The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (2024)

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger features three amazing debuts, both good and evil. The 48th Sentai series continues off the high of the Go-Onger Crossover by featuring Boonboomger Killer Robo, Boonboom Safari and Boonboom Marine.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger continues as the 48th Sentai series as it runs through its second lap. Brand new additions to the series have been teased by toy releases, including the debut of Boonboom Safari and Boonboom Marine. In light of the recent episode, a new Premium Bandai release has also been unveiled for a Dark Robo is drawn into the light. Big events are also on the horizon as the road from the Go-Onger crossover will lead to the debut of a purple sixth hero and a new Formula 1 inspired robo.

Boonboomger’s 13th and 14th episodes feature the appearance of a new Boonboom Car pair, with a dark version of the robo at the command of the Hashiryan. As Cannonborg unleashes a new invention, Genba is forced to switch to unexpected measures. Dropping down their explosive attitude, the latest instalment unleashes a new lineup of requirements for the team to accomplish.

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (1)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (2)

Fans are treated by a fantastic segment of debuts in the latest episodes. Boonboomger Episodes 13 and 14 bring in Boonboom Safari and Boonboom Marine just as Boonboomger Killer Robo is unleashed. Lap 2 of the series also features a new way that Boonboom Cars must be activated, with a whole new formation from the duo once the conditions are met. The story also adds a great amount of light on both Genba and Ishiro, with development and bonds deepened further. In addition, Mira is also finally wearing pink rather than being the only member lacking her colour in clothes.

Boonboomger #13 Debuts Boonboom Safari and Evil Robo as Genba Shifts Allegiances

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (3)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (4)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (5)

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 13 features an unexpected effect as the Sanseaters call upon Cannonborg’s new invention. Boonboomger Killer Robo is brought out, with an impact that inverts the explosive attitude. The last episode brought a new idea to Taiga as he and Ishiro program Boonboom Safari and Boonboom Marine with advanced AI to match inspiration from Engine Speedor. The episode also features a new combination as Boonboom Safari combines with the Boonboomger Robo for the first time.

The Cursing of Boonboom Power

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (6)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (7)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (8)

The latest instalment had a fantastic idea to reverse the power of hype that the team usually expierence. This is another feature highlighted for Cannonborg as he creates a new way to create an advantage. The debut of Boonboomger Killer Robo was well presented as the Sanseaters calls forth the Boonboomger as they carry out their usual lives. The speaker was an obvious source to pull the breaks on the team, allow fans to see a different side to the team and the cast take on a drained appearance. The makeup team did a fantastic job to create a burned out look, with a brilliant performance to match.

Strategic Humour Using Genba’s Attitude Against Us

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (9)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (10)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (11)

Episode 13 actually had a great way to trick the audience using Genba’s attitude and impression against the audience. Genba’s allegiance change felt perfect for his desire for power but it was also a well used ruse that highlights his true feelings. It was flawless how the character was used to acquire joy for all three Sanseaters before convincing them to wear Boonboomger masks. This was a great way to highlight how fans feel when wearing cosplay and masks, providing a brilliant link between fans and strategic use. This included making the Sanseaters feel explosive, allowing them to feel the effects of the song that burned out the Boonboomgers.

It was great to see Genba use his acquisition skills for the Sanseaters due to the funny desires they showcased. It was also a nice little quirk for the trio to sing and dance to the dark music used against the heroes. The Sanseaters were able to highlight themselves more in the episode, but Cannonborg took a more passive route in the episode. It was a great move to highlight these recurring characters more than providing the spotlight to a later entry.

Thrusting into Action With a New Lore

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (12)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (13)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (14)

Although most of the combat was focused on the robo side, there was a nice new condition set in the episode. This includes having the new Boomboom Cars needing to have a connective reason to lend their strength. This was a great way to give Genba a reward for his wish to ensure the team keeps their drive, so he can see it happen. This resounded with Boonboom Safari, giving the first true connection between a driver and a mecha, excluding Bundorio. It will be interesting if this work-to-obtainment feature continues after the debut of Boonboom Marine since it adds a satisfying development.

Boonboomger Killer Robo VS Boonboomger Robo Safari Custom

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (15)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (16)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (17)

Viewers may not have had a great scene on the Highway Space this episode but the clash between two robos made up for it. It was a shame not to see Boonboom Safari in action on the road but there was a stunning animal scene to link with the name. The only issue is that this scene didn’t have real use or explanation as to how possible. However, the Boonboomger Robo Safari custom formation was a great feature, with a highlight on the incomplete formation suggesting another debut coming soon.

