be enough to last her a couple of weeks, at least.

"What'cha got there?" Mateo asked, making Eda jump.

She quickly put the paper away. "Nothing. It's nothing." The witchling began her search for the ingredients, keeping her focus on the plants and her mind off the itchy feathers that were starting to pop up faster.

Eda looked at the prices and saw a strange symbol in front of each number. It looked like an "S'' with a vertical line through it. She guessed it was an equivalent to snails in the Human Realm. Eda managed to find the Fairymoss and picked up some of it. If Lilith were here, she would be complaining about how the list lacks specific measurements. But Eda will do what she does best and wing it.

Her scalp felt like it was on fire. She must scratch that itch before it drives her mad. Fortunately, the aisle where she could grab the holly and roses provided her with enough cover to just that; without any of the humans noticing.

She pulled off her hat, freeing her hair, and began to scratch it. Ignoring the feathers that started popping up around there. "Oh, Titan. This is absolute bliss." After that, she resumed finding the final ingredient: a foot of Titan's Teeth.

Strolling down the aisle, the witchling came across the familiar thorny vine. "There you are." She reached to yank out what she needed. Thwap! "Ah!" The vines wrapped around her arms and hands like a snake coiling a tree branch. Then, the redhead remembered what Professor Barcus said about Titan's Teeth, translated by Professor Jerbo.

Bark. Bark. "Remember class, Titan's Teeth is one of the most dangerous plants on the Isles'. They latch on to their prey with thorns and keep their grip on them until death. Titan's Teeth can only be harvested when two individuals work together. One serves as bait, with the other cutting the vine."

She was stuck, and if it were not for the clothes, those thorns would have punctured her skin by now. Eda held her breath, trying not to let a pain-filled scream escape and bring attention to her that she did not need.

"Eda?" The redheaded witchling stopped squirming and turned her head to see it was Mateo, who now knows she has pointed ears and feathers. She did not put her hat back on.

"Oh, farts." She cursed under her breath.

He approached her. "What's going on? What's that plant doing?" He saw it was starting to tighten, causing the girl discomfort. "Hang on." Mateo looked around for something, then spotted a pair of shears. He grabbed and opened them by the vine. Snip! He chopped through the vines, and they stopped tightening around Eda, falling limp onto the floor.

Eda picked them up and was surprised — and welcomely so — to see it was exactly one foot.

"Um, here…" Mateo held forward Eda's hat.

She quickly snatched it and placed it back on. "You saw nothing!" She began to walk away as fast as she could.

"Hold on, wait." The human teen followed after her. "Are you okay?"

"Stop following me."

"I won't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about."

"Just leave me alone. I grabbed my stuff; now it's time to leave."

"Are you sick? Are you trying to get some medicine or something?"

Eda stopped and faced him. "You wouldn't understand if I tried explaining. You'd probably think I'm a freak. And I don't need anyone else looking at me like that."

"Does Tía know?"

"What does it matter if she does?"

"Well, you seem pretty trusting of her. And she trusts you. So, you can trust me. Tienes mi palabra."

Eda looked at the ground. For the brief time she has been here, Luz has done nothing but tries to help her, even if she does not fully understand it all. Despite only knowing each other for about half an hour, Mateo has been friendly to her. Just like Morton and Raine. Just maybe… Eda pulled off her hat again, exposing her feathers and pointed ears. "Okay, Mateo. The truth is, I'm a witch."

"A witch?" He looked surprised at first, but it turned into a look of excitement. "¡Eso es increíble, de verdad!"

"Um… thanks?" Not fully understanding the other human language she has been hearing, Eda could only interpret what he said as something good. "But I've also been cursed. Hence, the feathers."

"Oh." The teen had sadness in his tone. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. This trip here is to help deal with it." The witchling pulled out the list and showed it to him. "The ingredients I need for this potion are here. Don't ask me how I know that because I'm not in the mood to explain."

"Fair enough. But I do have some questions."

"Of course you do."

"But they can wait for another day. I'll let you continue with searching for what you need."

Eda put her hat back on. "And you swear you're not gonna tell anyone?"

"I promise."

"Well… thank you."

It was time to pay for the ingredients in hand and return home to make the potion. Whatever the total was, Eda could only guess it was expensive, considering Luz mumbled something in her language that did not sound pleasant. Luz said her goodbyes to Delilah and Vida, and Eda did the same with Mateo, her first human friend her age. With that, the witchling and current caretaker returned to the latter's home.

"¡Mamá, estamos de vuelta!" Luz announced as she and Eda stepped inside.

"Eda! Luz!" King shouted as he ran up to his sister and hugged her leg.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Eda asked.

The little demon looked up at her. "Don't ever leave me here again. It's so creepy."

"What is?"

Sniffle. They heard what sounded like crying. "¿Mamá?" They followed the sounds until they spotted Camila on the couch with her face in her hands. The television was on. Hooty was… sitting — if you can call it that — next to her, holding a box of tissues in his beak.

He placed them on her lap. "Don't cry, Cammy! Hoot! Hoot!" The house demon said.

"Lo siento, Búho." Camila picked up the remote next to her and turned the TV off. "Those nature documentaries always get me emotional." She took a tissue. Snort! She blew into it. "Gracias."

"Don't worry! What are friends for?! Hoot! Hoot!"

"What am I watching?" Eda said, questioning her vision and sanity.

"I think they're friends," Luz answered.

"This is what I was talking about." King shared.

Camila then noticed the three of them standing in the living room. "Luz, you're back." She spoke.

"Hi, guys! How was shopping? Hoot! Hoot!" Hooty asked them.

"Well… we got what we needed," Eda said. "I'll need to borrow your kitchen for a half-hour."

"Alright." The older woman nodded. "Please, just don't make a mess in there."

"I'll show her how everything works," Luz assured, leading the redhead into the kitchen.

Eda followed the instructions for the potions with Luz's help to use the equipment. The witchling nearly set the electric stove on fire. A half-hour to forty-five minutes went by, and the potion was finally ready. They did not have any apple blood. So, Eda had to use the human drink — something called, apple juice — instead. Inside the pot, the orange-yellow liquid bubbled, and it smelled awful.

"Okay, let's do this," Eda said, trying to keep herself from hurling.

"Right." An equally sick-feeling Luz said as she handed Eda a coffee mug and poured the potion in with a spoon.

Huff. Eda sighed. "Down the hatch." She put the cup to her lips. Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. She downed it all. "Augh! Blech! Ugh! That was vile!" Poof! All the feathers then puffed off her body and landed on the floor. The witchling drew a circle with her finger, and a magical trail followed behind. "It worked!" In her excitement, she hugged Luz, then let go after realizing. "Um… Thank you, Luz. For helping me."

"I'm just glad you're alright." The human smiled.

"Okay, let's bottle-up the rest of the potion for tomorrow, and the other days I'll be here. And back to looking for a way home." The witchling and human got to work filling the remainder of the potion into individual bottles that happened to be lying around. All and all, Eda was happy with how the day turned out, exploring more of Gravesfield and making a new friend… a new friend she may be saying goodbye to, soon.

But she has friends back home who must be more than worried sick for her. She wondered how they were doing.


I'm back. For the following chapters, we'll be shifting the POV away from the Human Realm for a bit and seeing how Eda's friends and family back on the Boiling Isles are doing. Expect some angst.

Also, Titan's Teeth references the same plant featured in a MoringMark comic.

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Chapter 13: Interim -- Chapter 01


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

School had just ended for the day, and Raine Whispers was left alone in the empty Bard classroom. Being in the class's top ten garnered special privileges, one of which was having access to this very room. They preferred to be alone when perfecting their craft. Raine rested their chin on the violin, closed their eyes, and played their rhapsody.

The rest of the world seemed to vanish as they played; the only sound was the one they poured out from their heart and soul. They made a few missteps, as any artist would at their age, but they found a way to improve along the way. The room filled with their passion, swelling up until reaching its peak and faded with elegance for the climax. Thus ended a song no one would hear. Upon opening their eyes, they saw a reflection in the window. "Ah!" They screamed and jumped around to the only door in the room.

"That… was something." The person in the reflection said, a pale girl around their age with an orange mane that went down to her back. She still wore her school uniform, Potions yellow.

"H… how d-d-did you g-get in here? School's closed…" Raine stuttered. "M-most students wouldn't want to be here. Like the cute ones…" Their face flushed red all over. "Oh, Titan! Did I say that aloud!"

"Heh." She chuckled. "You're pretty cute yourself." She walked close to the young Bard. "Though, you might wanna work on the nervousness. A Bard shouldn't have stage fright, y'know."

"I… I know that. I just…"

"Hey, I don't judge." The girl offered them her hand. "I'm Eda, by the way."

"R… Raine. My name is Raine." They hesitantly shook it. "You're… you're uh… the High Priestess' daughter, r-right?"

Eda rolled her eyes. "And don't forget Hexside's number one troublemaker; I've worked hard to earn that title."

"R… right. Sorry."

"For what?" Eda looked at them, confused.

"You didn't seem happy about…"

"Oh, the High Priestess' daughter, thing. Don't sweat it. You're not the first person to try and befriend me because of who my mom is."

"What?!" Raine was surprised by the accusation and turned even redder upon realizing how it sounded before. "No. I wouldn't… I'm not that kind of…"

"Relax, I'm just messin' with ya." Eda laughed. "Well, it was nice meeting ya, but I gotta go. I've got a teeth-stealing hex that won't hide in Jenkinmeyer's office on its own. Byeee!" The redhead exited the room, with the still blushing Raine.

Something about her gave them a feeling they could not describe. They had to get that feeling out and readied their violin. A new song was born to mark the beginning of an unlikely friendship.

Raine thought back to that day and was still in disbelief. Four days have almost passed since what had happened to Eda since she went missing. No one has found any trace of her, Owlbert, or King. They just disappeared. And with it, much of the joy Raine had in life. Raine did not even want to think about what Eda's family was going through. There was only so much heartbreak they could stand.

"You're going down!" An orcish student wearing a Glandus uniform, Illusion Track, shouted at passing Hexside students.

"In your dreams!" One of the Hexside students, Beast Keeping Track, shouted back.

Today was going like any other day, except it was not like any other day. Hexside was joined by classmates from rival schools, Glandus and St. Epiderm. The annual "Battle of the Schools" was coming up. The top students from each academy would compete against each other to see who was worthy of the emperor's funding. Hexside would be hosting the battle this year and playing "home" to the other students.

While Eda was forbidden from participating, given her "criminal" record, she would always cheer Raine on from the stands. But they were not entirely alone out there and would have Poppy and Lilith backing them up. But the latter was no longer attending Hexside. By order of the Emperor's Coven, Lilith Clawthorne was required to join early as their newest recruit. She will continue her education under their tutelage.

"Hey, Raine." They heard Morton speak, completely forgetting he was with him. "Hey, don't let them get to you," He patted their back. He has been supporting Raine through this. "They're just trying to intimidate you. And you still have Poppy by your side."

"Yeah… I guess." Raine said, with their mood far from improving. Hexside had lost someone that always brought a smile to Raine's face. Someone irreplaceable, someone they may have seen more as than just a friend.

"Don't worry about Eda. She's the toughest witch we know, remember? Well, one that doesn't try to steal our lunch money." There was an awkward silence. "She's all right, Raine. Nothing bad will happen to her."