Boonboomger Killer Robo had a great first debut and was a great way to establish the need for Boonboom Safari. It was also great to see the Sanseaters in a more active role as they piloted the new dark robo. It also highlighted how much better Dekotorade was at driving, possibly teasing that this may be the core skill that he brings to the table. There was also a Gatling attack from the head of the Killer Robo, which had a nice similarity to the Dino Force Brave Robo for an odd source of nostalgia. However, there were some Sentai inspired returns as the claw attacks felt like the methods commonly used by Gaoranger and Gekiranger.

Boonboomger #14 Enhances Ishiro, Teases Backstory and Forges Bonds for a Monstrous Debut

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (18)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (19)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (20)

Episode 14 finally sheds a little light on BunBlue’s origins as he focuses on gaining the trust of Boonboom Marine. The episode has a fantastic highlight on the character’s background and even features the debut of Boonboomger Robo Monster. As the Refrigerator Grumer threatens his chances and his favourite location, Ishiro works hard to find a way to save it alone, but Mira forces the solo driver to open up.

Dramatic History Shared and Teased

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (21)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (22)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (23)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (24)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (25)

Episode 14 has granted fans a little more history for Ishiro by giving him a focus in this particular instalment. The aquarium has been a great setup to establish a new view on the character, while also setting up a bond to finally bring BunPink and BunBlue into sync. Refrigerator Grumer has been well implemented to add tension and urgency, being a threat to Ishrio’s only emotional haven and a way to befriend Boonboom Marine.

Fans get to see a bit of Ishiro’s past in the form of working like a soldier or spy on his own and on edge. This creates the perfect reason for Ishiro’s lone wolf attitude and a great way for Mira to find a way in. Mira leaping in to help despite the robo fight showed just how much Mira notices the emotions of the team. This strive finally allowed Mira to awaken realisation from Ishiro, providing the best bond between characters to date in the series.

Combat Runs High with Bond

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (26)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (27)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (28)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (29)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (30)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (31)

The episode features some tense fights that don’t disappoint with a quick charge attack. This time, a great amount of buildup has featured a struggle against Ishiro’s mental state. This was done by adding difficulty to beating the latest Kurumaju, with Cannonborg also increasing the difficulty by forcing a change in tactics. However, the new bond between Mira and Ishiro allowed them to unleash a fantastic range of new moves, with some nice references to the animal seen in the episode. This new combat brought some great environmental moves and even the ice attacks from Refrigerator Grumer added some superb variation.

Boonboomger Robo Monster Creates Perfect Fight for Killer Robo Power

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (32)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (33)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (34)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (35)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (36)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (37)
The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (38)

The upgrade to Boonboomger Killer Robo was used well to establish a need for greater power. Much like the previous episode, it opened up the need for Boonboom Marine. This allowed a fantastic connection and reward for Mira and Ishrio’s character building and bond. The fight was also delightfully tense, having the Boomboomger Police formation outmatched and even halted from changing. The scales finally tipped when fans got to see the debut of the Monster formation, which even had a tail.

The formation also had returns of the kaiju theme that fans have loved in other series. Boonboomger Robo Monster allowed for similarities to ZenkaijuOh, which shows how much the series can bring other Sentai stereotypes without losing the vehicle theme. The attacks also had some uniqueness, with the drill biting creating a memorable moment for its debut. It will be interesting to see how much this great formation will be used again in the future.

The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (39)

For a twist in concept with two ideal debuts, we give Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 13 a total score of 8 out of 10.

For a twist in concept with two ideal debuts, we give Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 14 a total score of 9 out of 10.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger will air Episode 15 on Sunday, June 9th, 2024, exclusively in Japan. The next instalment for the 48th Sentai series will feature a nonviolent Kurumajyu and Jou fighting for what is right.

For more Boonboomger, keep an eye on the next upcoming Sentai Summary. For more Super Sentai, keep an eye on social media and keep following The Toku Source for more news and announcements.

Source: TV-Asahi

  • The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (40)

    Henshin Asset (Bryn)

    With a passion for Tokusatsu's Power Rangers and Super Sentai franchise, I am a Writer from The Illuminerdi who shares his love of Toku as a UK Resident. Big fan of Beetleborgs and various Kamen Rider series, and also loves Anime, Gaming, and VR. My Favourite Ranger series is Power Rangers Hyperforce, which demonstrates the power of TTRPGs.

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The Sentai Summary: Boonboomger #13/14 Showcases Wild Debuts as Killer Robo Arises - The Toku Source (2024)
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