"You mean, nothing worse can happen to her." Raine walked away, leaving Morton regretting his choice of words. Perhaps, Raine thought, that was a little harsh. He is Eda's friend, too. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Morton joined them, then let out a sigh. "I'm trying to be positive, but I'm worried about Eda, too."

"I know you are."

"It's just… she can be impulsive, but she wouldn't get herself cursed. Someone had to have done it to her?"

Raine did not want to believe that. They know people in the Demon Realm could be cruel, but could they be that cruel? No matter what Eda's done, they did not expect someone would want to hurt her like that.

"I know you want to help, I just… I just want to be alone right now." Raine apologized before turning the corner, leaving him behind.

Raine wandered down the halls, passing the door slightly ajar by the teacher's breakroom. "This is wonderful." Raine heard Ms. Jenkinmeyer's voice coming from the room and stopped. They peeked inside to see the teacher was talking with another.

"I don't remember any week being this easy." Said the other one, enjoying his coffee.

"And all it took was someone cursing that Clawthorne brat." Raine felt a rush of anger overcome them, muscles growing tense. "After all the trouble she's given the staff and Bump refusing to do anything about it, she finally got what she deserved. I just wished it happened sooner."

"And we won't have to worry about her smearing this school's reputation anymore."

"Eda Clawthorne being cursed is the best thing to ever happen to Hexside."

Raine's anger was at its peak; they were ready to kick the rest of the door open and hit them with the most painful spell they could think up. They were not about to let them get away with what they were saying!

But before they could act, a hand was placed on their shoulder. Raine looked up to see it was Principal Bump, shaking his head. "Let me handle this, Mx. Whispers." He said, opening the door all the way and entering.

"Oh, Principal Bump." Jenkimeyer greeted, pretending to be friendly. "Care for some coffee?"

"From you, no." The amount of venom in Bump's tone was probably enough even to frighten the emperor himself. "When I hired you to teach at my school, it was because of your academic credentials. I thought you would both be good influences on my students. I'm aware of how problematic Edalyn Clawthorne can be; she also drives me insane. Still, I will not tolerate any of my staff joking about this tragedy."

"What?" The other teacher questioned. "You can't be serious!"

"This place needs teachers like us!" Jenkinmeyer argued. "Teachers willing to get rid of those who don't deserve the powers they have."

"That is not for you to decide." Bump shot back. "It's for no one to decide. Our jobs are to educate young minds and teach them how to use magic appropriately. And if you two refuse to understand that, then you have no business in my school."

"Wh… what are you saying?"

"Clear out your desks and get out of my building."


"You're both fired! Now leave of your own accord," Bump drew a spell circle on the ground; three abominations rose from the tiles. "Or I will have you escorted out."

"We don't need this! I'm sure the other academies would prefer what we have to offer! You will regret this, you senile fool!" Both teachers stormed out of the breakroom with that declaration, nearly pushing Raine over. They disappeared down the hall for the last time.

Bump exited the breakroom and turned towards Raine. "Mx. Whispers, I know how close you were to Ms. Clawthorne, but I must ask you don't make any impulsive decisions. Especially now. You are one of my best students, after all."

"Yes, Principal Bump." Raine hung their head. "Sorry, Principal Bump."

"I can arrange for you to have meetings with the school's counselor if there is anything you need to get off your chest."

"It's alright. I won't try to cause trouble. I promise. I need to get to class."

"It doesn't start for another…"

"I would like to get there early, please." Raine walked past the principal. "Excuse me." Bump watched them leave, concerned for his student's well-being.

Murr, murr, murr. Frewin, Bump's seeing-eye palisman, told him.

"I'm worried about them, too." The principal agreed.

Raine just went through the motions, even after school ended. They just did their schoolwork and kept to themselves throughout the rest of the day, hardly interacting with anyone else. Usually, they would have gone to the vacant Bard classroom to improve their talents. But they instead felt a compulsion to visit the grudgeby field. They sat in the stands and just stared for a thousand yards.

"Brooding doesn't suit you, Whispers." The Bard jumped and turned to the voice. Sitting behind them was Leon, with his arms folded.

"Where'd you come from?"

"That's not important." The tri-clops straightened his posture. "What I'm wondering is if you'll have your head in the game."

Raine was confused. "Huh?"

"The Battle of the Schools."

"Oh… that…" Raine felt embarrassed not picking up Leon's meaning sooner. "I'd never think you'd care about them."

"I don't care about them, but I do care about who's participating in them."

"You mean Poppy?"

"You participated in last year's battle, you know how badly Glandus lost, and that they're out for blood."

"Well… I wouldn't be that dramatic… but…"

Leon stood, hands in his pockets. "Look, I get you're worried about Clawthorne.'' Hearing him refer to Eda as anything other than 'Owl Brat' felt… off. "But Poppy expects you to watch her back down there."

"Huh, I've always wondered, how are you and Poppy friends?" Leon glared at the Bard. "I… I mean, she's kind and sweet, and you're… well, you."

"I still wonder about that, too."

"Look at what we have here." A pompous voice made itself known; one Raine was familiar with. Along with Leon, they turned their attention to it. Leaning against the railing was a Glandus student, Abomination Track, with a pink side cape attached to his uniform. He was a dark-skinned teen with bright green eyes and amorphous purple hair that moved similarly to the golems witches like him can create.

Accompanying him was another student from his school, Beast Keeping Track. They were about the size of a baby class student but were older than they appeared. Auburn fur covered them from head to toe, with claws in place of hands and feet and slit magenta and yellow eyes.

"Darius. Eberwolf." Raine addressed two of Glandus' top students, both of whom had a bone to pick with the Bard due to last year's competition.

"The little songbird, out here." The pompous student added, purposefully trying to get under their skin. Hehehe. The furry sidekick chuckled. "We wouldn't have expected to find you here of all places." Darius looked over at Leon. "And with some problematic company, no less."

Leon scowled at him, narrowing all three of his eyes. Raine stepped forward, hoping any conflict could be avoided. "What do you two want?" Raine could only guess they were here to cause trouble.

"Come now, Raine, we just want to see how you're holding up. See if you're in denial like everyone else in this school."

Raine looked at them, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Hexside still thinks it has a chance at beating us. But one of your top students no longer attends, and the word going around is you're depressed over her missing sister."

"Don't push me, Darius. I'm not in the mood." Oooooh. Eberwolf was surprised by the Hexside student's tough-sounding, uncharacteristic response.

"Why are you getting so defensive. Everyone knows about Edalyn Clawthorne's record. Her pranks, her disregard for authority, constantly fighting others. And don't even get me started on that fiasco at the tryouts." Leon saw the look in Raine's eyes as Darius continued to run his mouth. Leon was not so easily intimidated but seeing the anger welling up within Raine Whispers left him uneasy. "The Emperor's Coven was probably her only chance to make something of herself, and she threw it away. Honestly, she was an embarrassment to witch-kind."

Leon, Darius, and Eberwolf did not even see Raine summon their instrument. But the next thing the pompous student knew, mud was thrown on his face and uniform by way of a magical tune. Mhm! Eberwolf squealed, realizing what was about to happen next. "How dare you!" Darius shouted and extended his arm out; it morphed into abomination sludge and grabbed Raine before they could react. He then threw them from the stands and onto the field.

"Ahhh!" Raine screamed, but with a quick strum of his string, they cast a spell to slow their fall and tumble safely onto the ground.

"You're going to regret that." Darius transformed his other arm into the sludge and used both hands to launch himself forward. As soon as anyone, whether they be friend or foe, dirties Darius in any way, all civil formalities go out the window, and a duel begins.


"Hooray! Another chapter!" And "Boo! A Cliffhanger!" Please subscribe/bookmark, give a kudos, and leave a review; feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 14: Interim -- Chapter 02


Hey everyone, it's been a long time since the last update. But don't worry, this story is not dead. I will continue writing as long as I have lovely readers like you to keep my interest and motivation.

Anyways, on with the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Raine played their rhapsody as fast as they could to counter the ever-increasing speed of Darius's attacks. Darius was unlike other witches who were placed into the Abomination Track — those who focused on creating golems to carry out commands. No, he was one of those "once in a generation" prodigies talented enough to discover a new method of casting spells. Since anything could be used to make an abomination, Darius's particular skill was learning how to turn his flesh and blood into sludge.

"You're going to pay for ruining my uniform!" The Glandus student yelled and turned his hand into a hammer, which he then used to hit Raine.

The bard sent a powerful soundwave at the weapon with their violin. Splosh! The hammer was blasted apart, making Darius recoil from the pain. "Take back what you said about Eda, Darius, and I'll yield." Raine offered. The young bard did not want this fight, but they would not let anyone badmouth Eda.

"I'm not taking pity from you, little songbird," Darius growled as the sludge slithered back into his body and his hand regenerated, good as new. "No more playing around!" The abomination student's eyes went black and glowed green as his whole body changed shape and twisted.

Splish! Sploosh! Splosh! Squee! Squelch! Swoosh! Raine's eyes widened with fear, stepping back as Darius completed his transformation. Standing before Raine was a towering abomination, with Darius's face covered in green eyes directed at the bard. Though the situation warranted it, Raine blamed Eda for teaching them the words about to leave their mouth, "Oh… crap-baskets."

Back in the stands, Leon was watching the fight unfold. He chose to stay out of it, knowing better than to get involved in a Witches' Duel that did not concern him. But now that Leon sees how far Darius is willing to take this, well to the point where Raine could get hurt, he decided now was the time to step in. He jumped over the fence, landed on the ground, and ran toward the witchlings who were fighting.

Praagh! Eberwolf shrieked and blocked Leon before he could even take a few steps. "Out of the way, mutt!" The three-eyed witchling demanded. "I'm not going to warn you again." Nuh-uh. Eberwolf shook their head and waved their finger at him tauntingly. "Fine!" Leon clapped his hands together, and his forehead eye glowed with lilac light as Dagen Sadow manifested itself. The Oracle Spirit charged at Eberwolf; its right fist pulled back to deliver a mighty punch. Krackshoom! Dagen's fist hit the ground at the same time that Eberwolf jumped out of the way and went straight for Leon, who was unprotected.

For an Oracle Spirit to enter the physical plane, the witch or demon that calls it forth must remain in a "summoner's stance," leaving them utterly vulnerable until they decide to break it. The dragon-man turned around and chased after the bipedal demon. Krackshoom! Krackshoom! Krackshoom! Dagen threw punch after punch at the little nuisance, but the beast keeper managed to avoid each one. Leon is effectively stuck until Dagen can land a hit on Eberwolf or Eberwolf lands a blow on him. He can only trust that his Oracle Spirit reacts fast enough to keep him safe. Krackshoom! Krackshoom! Krackshoom! Eberwolf continued to dodge Dagen and taunt Leon. Hehe!

A sharp strum resonated as Raine played another note. Sploosh! Splosh! "Gah!" Darius grunted as parts of his body were blasted off and splattered on the field. "You're going to regret that!" Splosh! Splosh! Splosh! The abomination's remains converged until they formed a slightly smaller than average golem. Without needing to be told, it charged at the bard. Raine played another brief song from their violin, destroying the golem quickly, but it distracted them from the attack heading toward them. Sploosh! Darius stretched out, and an enormous fist hit them in the face, knocking them down and breaking their glasses.

"Whispers!" Leon shouted, forced to watch the fight while Dagen protected its master from its tricky foe. Grarl! Eberwolf snarled as they dug their forward and back paws into the ground; they grew slightly larger and hairier, ripping their uniform and fangs extending out into an uneven mess. Rawr! They roared and leaped at Dagen while drawing a spell circle. Once it was completed, a giant ratworm came through and dove at the Oracle Spirit.

Raine, meanwhile, got to their feet and tasted copper, realizing their nose was bleeding. Ptoo. They spat out the nose blood that got into their mouth and put their damaged glasses back on before resuming their fighting stance.

Raine and Leon vs. Darius and Eberwolf. Hexside vs. Glandus. Two powerful witchlings are about to give it their all to end this bout!

FWEEEE! A sharp whistle resonated through the air, and the next thing the witchlings knew, vines burst out of the ground and trapped them. "What the…" Before Leon could finish his sentence, he was entangled, forcing him to move and banishing Dagen. Mmm! Eberwolf whimpered as they and their ratworm were bound to the ground, unable to break free.

"Huh?" The vines restrained Raine's arms before their bow could meet the strings.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Darius demanded to know as he was surrounded by vines so sturdy and thick that not even he could shapeshift his way out.

All four witches were immobilized by plants, effectively ending the duel. "That is quite enough." The disappointed-sounding voice of Principal Bump announced as he entered the field with Poppy, the caster of the spell. Grarlrowl! Eberwolf tried to break free from their restraints with the ratworm. Poppy played another song on her flute, and the bipedal demon and beast found themselves getting drowsy before finally falling asleep. Zzz. Zzz. Zzz. "Unauthorized dueling on school grounds." Principal Bump turned to Raine. "I expect this kind of behavior from Mr. Vitrus." He glanced at Leon. "But not from you, Mx. Whispers."

Bump looked at the gathering of vines restraining Darius Deamonne. He cast a spell, and the cocoon shrank and fell apart, reverting the Glandus student to his witchling form. He tried to transform himself but was unable to. "What did you do to me?" He demanded.

"I temporarily locked you in this form. There will be no more shapeshifting for you today."

"Darius! Eberwolf!" A deep, harsh voice shouted. Mmm! Eberwolf was snapped awake by the shout, whining as panic spread across their face. Darius's look of anger quickly changed to fear as he slowly turned around. Entering the field from the other side was a tall, bulky demon with wrinkly peach skin, two long horns, and prominent teeth. He wore a gray coat and a blue ribbon slung around his shoulders. "What is the meaning of this?"

"P… P… P… Principal Faust." Darius stuttered.

"I heard a duel between two of my students and two of Bump's from the staff." Faust glared at Hexside's principal before looking back at Darius and Eberwolf. "And not only that, but you also failed to defeat them." Mmm! Eberwolf whined louder, hugging Darius's leg for protection. Faust raised his hands, and the two students cowered. "I should flay you two right here and now for this embarrassment!"

"Ahem!" Bump grabbed Faust's attention. "Perhaps that's how you run things at Glandus. But you are not on Glandus grounds, and while my school hosts your students, your form of discipline will not be tolerated."

Faust glared at Bump and lowered his posture. "I remember when you wouldn't speak up to me like that, back when I was this school's principal, and you were vice principal." He walked up to him, showing off the difference in their heights, but Bump remained unintimidated. "Even if you've grown backbone, you still lack the will to discipline those who break the rules. Your students will graduate as disgraces to all witches."

"We have very different opinions on what is considered a disgrace to all witches. And let me make myself clear, if I find out that you have abused any student at this school, I will show you just how I'm not the same man you once knew."

"Very well. Darius! Eberwolf!" Glandus' principal turned to his students again. "You two will spend the rest of the day in Hexside's detention for this display. Understood!"

"Y… yes, sir!" Mmm! The students responded at the same time.

"Then get going!" With that final bark, Darius and Eberwolf ran from the field to the building, and Faust followed behind them. Bump did not take his eyes off the principal until he was sure Faust would not try something.

Once satisfied, Bump returned his attention to Leon and Raine, whom Poppy released with a short tune. "Thanks, Poppy," Raine said, embarrassed, before walking up to the principal. "Principal Bump, I…"

"I would very much like to hear what happened, Mx. Whispers." Bump looked over at Leon. "From both of you. But first, we're going to see Viney."

"Thanks, but no thanks," Leon replied calmly, about to walk away.

"Leon." Poppy said, giving him a stern look and folding her arms.

The three-eyed witchling looked at the ground, then let out a defeated sigh. "Fine."

Leon joined his only friend, Raine, and Bump on their way to the nurse's office… and she was annoyed by what she saw. "You're just like Edalyn sometimes; you know that?" Viney scolded the teen on the bed.

"Can you just hurry this up, already?" Leon said impatiently.

"If you didn't start a fight, you wouldn't be here."

"No, I was the one who started the fight," Raine spoke up from the other bed, much to the nurse's and principal's surprise.

"You started the fight?" Bump asked again for clarity.

"Darius and Eberwolf were making fun of Eda being cursed. So I threw mud at him. It escalated into a duel, and Leon was trying to help me. Though, I have to ask…" Raine turned to Leon. "Why did you help me? You didn't need to get involved."

Leon hmphed. "It's simple; I don't like bullies. Especially when I see stronger witches lord themselves over weaker ones. But I was wrong about you, Whispers. You're far from weak."

"Oh…" Raine blushed at the compliment. "Um… thanks."

"If it weren't for you being one of my top students, Mx. Whispers, I would have you banned from the coming competition." Bump spoke up. "So your punishment will be placed in the Detention Track until further notice, and Mr. Vitrus will join you."

"Yes, sir," Raine replied, their head lowered.

"Once I get you both fixed up, you can head home. Your parents are probably worried about you." Viney added.

"Thank you, Ms. Viney."

"Whatever," Leon muttered under his breath. Raine wanted to ask what that meant but decided not to pry. Raine began to suspect that the angsty little witchling was more than meets the eye. Perhaps he is just in need of more friends.


We're still shifting the POV away from the Human Realm for a bit to Eda's friends and family back on the Boiling Isles. Next up is Lilith, as the Emperor's Coven's newest recruit.

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Chapter 15: Interim -- Chapter 03


I know I sound like a broken record, but I've been swamped. However, knowing I have readers like you who are interested in my work will help keep this fic alive. Anyways, on with the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Almost a week has passed since Lilith began to call the emperor's castle home. Her home away from home and the place where she would continue her education. She should've grown accustomed to her new luxurious lifestyle and the knowledge and resources at her fingertips. This was all she ever wanted. Yet, despite all the advantages she was presented with, surrounded by the best and brightest of the Boiling Isles, she ultimately felt lonely and unfulfilled. She missed Blight Manor.

She missed waking up in bed and going downstairs to see her mom, aunt, and uncle having breakfast. The comfort of her familiar surroundings and her sense of family there. She missed going to Hexside, even if she didn't have many friends outside the ones who happened to be Edalyn's already. Edalyn... her baby sister... She was probably the real reason Lilith couldn't get any sleep.

Everyone was worried about her, and King disappeared with her. Lilith couldn't shake the feeling that something awful had happened to them. She feared the worst, and this kept her up every night. She had prayed fervently to the great Titan that made up the Boiling Isles, asking that he watch over her beloved Edalyn and King and keep them safe wherever they were before going to bed.

"Mighty Titan, your flesh protects your people." She began to silently plead, begging for mercy and kindness to keep her family safe in the darkness. "I pray for your protection over my sister and brother because we have always found refuge in your love. Please keep my family safe and sound wherever they are. Your love and faithfulness have always surrounded me, so I… should not fear evil. Guard Edalyn and King and protect them from threats. Give them the courage and wisdom they need now and shield them in your love."

Lilith held on to the hope that the Titan would grant her wish—that he would cover them with his grace and mercy and keep them safe and sound in his arms—but she still felt helpless in her search for her younger siblings.

Knock. Knock. Knock. The knocking on Lilith's door drew her attention away from her prayer. She got up from her bed and walked over to open the door. On the other side was a guard captain, identifiable by her gray tunic, white hooded cowl with gold outlines, and a light gray bird-like mask with six eyeholes.

"Captain," Lilith said, quickly saluting her superior. She had never seen the guard captain up close before, but the presence of an officer of such a high rank told Lilith that something important was afoot.

"Recruit, Kikimora has requested your presence in the barracks." The captain explained matter-of-factly. "She sent me to fetch you."

Ever since what happened to Edalyn, the emperor has given Amity a leave of absence to recover from the injury inflicted by the curse and grieve for her missing daughter. And the emperor's right hand, the Golden Guard, had been assigned to a mission of utmost importance. So, until either Lilith's mother or the Golden Guard returns, Kikimora is in charge of enforcing the emperor's will on the Boiling Isles. On the other hand, Lilith hopes for someone of... competence to reclaim control of the coven from her greedy little hands, based on her mother's stories about Kikimora. But she'd never say something like that out loud.

Lilith nodded and quickly followed the captain to the barracks, wrapping her new white recruit cloak around her shoulders. Despite her feelings about missing Edalyn, Lilith was determined to do whatever it took to prove her worth. That Edalyn's surrender, in which she told everyone at the tryouts that her older sister was the best candidate for the Emperor's Coven. Anyone who knows her, they know she deserves it more than I do. She has a real reason for wanting to join; I don't. She had to make that true.

Put. Put. Put. Lilith's footsteps echoed off the cold stone walls. Put. Put. Put. Her eyes scanned her surroundings as she went. During the walk with the captain, they passed by stain-glass art of Emperor Belos battling the Wild Witches of the Savage Age. It made her think back to when her mother would tell her and Edalyn stories about her duty in the coven.

When Lilith was a little girl, Amity would tell her and Edalyn stories about her duty as High Priestess of the Emperor's Coven and how she would lead soldiers into battle against wild witches that sought to harm the innocent people of the Isles. They were all so inspiring that they made the girls want to join when they got older. But one story stood out to Lilith, which still scares her.

Before becoming the High Priestess, Amity was a simple soldier assigned a dangerous mission. There were many monsters on the Boiling Isles—trolls, dragons, and other horrifying creatures. But none were as terrifying as one witch, Terra Snapdragon. No witch has ever been responsible for more deaths across the Isles, and she was marked as the most dangerous witch ever.

No one knows what happened to her. She just disappeared one day out of the blue. Some say she died of mysterious causes, with the Titan delivering long-overdue justice. Others say she is out there, waiting for the right time to strike.

Before Lilith knew it, she and the captain had arrived at the barracks, where she found three other scouts her age already inside. "It looks like the last one's arrived." The oldest of the recruits—probably by two years, Lilith guessed—spoke up. She had tan skin, short black hair styled in a bob cut, and brown eyes behind pink-tinted eyeglasses. Under her standard coven cloak, she wore a burgundy dress with puffy shoulders, orange pantaloons, and high gray-black boots. She looked at Lilith—examined would be a more fitting word. "Wait, you wouldn't happen to be High Priestess Blight's daughter, would you?"

Lilith nodded. "I'm Lilith Clawthorne, yes."

"Well, I don't think any of us were expecting the daughter of one of the most regarded witches on the Isles to look... less like a coven scout and more like a bookworm."

"C'mon, Flora, she's new here, like all of us." The only boy in the group spoke up—a witchling with a pinkish complexion, turquoise eyes, and dark purple hair. He also has two moles on his left cheek and one on his right. A short bone-white horn was sticking out of the right side of his forehead. He had to be a half-breed. He walked up to Lilith and offered her a handshake. "Nice to meet ya. I'm Steve, by the way."

"I figured," Lilith answered, pointing at his uniform, which had to go against dress code regulations. He wore a leather jacket over a yellow t-shirt with his name written in red, which overlaid his coven scout uniform. "Nice… shirt…"

"Thanks, my mom made it for me." Steve flashed a proud and dorky smile. And Lilith was left wondering: How in the Titan's name did he make it into the Emperor's Coven? "Hey, Severine, wanna come and say hi?" He was talking to the last member of the group.

The one Steve called Severine was a tall, skinny, biped demon who looked vaguely like an arthropod cat with brown fur, horns on her head and neck, and black eyes with yellow irises. She wore a simple, by-the-book scout uniform. "I… I'm good." She spoke sheepishly.

These three are the scouts Lilith would be going on a mission with. She'd only met them, but they had already made an impression: Flora, the snobby one; Severine, the shy one; and Steve, the endearing—if to a slightly pesky degree—one. She smiled awkwardly at them, trying to hide her unease.

"You okay?" Steve asked, taking notice of her body language. "You look like you're gonna throw up."

"No, I'm fine," Lilith responded. "Honest."

"Now that you're all here, let's get down to business." The captain began. "Kikimora has asked me to give you your first assignment as scouts of the Emperor's Coven. You will join her on a mission marked as a top priority by the emperor: The capture of wild palismen."

"Excuse me, Captain." Lilith interrupted, raising her hand. "Not to question our emperor, but why are resources devoted to capturing palismen? Isn't palismen carving still legal?"

Lilith's question was met with murmurs of agreement from Steven and Severine. But behind Lilith's back, Flora chuckled, "And I thought you were supposed to be smart." Lilith's face turned red with embarrassment and annoyance.

"Yes, our emperor has allowed the ancient practice of palisman carving to remain legal," the captain explained. "But these are wild palismen. They do not have owners to control the dangerous wild magic that lies within them. If left unchecked, they could threaten Isles citizens; they must be contained. Your mission is to locate, trap, and bring the palismen here." Lilith was about to raise her hand again. "And before you ask, only high-ranking officials know how they're… handled." The captain's uncomfortable pause clued Lilith and the others that they did not want to know the details of what that meant. "Now, unless there are more questions, you will meet Kikimora at Grimgrub's Pub in Bonesborough to begin the hunt."

"Question." Steve was the one to raise his hand this time. "How are we going to get in? I don't think any of us are of drinking age."

"You're coven scouts on coven business." The captain answered. "No one will ask questions. I would hurry over there now. Kikimora does not like to be kept waiting."

"You heard the captain," Flora said, taking over as the leader of the recruits. "Let's get going."

The scouts all rushed to the meeting point, wanting to please Kikimora, who may or may not already have a low opinion of them. While scrambling to make it on time, they could only hope that Kikimora would understand their situation and forgive them if they were late.

Lilith, Steve, Severine, and Flora arrived at Grimgrub's with their masks on, hiding their youth from the patrons. Some drinkers noticed them, then quickly turned away—coven scouts on coven business. Lilith and the others watched for Kikimora; she's only met her once during the coven initiation ceremony. She wouldn't be that hard to miss.

"I don't think she's here yet," Severine said.

"Then we'll just have to wait," Flora replied, walking off from the group.

"Where are you going?" Lilith asked her.

"To find somewhere to sit."

"I'm… going to use the restroom," Severine said, off to search for it. "I'll be back."

"I guess that just leaves us," Steve said, looking at Lilith. "So, tell me about yourself."

"What?" Lilith asked him.

"Y'know, hobbies, favorite class, what you like or don't like to eat, stuff like that."

"Why would you want to know any of that?"

"Why wouldn't I? We're in the same coven, so why not get to know the people we will work with?"

Lilith looked away from him. "I… actually… rather not."

"I wasn't trying to force you to open up; I just wanted to get to know you better." Steve rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"It's not you; it's just…" Lilith sighed. "Things are complicated for me right now."

Steven looked back at Lilith. "If you ever want to talk about it, not right now; I'm a good listener."

Lilith looked back at him, smiling under her mask. "Thank you, Steve." She could sense his sincere desire to help. She thought about how strange it was that someone she had just met could offer her such comfort and understanding, but it filled her with a warmth she hadn't felt in a while.

Kikimora arrived about ten minutes later and—having already expected the scouts to know the mission—began their hunt for the wild palismen. "Wild palisman sightings have been reported in this area." The short coven member explained. The scouts trekked further into the woods, away from any known civilization on the Isles. "If you see one, do not let it get away. Emperor Belos wants every last one."

"Yes, ma'am," Lilith answered, keeping an eye out. Lilith didn't want it to show, lest her loyalty's questioned, but this felt wrong. She's grown up with her mother, uncle, and aunt having palismen of their own. And there was also little Owlbert, whom Eda carved… This all felt wrong to her, but she couldn't say otherwise.

"You okay?" Steven asked, noticing Lilith's worry.

"I'm fine, Steve. Just keep your eyes peeled."

Crinkle. Crinkle. "What was that?" Severine asked, looking up at the trees.

"It's just some leaves in the wind." Flora dismissed her.

"Don't get distracted by little things." Kikimora snapped at Severine. Eek. Eek. "Huh?" Kikimora turned to the sound and spotted an abnormally large mouse. "Aha! Found one!" Kikimora traced a spell circle, and an aura surrounded the mouse, scarring it. Eek! Eek! Kikimora flipped it over to find strange carvings on its belly. It was a mouse palisman. Eek! Eek! Seeing the poor thing cry in fear broke Lilith's heart, but she could do nothing.

"Fore!" A high-pitched voice called out, and a bright golden flash zoomed past the scouts and stopped behind Kikimora. Before Kikimora could even react, the figure swung something against her, sending her flying like a grudgby ball. Both Lilith and Flora ducked to avoid getting hit by their superior. The magical aura around the mouse broke. Eek. Eek. Before scurrying away, its squeaks sounded grateful to the stranger.

The stranger had messy blonde hair, red eyes, and a prominent scar on his face. He was garbed in a mishmash of clothing that seemed to have been picked out at the last minute, perhaps even stolen. The weapon he used to swat Kikimora away was a staff, topped with a crimson bird palisman. "How many times are we gonna do this, Kiki?" The man asked the temporary coven head. "It's like you don't learn. Or maybe you love disappointing Belos."

"Who's this guy?" Steve asked as he and the other recruits prepared for a fight.

The palisman came to life and perched on the man's shoulder. Chirp. Chirp. "That's none of your business." He answered Steve. "Just know that we protect palismen from the likes of you." Chirp. Chirp. "I didn't think Kiki would start bringing children to be her meat shields. But I don't think she's above doing that, either."

"Our emperor has ordered us to find and capture palismen," Lilith said. "If you are against his will, you are an enemy."

The man sighed and looked at her sympathetically. "You don't wanna do this, kid." He told her. "Belos isn't worth it."

"Don't stand around!" Kikimora, who was now getting up, barked. "Take him down!"

Without a second thought, Lilith prepared a spell circle. Smack. Before completing it, the stranger teleported before her and smacked her hand with his staff. "Ow!" Lilith cried.

"Too slow." Her opponent teased. Bwoosh! He grabbed Lilith by her cloak, then side-stepped out of the way as Kikimora threw a fireball at him; it would've hit Lilith, too.

"Stay still, you annoying—" Kikimora hissed.

Steve and Severine stepped up. After tracing a brown spell circle, Steve punched the ground. Rumble. Rumble. Rumble. A wake of earth barreled its way toward the stranger. But he hopped onto his staff and flew above. Severine cast bolts of magical energy at the airborne attacker, but he easily evaded all the spells.

Thwack! A whip suddenly wrapped around the stranger's staff as Flora tried to pull him down. "I got you!" She said with confidence.

"I don't think so." The stranger said. His palisman's eyes glowed, and the staff shot up into the air with enough speed to blow everyone's cloaks.

"Oh… Ahhhhhh!" Flora screamed as she was taken up into the sky with her enemy. The stranger did a loop-the-loop, causing the oldest of the recruits to lose her grip on her whip and free fall. "Ahhhhh!" She wasn't falling so high that she would… meet her demise, but hitting the ground would be very painful.

"I got ya!" Steve shouted as he cast another spell, slamming his palm onto the ground. Rumble. Rumble. Rumble. A giant hand emerged from the ground and opened wide to catch her.

"Umph," Flora grunted as she landed on the palm, which was surprisingly softer than it looked.

"Must I do everything myself!" Kikimora shouted and tossed more fireballs at the stranger, who continued to dodge easily, making her even angrier.

"I got an idea!" Steve shouted, finishing a spell circle and punching the sky. Rumble. Rumble. Rumble. A pillar of earth shot beneath the witchling's feet, launching him directly at their opponent, shouting, "STEVE BALL!"

"What the— Umph!" The blonde witch began before Steve tackled him, knocking him off his staff as they both free-fell. "Ahhhh!" They both screamed. Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! The palisman returned to life and flew after his master as fast as his tiny wings would allow. He got close enough to the witch and quickly transformed back into a staff for him to grab onto. Steve continued to hold onto his opponent by the waste while they dangled in the air.

But Steve got what everyone needed. Their opponent couldn't fly around with the position he was in. "Let's hit him with everything we got," Flora suggested.

"But we could end up hitting Steve." Severine reasoned.

"Incompetent!" Kikimora shouted. "All of you are incompetent!" She traced a spell circle. Bwoosh! A fireball was shot at the witch and Steve. Seeing this coming, a golden aura surrounded him and his palisman, teleporting away. But Steve took the hit and was knocked into a tree on his way down.

"Steve!" Lilith screamed as she, Severine, and Flora ran to his aid.

"He made me miss!" Kikimora accused the injured scout. "You're all disgraces to the Emperor's Coven! You should all be—" Thwack! Kikimora was hit on the head by the stranger, knocking her out.

"How about you just shut up for a while." He spoke. Chirp. Chirp. Chirp. His palisman agreed with him.

"How's Steve?" Lilith asked as she and Flora approached their injured teammate being tended to by Severine.

"He's hurt badly," Severine answered with worry. "We need to get him to a master healer."

"Take your friend and go." The stranger told the conscious scouts as they all looked back at him. "The quicker you get him to a healer, the faster he'll get back on his feet."

"This isn't over." Lilith pointed at the stranger.

"Yes, it is." The red palisman became a staff, and the stranger hopped on. "When you return to the castle, tell Belos that if any scouts come near these woods again, it'll be the last thing they ever do. Byeee!" He waved before teleporting away.

Lilith stuck her tongue out at where the enemy once was, then looked back at Steve. "C'mon, let's get him back to the castle." With Flora and Severine's help, the scouts could carry Steve out of the woods carefully. "And what should we do about Kikimora?" Lilith asked.

"She can find her way back," Flora said with disdain for the minute woman.

The scouts returned to the castle with Steve, dropping him off at the Healing Coven. Steve will be okay but bedridden for a few days; meanwhile, Lilith, Flora, and Severine reported to their superiors. They wanted to tell their side of the story before Kikimora, who has yet to arrive, undoubtedly spins the tale to make herself look good while dragging the others down. All the recruits were still determining what would be in store for them during their time here at the Emperor's Coven. Though Lilith has developed a personal goal—somehow, she'll defeat the wild witch who made fools of them.


And with this chapter, we have been introduced to Hunter and Flapjack. Up next, we'll see how Amity is doing before returning to Eda in the Human Realm.

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Witchlings: The Lost Owlet - Halo20601 (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.